
235 lines
9.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

- cron: '0 0 * * *'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install dependencies
run: sudo apt-get install -y jq dnsutils
2021-11-30 00:45:33 +00:00
- uses: webfactory/ssh-agent@v0.5.3
ssh-private-key: |
${{ secrets.PRIMARY_REPO_KEY }}
- name: Fetch instances
run: |
function apply_update() {
mv services-tmp.json services-full.json
rm -f *-tmp.json
# Ensure no trailing slashes for any instance
sed -i 's/\/"/"/g' services-full.json
# ==============================================================
# Git config
# ==============================================================
git config --global user.name github-actions
git config --global user.email 41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com
git remote set-url origin git@github.com:benbusby/farside.git
git checkout main
# ==============================================================
# Bibliogram update
# NOTE: Bibliogram has been discontinued and the official instance
# at bibliogram.art is no longer around. Unless a new "official"
# instance pops up, Bibliogram will likely be removed from farside
# ==============================================================
#curl -s https://bibliogram.art/api/instances | \
#jq '[
#.data |
#.[] |
#select(.onion_site | not) |
#] | sort' > bibliogram-tmp.json
#jq --slurpfile bibliogram bibliogram-tmp.json \
#'( .[] | select(.type == "bibliogram") )
#.instances |= $bibliogram[0]' services-full.json > services-tmp.json
# ==============================================================
# searx update
# ==============================================================
curl -s https://searx.space/data/instances.json | \
jq '[
.instances |
to_entries[] |
select(.value.network_type == "normal") |
select(.value.version | . != null) |
select(.value.network.asn_privacy == 0) |
select(.value.http.error == null) |
select(.value.tls.grade == "A+" or .value.tls.grade == "A") |
select(.value.http.grade == "A+" or .value.http.grade == "A") |
select(.value.html.grade == "V" or .value.html.grade == "F") |
select(.key | contains(".i2p") | not) |
] | sort' > searx-tmp.json
cat searx-tmp.json | jq .
jq --slurpfile searx searx-tmp.json \
'( .[] | select(.type == "searx") )
.instances |= $searx[0]' services-full.json > services-tmp.json
# ==============================================================
# SearXNG update
# ==============================================================
curl -s https://searx.space/data/instances.json | \
jq '[
.instances |
to_entries[] |
select(.value.network_type == "normal") |
select(.value.generator | . != null) |
select(.value.generator | contains("searxng")) |
select(.value.version | . != null) |
select(.value.network.asn_privacy == 0) |
select(.value.http.error == null) |
select(.value.uptime.uptimeDay >= 99) |
select(.value.tls.grade == "A+" or .value.tls.grade == "A") |
select(.value.http.grade == "A+" or .value.http.grade == "A") |
select(.value.html.grade == "V" or .value.html.grade == "F") |
select(.key | contains(".i2p") | not) |
] | sort' > searxng-tmp.json
cat searxng-tmp.json | jq .
jq --slurpfile searxng searxng-tmp.json \
'( .[] | select(.type == "searxng") )
.instances |= $searxng[0]' services-full.json > services-tmp.json
# ==============================================================
# SimplyTranslate update
# ==============================================================
curl -s https://codeberg.org/SimpleWeb/Website/raw/branch/master/config.json | jq -r '.projects | map(select(.id == "simplytranslate"))[0].instances | .[]' > st-out
sed -i -e 's/^/https:\/\//' st-out
jq -ncR '[inputs]' <<< "$(cat st-out | sort)" > st-tmp.json
jq --slurpfile simplytranslate st-tmp.json \
'( .[] | select(.type == "simplytranslate") )
.instances |= $simplytranslate[0]' services-full.json > services-tmp.json
2021-12-24 00:33:44 +00:00
# ==============================================================
# Whoogle update
# ==============================================================
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/benbusby/whoogle-search/main/misc/instances.txt > whoogle-out
jq -ncR '[inputs]' <<< "$(cat whoogle-out | sort)" > whoogle-tmp.json
jq --slurpfile whoogle whoogle-tmp.json \
'( .[] | select(.type == "whoogle") )
.instances |= $whoogle[0]' services-full.json > services-tmp.json
2021-12-24 00:33:44 +00:00
# ==============================================================
# Invidious update
# ==============================================================
curl -s https://api.invidious.io/instances.json | \
jq '[
.[] |
select(.[1].type | contains("https")) ] |
[.[][1].uri] |
sort' > invidious-tmp.json
jq --slurpfile invidious invidious-tmp.json \
'( .[] | select(.type == "invidious") )
.instances |= $invidious[0]' services-full.json > services-tmp.json
2021-12-24 00:33:44 +00:00
# ==============================================================
# Scribe update
# ==============================================================
curl -s https://git.sr.ht/~edwardloveall/scribe/blob/main/docs/instances.json > scribe-tmp.json
jq --slurpfile scribe scribe-tmp.json \
'( .[] | select(.type == "scribe") )
.instances |= $scribe[0]' services-full.json > services-tmp.json
# ==============================================================
# teddit update
# ==============================================================
curl -s https://codeberg.org/teddit/teddit/raw/branch/main/instances.json | \
jq '[
.[] |
select(.url | contains("https")) |
.url ] |
sort' > teddit-tmp.json
jq --slurpfile teddit teddit-tmp.json \
'( .[] | select(.type == "teddit") )
.instances |= $teddit[0]' services-full.json > services-tmp.json
# ==============================================================
# Wikiless update
# NOTE: Codeberg has removed the Wikiless repo until the maintainer
# makes changes. See https://orenom.fi for updates.
# ==============================================================
#curl -s https://codeberg.org/orenom/Wikiless/raw/branch/main/instances.json | \
#jq '[
#.[] |
#select((.url | contains(".onion") | not) and (.url | contains("https"))).url ] |
#sort' > wikiless-tmp.json
#jq --slurpfile wikiless wikiless-tmp.json \
#'( .[] | select(.type == "wikiless") )
#.instances |= $wikiless[0]' services-full.json > services-tmp.json
# ==============================================================
# libreddit update
# ==============================================================
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/libreddit/libreddit-instances/master/instances.json | \
jq '[
.instances[] |
select(.url) |
.url ] |
sort' > libreddit-tmp.json
jq --slurpfile libreddit libreddit-tmp.json \
'( .[] | select(.type == "libreddit") )
.instances |= $libreddit[0]' services-full.json > services-tmp.json
# ==============================================================
# BreezeWiki update
# ==============================================================
curl -s https://docs.breezewiki.com/files/instances.json | \
jq '[.[] | .instance]' > bw-tmp.json
jq --slurpfile breezewiki breezewiki-tmp.json \
'(.[] | select(.type == "breezewiki") )
.instances |= $breezewiki[0]' services-full.json > services-tmp.json
# ==============================================================
# TODO: Update instances for other services
# ==============================================================
# ==============================================================
# Filter out Cloudflared instances from services-full.json into
# services.json
# ==============================================================
# ==============================================================
# Push changes
# ==============================================================
git add services.json services-full.json
git commit -m '[CI] Auto update instances' || exit 0
git push