2024-05-17 11:27:42 +05:30

1019 lines
35 KiB

import 'dart:async';
import "dart:math";
import "package:collection/collection.dart";
import "package:flutter/foundation.dart";
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' show join;
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
import "package:photos/extensions/stop_watch.dart";
import 'package:photos/face/db_fields.dart';
import "package:photos/face/db_model_mappers.dart";
import "package:photos/face/model/face.dart";
import "package:photos/models/file/file.dart";
import "package:photos/services/machine_learning/face_ml/face_clustering/face_info_for_clustering.dart";
import 'package:photos/services/machine_learning/face_ml/face_filtering/face_filtering_constants.dart';
import 'package:sqlite_async/sqlite_async.dart';
/// Stores all data for the FacesML-related features. The database can be accessed by `FaceMLDataDB.instance.database`.
/// This includes:
/// [facesTable] - Stores all the detected faces and its embeddings in the images.
/// [createFaceClustersTable] - Stores all the mappings from the faces (faceID) to the clusters (clusterID).
/// [clusterPersonTable] - Stores all the clusters that are mapped to a certain person.
/// [clusterSummaryTable] - Stores a summary of each cluster, containg the mean embedding and the number of faces in the cluster.
/// [notPersonFeedback] - Stores the clusters that are confirmed not to belong to a certain person by the user
class FaceMLDataDB {
static final Logger _logger = Logger("FaceMLDataDB");
static const _databaseName = "ente.face_ml_db.db";
static const _databaseVersion = 1;
static final FaceMLDataDB instance = FaceMLDataDB._privateConstructor();
// only have a single app-wide reference to the database
static Future<SqliteDatabase>? _sqliteAsyncDBFuture;
Future<SqliteDatabase> get asyncDB async {
_sqliteAsyncDBFuture ??= _initSqliteAsyncDatabase();
return _sqliteAsyncDBFuture!;
Future<SqliteDatabase> _initSqliteAsyncDatabase() async {
final documentsDirectory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
final String databaseDirectory =
join(documentsDirectory.path, _databaseName);
_logger.info("Opening sqlite_async access: DB path " + databaseDirectory);
final asyncDBConnection =
SqliteDatabase(path: databaseDirectory, maxReaders: 2);
await _onCreate(asyncDBConnection);
return asyncDBConnection;
Future<void> _onCreate(SqliteDatabase asyncDBConnection) async {
final migrations = SqliteMigrations()
SqliteMigration(_databaseVersion, (tx) async {
await tx.execute(createFacesTable);
await tx.execute(createFaceClustersTable);
await tx.execute(createClusterPersonTable);
await tx.execute(createClusterSummaryTable);
await tx.execute(createNotPersonFeedbackTable);
await tx.execute(fcClusterIDIndex);
await migrations.migrate(asyncDBConnection);
// bulkInsertFaces inserts the faces in the database in batches of 1000.
// This is done to avoid the error "too many SQL variables" when inserting
// a large number of faces.
Future<void> bulkInsertFaces(List<Face> faces) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
const batchSize = 500;
final numBatches = (faces.length / batchSize).ceil();
for (int i = 0; i < numBatches; i++) {
final start = i * batchSize;
final end = min((i + 1) * batchSize, faces.length);
final batch = faces.sublist(start, end);
const String sql = '''
INSERT INTO $facesTable (
$fileIDColumn, $faceIDColumn, $faceDetectionColumn, $faceEmbeddingBlob, $faceScore, $faceBlur, $isSideways, $imageHeight, $imageWidth, $mlVersionColumn
) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
ON CONFLICT($fileIDColumn, $faceIDColumn) DO UPDATE SET $faceIDColumn = excluded.$faceIDColumn, $faceDetectionColumn = excluded.$faceDetectionColumn, $faceEmbeddingBlob = excluded.$faceEmbeddingBlob, $faceScore = excluded.$faceScore, $faceBlur = excluded.$faceBlur, $isSideways = excluded.$isSideways, $imageHeight = excluded.$imageHeight, $imageWidth = excluded.$imageWidth, $mlVersionColumn = excluded.$mlVersionColumn
final parameterSets = batch.map((face) {
final map = mapRemoteToFaceDB(face);
return [
await db.executeBatch(sql, parameterSets);
Future<void> updateFaceIdToClusterId(
Map<String, int> faceIDToClusterID,
) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
const batchSize = 500;
final numBatches = (faceIDToClusterID.length / batchSize).ceil();
for (int i = 0; i < numBatches; i++) {
final start = i * batchSize;
final end = min((i + 1) * batchSize, faceIDToClusterID.length);
final batch = faceIDToClusterID.entries.toList().sublist(start, end);
const String sql = '''
INSERT INTO $faceClustersTable ($fcFaceId, $fcClusterID)
VALUES (?, ?)
ON CONFLICT($fcFaceId) DO UPDATE SET $fcClusterID = excluded.$fcClusterID
final parameterSets = batch.map((e) => [e.key, e.value]).toList();
await db.executeBatch(sql, parameterSets);
/// Returns a map of fileID to the indexed ML version
Future<Map<int, int>> getIndexedFileIds({int? minimumMlVersion}) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
String query = '''
SELECT $fileIDColumn, $mlVersionColumn
FROM $facesTable
if (minimumMlVersion != null) {
query += ' WHERE $mlVersionColumn >= $minimumMlVersion';
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll(query);
final Map<int, int> result = {};
for (final map in maps) {
result[map[fileIDColumn] as int] = map[mlVersionColumn] as int;
return result;
Future<int> getIndexedFileCount({int? minimumMlVersion}) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
String query =
'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT $fileIDColumn) as count FROM $facesTable';
if (minimumMlVersion != null) {
query += ' WHERE $mlVersionColumn >= $minimumMlVersion';
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll(query);
return maps.first['count'] as int;
Future<Map<int, int>> clusterIdToFaceCount() async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll(
'SELECT $fcClusterID, COUNT(*) as count FROM $faceClustersTable where $fcClusterID IS NOT NULL GROUP BY $fcClusterID ',
final Map<int, int> result = {};
for (final map in maps) {
result[map[fcClusterID] as int] = map['count'] as int;
return result;
Future<Set<int>> getPersonIgnoredClusters(String personID) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
// find out clusterIds that are assigned to other persons using the clusters table
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> otherPersonMaps = await db.getAll(
'SELECT $clusterIDColumn FROM $clusterPersonTable WHERE $personIdColumn != ? AND $personIdColumn IS NOT NULL',
final Set<int> ignoredClusterIDs =
otherPersonMaps.map((e) => e[clusterIDColumn] as int).toSet();
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> rejectMaps = await db.getAll(
'SELECT $clusterIDColumn FROM $notPersonFeedback WHERE $personIdColumn = ?',
final Set<int> rejectClusterIDs =
rejectMaps.map((e) => e[clusterIDColumn] as int).toSet();
return ignoredClusterIDs.union(rejectClusterIDs);
Future<Set<int>> getPersonClusterIDs(String personID) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll(
'SELECT $clusterIDColumn FROM $clusterPersonTable WHERE $personIdColumn = ?',
return maps.map((e) => e[clusterIDColumn] as int).toSet();
Future<void> clearTable() async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
await db.execute(deleteFacesTable);
await db.execute(dropClusterPersonTable);
await db.execute(dropClusterSummaryTable);
await db.execute(deletePersonTable);
await db.execute(dropNotPersonFeedbackTable);
Future<Iterable<Uint8List>> getFaceEmbeddingsForCluster(
int clusterID, {
int? limit,
}) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll(
'SELECT $faceEmbeddingBlob FROM $facesTable WHERE $faceIDColumn in (SELECT $fcFaceId from $faceClustersTable where $fcClusterID = ?) ${limit != null ? 'LIMIT $limit' : ''}',
return maps.map((e) => e[faceEmbeddingBlob] as Uint8List);
Future<Map<int, Iterable<Uint8List>>> getFaceEmbeddingsForClusters(
Iterable<int> clusterIDs, {
int? limit,
}) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
final Map<int, List<Uint8List>> result = {};
final selectQuery = '''
SELECT fc.$fcClusterID, fe.$faceEmbeddingBlob
FROM $faceClustersTable fc
INNER JOIN $facesTable fe ON fc.$fcFaceId = fe.$faceIDColumn
WHERE fc.$fcClusterID IN (${clusterIDs.join(',')})
${limit != null ? 'LIMIT $limit' : ''}
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll(selectQuery);
for (final map in maps) {
final clusterID = map[fcClusterID] as int;
final faceEmbedding = map[faceEmbeddingBlob] as Uint8List;
result.putIfAbsent(clusterID, () => <Uint8List>[]).add(faceEmbedding);
return result;
Future<Face?> getCoverFaceForPerson({
required int recentFileID,
String? personID,
String? avatarFaceId,
int? clusterID,
}) async {
// read person from db
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
if (personID != null) {
final List<int> fileId = [recentFileID];
int? avatarFileId;
if (avatarFaceId != null) {
avatarFileId = int.tryParse(avatarFaceId.split('_')[0]);
if (avatarFileId != null) {
const String queryClusterID = '''
SELECT $clusterIDColumn
FROM $clusterPersonTable
WHERE $personIdColumn = ?
final clusterRows = await db.getAll(
final clusterIDs =
clusterRows.map((e) => e[clusterIDColumn] as int).toList();
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> faceMaps = await db.getAll(
'SELECT * FROM $facesTable where '
'$faceIDColumn in (SELECT $fcFaceId from $faceClustersTable where $fcClusterID IN (${clusterIDs.join(",")}))'
'AND $fileIDColumn in (${fileId.join(",")}) AND $faceScore > $kMinimumQualityFaceScore ORDER BY $faceScore DESC',
if (faceMaps.isNotEmpty) {
if (avatarFileId != null) {
final row = faceMaps.firstWhereOrNull(
(element) => (element[fileIDColumn] as int) == avatarFileId,
if (row != null) {
return mapRowToFace(row);
return mapRowToFace(faceMaps.first);
if (clusterID != null) {
const String queryFaceID = '''
SELECT $fcFaceId
FROM $faceClustersTable
WHERE $fcClusterID = ?
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> faceMaps = await db.getAll(
final List<Face>? faces = await getFacesForGivenFileID(recentFileID);
if (faces != null) {
for (final face in faces) {
if (faceMaps
.any((element) => (element[fcFaceId] as String) == face.faceID)) {
return face;
if (personID == null && clusterID == null) {
throw Exception("personID and clusterID cannot be null");
return null;
Future<List<Face>?> getFacesForGivenFileID(int fileUploadID) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
const String query = '''
SELECT * FROM $facesTable
WHERE $fileIDColumn = ?
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll(
if (maps.isEmpty) {
return null;
return maps.map((e) => mapRowToFace(e)).toList();
Future<Face?> getFaceForFaceID(String faceID) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
final result = await db.getAll(
'SELECT * FROM $facesTable where $faceIDColumn = ?',
if (result.isEmpty) {
return null;
return mapRowToFace(result.first);
Future<Map<int, Iterable<String>>> getClusterToFaceIDs(
Set<int> clusterIDs,
) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
final Map<int, List<String>> result = {};
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll(
'SELECT $fcClusterID, $fcFaceId FROM $faceClustersTable WHERE $fcClusterID IN (${clusterIDs.join(",")})',
for (final map in maps) {
final clusterID = map[fcClusterID] as int;
final faceID = map[fcFaceId] as String;
result.putIfAbsent(clusterID, () => <String>[]).add(faceID);
return result;
Future<int?> getClusterIDForFaceID(String faceID) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll(
'SELECT $fcClusterID FROM $faceClustersTable WHERE $fcFaceId = ?',
if (maps.isEmpty) {
return null;
return maps.first[fcClusterID] as int;
Future<Map<int, Iterable<String>>> getAllClusterIdToFaceIDs() async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
final Map<int, List<String>> result = {};
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll(
'SELECT $fcClusterID, $fcFaceId FROM $faceClustersTable',
for (final map in maps) {
final clusterID = map[fcClusterID] as int;
final faceID = map[fcFaceId] as String;
result.putIfAbsent(clusterID, () => <String>[]).add(faceID);
return result;
Future<Iterable<String>> getFaceIDsForCluster(int clusterID) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll(
'SELECT $fcFaceId FROM $faceClustersTable '
'WHERE $faceClustersTable.$fcClusterID = ?',
return maps.map((e) => e[fcFaceId] as String).toSet();
// Get Map of personID to Map of clusterID to faceIDs
Future<Map<String, Map<int, Set<String>>>>
getPersonToClusterIdToFaceIds() async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll(
'SELECT $personIdColumn, $faceClustersTable.$fcClusterID, $fcFaceId FROM $clusterPersonTable '
'LEFT JOIN $faceClustersTable ON $clusterPersonTable.$clusterIDColumn = $faceClustersTable.$fcClusterID',
final Map<String, Map<int, Set<String>>> result = {};
for (final map in maps) {
final personID = map[personIdColumn] as String;
final clusterID = map[fcClusterID] as int;
final faceID = map[fcFaceId] as String;
result.putIfAbsent(personID, () => {}).putIfAbsent(clusterID, () => {})
return result;
Future<Set<String>> getFaceIDsForPerson(String personID) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
final faceIdsResult = await db.getAll(
'SELECT $fcFaceId FROM $faceClustersTable LEFT JOIN $clusterPersonTable '
'ON $faceClustersTable.$fcClusterID = $clusterPersonTable.$clusterIDColumn '
'WHERE $clusterPersonTable.$personIdColumn = ?',
return faceIdsResult.map((e) => e[fcFaceId] as String).toSet();
Future<Iterable<double>> getBlurValuesForCluster(int clusterID) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
const String query = '''
SELECT $facesTable.$faceBlur
FROM $facesTable
JOIN $faceClustersTable ON $facesTable.$faceIDColumn = $faceClustersTable.$fcFaceId
WHERE $faceClustersTable.$fcClusterID = ?
// const String query2 = '''
// SELECT $faceBlur
// FROM $facesTable
// WHERE $faceIDColumn IN (SELECT $fcFaceId FROM $faceClustersTable WHERE $fcClusterID = ?)
// ''';
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll(
return maps.map((e) => e[faceBlur] as double).toSet();
Future<Map<String, double>> getFaceIDsToBlurValues(
int maxBlurValue,
) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll(
'SELECT $faceIDColumn, $faceBlur FROM $facesTable WHERE $faceBlur < $maxBlurValue AND $faceBlur > 1 ORDER BY $faceBlur ASC',
final Map<String, double> result = {};
for (final map in maps) {
result[map[faceIDColumn] as String] = map[faceBlur] as double;
return result;
Future<Map<String, int?>> getFaceIdsToClusterIds(
Iterable<String> faceIds,
) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll(
'SELECT $fcFaceId, $fcClusterID FROM $faceClustersTable where $fcFaceId IN (${faceIds.map((id) => "'$id'").join(",")})',
final Map<String, int?> result = {};
for (final map in maps) {
result[map[fcFaceId] as String] = map[fcClusterID] as int?;
return result;
Future<Map<int, Set<int>>> getFileIdToClusterIds() async {
final Map<int, Set<int>> result = {};
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll(
'SELECT $fcClusterID, $fcFaceId FROM $faceClustersTable',
for (final map in maps) {
final clusterID = map[fcClusterID] as int;
final faceID = map[fcFaceId] as String;
final x = faceID.split('_').first;
final fileID = int.parse(x);
result[fileID] = (result[fileID] ?? {})..add(clusterID);
return result;
Future<void> forceUpdateClusterIds(
Map<String, int> faceIDToClusterID,
) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
const String sql = '''
INSERT INTO $faceClustersTable ($fcFaceId, $fcClusterID)
VALUES (?, ?)
ON CONFLICT($fcFaceId) DO UPDATE SET $fcClusterID = excluded.$fcClusterID
final parameterSets =
faceIDToClusterID.entries.map((e) => [e.key, e.value]).toList();
await db.executeBatch(sql, parameterSets);
Future<void> removePerson(String personID) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
await db.writeTransaction((tx) async {
await tx.execute(
'DELETE FROM $clusterPersonTable WHERE $personIdColumn = ?',
await tx.execute(
'DELETE FROM $notPersonFeedback WHERE $personIdColumn = ?',
Future<List<FaceInfoForClustering>> getFaceInfoForClustering({
double minScore = kMinimumQualityFaceScore,
int minClarity = kLaplacianHardThreshold,
int maxFaces = 20000,
int offset = 0,
int batchSize = 10000,
}) async {
try {
final EnteWatch w = EnteWatch("getFaceEmbeddingMap")..start();
'reading as float offset: $offset, maxFaces: $maxFaces, batchSize: $batchSize',
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
final List<FaceInfoForClustering> result = <FaceInfoForClustering>[];
while (true) {
// Query a batch of rows
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll(
'SELECT $faceIDColumn, $faceEmbeddingBlob, $faceScore, $faceBlur, $isSideways FROM $facesTable'
' WHERE $faceScore > $minScore AND $faceBlur > $minClarity'
' ORDER BY $faceIDColumn'
' DESC LIMIT $batchSize OFFSET $offset',
// Break the loop if no more rows
if (maps.isEmpty) {
final List<String> faceIds = [];
for (final map in maps) {
faceIds.add(map[faceIDColumn] as String);
final faceIdToClusterId = await getFaceIdsToClusterIds(faceIds);
for (final map in maps) {
final faceID = map[faceIDColumn] as String;
final faceInfo = FaceInfoForClustering(
faceID: faceID,
clusterId: faceIdToClusterId[faceID],
embeddingBytes: map[faceEmbeddingBlob] as Uint8List,
faceScore: map[faceScore] as double,
blurValue: map[faceBlur] as double,
isSideways: (map[isSideways] as int) == 1,
if (result.length >= maxFaces) {
offset += batchSize;
w.stopWithLog('done reading face embeddings ${result.length}');
return result;
} catch (e) {
_logger.severe('err in getFaceInfoForClustering', e);
Future<Map<String, Uint8List>> getFaceEmbeddingMapForFile(
List<int> fileIDs,
) async {
_logger.info('reading face embeddings for ${fileIDs.length} files');
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
// Define the batch size
const batchSize = 10000;
int offset = 0;
final Map<String, Uint8List> result = {};
while (true) {
// Query a batch of rows
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll('''
SELECT $faceIDColumn, $faceEmbeddingBlob
FROM $facesTable
WHERE $faceScore > $kMinimumQualityFaceScore AND $faceBlur > $kLaplacianHardThreshold AND $fileIDColumn IN (${fileIDs.join(",")})
LIMIT $batchSize OFFSET $offset
// final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.query(
// facesTable,
// columns: [faceIDColumn, faceEmbeddingBlob],
// where:
// '$faceScore > $kMinimumQualityFaceScore AND $faceBlur > $kLaplacianHardThreshold AND $fileIDColumn IN (${fileIDs.join(",")})',
// limit: batchSize,
// offset: offset,
// orderBy: '$faceIDColumn DESC',
// );
// Break the loop if no more rows
if (maps.isEmpty) {
for (final map in maps) {
final faceID = map[faceIDColumn] as String;
result[faceID] = map[faceEmbeddingBlob] as Uint8List;
if (result.length > 10000) {
offset += batchSize;
_logger.info('done reading face embeddings for ${fileIDs.length} files');
return result;
Future<Map<String, Uint8List>> getFaceEmbeddingMapForFaces(
Iterable<String> faceIDs,
) async {
_logger.info('reading face embeddings for ${faceIDs.length} faces');
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
// Define the batch size
const batchSize = 10000;
int offset = 0;
final Map<String, Uint8List> result = {};
while (true) {
// Query a batch of rows
final String query = '''
SELECT $faceIDColumn, $faceEmbeddingBlob
FROM $facesTable
WHERE $faceIDColumn IN (${faceIDs.map((id) => "'$id'").join(",")})
LIMIT $batchSize OFFSET $offset
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll(query);
// Break the loop if no more rows
if (maps.isEmpty) {
for (final map in maps) {
final faceID = map[faceIDColumn] as String;
result[faceID] = map[faceEmbeddingBlob] as Uint8List;
if (result.length > 10000) {
offset += batchSize;
_logger.info('done reading face embeddings for ${faceIDs.length} faces');
return result;
Future<int> getTotalFaceCount({
double minFaceScore = kMinimumQualityFaceScore,
}) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll(
'SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM $facesTable WHERE $faceScore > $minFaceScore AND $faceBlur > $kLaplacianHardThreshold',
return maps.first['count'] as int;
Future<int> getClusteredFaceCount() async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll(
'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT $fcFaceId) as count FROM $faceClustersTable',
return maps.first['count'] as int;
Future<double> getClusteredToTotalFacesRatio() async {
final int totalFaces = await getTotalFaceCount();
final int clusteredFaces = await getClusteredFaceCount();
return clusteredFaces / totalFaces;
Future<int> getBlurryFaceCount([
int blurThreshold = kLaplacianHardThreshold,
]) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll(
'SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM $facesTable WHERE $faceBlur <= $blurThreshold AND $faceScore > $kMinimumQualityFaceScore',
return maps.first['count'] as int;
/// WARNING: This method does not drop the persons and other feedback. Consider using [dropClustersAndPersonTable] instead.
Future<void> resetClusterIDs() async {
try {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
await db.execute(dropFaceClustersTable);
await db.execute(createFaceClustersTable);
await db.execute(fcClusterIDIndex);
} catch (e, s) {
_logger.severe('Error resetting clusterIDs', e, s);
Future<void> assignClusterToPerson({
required String personID,
required int clusterID,
}) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
const String sql = '''
INSERT INTO $clusterPersonTable ($personIdColumn, $clusterIDColumn) VALUES (?, ?) ON CONFLICT($personIdColumn, $clusterIDColumn) DO NOTHING
await db.execute(sql, [personID, clusterID]);
Future<void> bulkAssignClusterToPersonID(
Map<int, String> clusterToPersonID,
) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
const String sql = '''
INSERT INTO $clusterPersonTable ($personIdColumn, $clusterIDColumn) VALUES (?, ?) ON CONFLICT($personIdColumn, $clusterIDColumn) DO NOTHING
final parameterSets =
clusterToPersonID.entries.map((e) => [e.value, e.key]).toList();
await db.executeBatch(sql, parameterSets);
// final batch = db.batch();
// for (final entry in clusterToPersonID.entries) {
// final clusterID = entry.key;
// final personID = entry.value;
// batch.insert(
// clusterPersonTable,
// {
// personIdColumn: personID,
// clusterIDColumn: clusterID,
// },
// conflictAlgorithm: ConflictAlgorithm.replace,
// );
// }
// await batch.commit(noResult: true);
Future<void> captureNotPersonFeedback({
required String personID,
required int clusterID,
}) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
const String sql = '''
INSERT INTO $notPersonFeedback ($personIdColumn, $clusterIDColumn) VALUES (?, ?) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING
await db.execute(sql, [personID, clusterID]);
Future<void> bulkCaptureNotPersonFeedback(
Map<int, String> clusterToPersonID,
) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
const String sql = '''
INSERT INTO $notPersonFeedback ($personIdColumn, $clusterIDColumn) VALUES (?, ?) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING
final parameterSets =
clusterToPersonID.entries.map((e) => [e.value, e.key]).toList();
await db.executeBatch(sql, parameterSets);
Future<void> removeClusterToPerson({
required String personID,
required int clusterID,
}) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
const String sql = '''
DELETE FROM $clusterPersonTable WHERE $personIdColumn = ? AND $clusterIDColumn = ?
await db.execute(sql, [personID, clusterID]);
// for a given personID, return a map of clusterID to fileIDs using join query
Future<Map<int, Set<int>>> getFileIdToClusterIDSet(String personID) {
final db = instance.asyncDB;
return db.then((db) async {
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll(
'SELECT $faceClustersTable.$fcClusterID, $fcFaceId FROM $faceClustersTable '
'INNER JOIN $clusterPersonTable '
'ON $faceClustersTable.$fcClusterID = $clusterPersonTable.$clusterIDColumn '
'WHERE $clusterPersonTable.$personIdColumn = ?',
final Map<int, Set<int>> result = {};
for (final map in maps) {
final clusterID = map[clusterIDColumn] as int;
final String faceID = map[fcFaceId] as String;
final fileID = int.parse(faceID.split('_').first);
result[fileID] = (result[fileID] ?? {})..add(clusterID);
return result;
Future<Map<int, Set<int>>> getFileIdToClusterIDSetForCluster(
Set<int> clusterIDs,
) {
final db = instance.asyncDB;
return db.then((db) async {
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll(
'SELECT $fcClusterID, $fcFaceId FROM $faceClustersTable '
'WHERE $fcClusterID IN (${clusterIDs.join(",")})',
final Map<int, Set<int>> result = {};
for (final map in maps) {
final clusterID = map[fcClusterID] as int;
final faceId = map[fcFaceId] as String;
final fileID = int.parse(faceId.split("_").first);
result[fileID] = (result[fileID] ?? {})..add(clusterID);
return result;
Future<void> clusterSummaryUpdate(Map<int, (Uint8List, int)> summary) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
const String sql = '''
INSERT INTO $clusterSummaryTable ($clusterIDColumn, $avgColumn, $countColumn) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT($clusterIDColumn) DO UPDATE SET $avgColumn = excluded.$avgColumn, $countColumn = excluded.$countColumn
final List<List<Object?>> parameterSets = [];
int batchCounter = 0;
for (final entry in summary.entries) {
if (batchCounter == 400) {
await db.executeBatch(sql, parameterSets);
batchCounter = 0;
final int clusterID = entry.key;
final int count = entry.value.$2;
final Uint8List avg = entry.value.$1;
parameterSets.add([clusterID, avg, count]);
await db.executeBatch(sql, parameterSets);
Future<void> deleteClusterSummary(int clusterID) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
const String sqlDelete =
'DELETE FROM $clusterSummaryTable WHERE $clusterIDColumn = ?';
await db.execute(sqlDelete, [clusterID]);
/// Returns a map of clusterID to (avg embedding, count)
Future<Map<int, (Uint8List, int)>> getAllClusterSummary([
int? minClusterSize,
]) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
final Map<int, (Uint8List, int)> result = {};
final rows = await db.getAll(
'SELECT * FROM $clusterSummaryTable${minClusterSize != null ? ' WHERE $countColumn >= $minClusterSize' : ''}',
for (final r in rows) {
final id = r[clusterIDColumn] as int;
final avg = r[avgColumn] as Uint8List;
final count = r[countColumn] as int;
result[id] = (avg, count);
return result;
Future<Map<int, (Uint8List, int)>> getClusterToClusterSummary(
Iterable<int> clusterIDs,
) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
final Map<int, (Uint8List, int)> result = {};
final rows = await db.getAll(
'SELECT * FROM $clusterSummaryTable WHERE $clusterIDColumn IN (${clusterIDs.join(",")})',
for (final r in rows) {
final id = r[clusterIDColumn] as int;
final avg = r[avgColumn] as Uint8List;
final count = r[countColumn] as int;
result[id] = (avg, count);
return result;
Future<Map<int, String>> getClusterIDToPersonID() async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.getAll(
'SELECT $personIdColumn, $clusterIDColumn FROM $clusterPersonTable',
final Map<int, String> result = {};
for (final map in maps) {
result[map[clusterIDColumn] as int] = map[personIdColumn] as String;
return result;
/// WARNING: This will delete ALL data in the database! Only use this for debug/testing purposes!
Future<void> dropClustersAndPersonTable({bool faces = false}) async {
try {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
if (faces) {
await db.execute(deleteFacesTable);
await db.execute(createFacesTable);
await db.execute(dropFaceClustersTable);
await db.execute(createFaceClustersTable);
await db.execute(fcClusterIDIndex);
await db.execute(deletePersonTable);
await db.execute(dropClusterPersonTable);
await db.execute(dropNotPersonFeedbackTable);
await db.execute(dropClusterSummaryTable);
await db.execute(dropFaceClustersTable);
await db.execute(createClusterPersonTable);
await db.execute(createNotPersonFeedbackTable);
await db.execute(createClusterSummaryTable);
await db.execute(createFaceClustersTable);
await db.execute(fcClusterIDIndex);
} catch (e, s) {
_logger.severe('Error dropping clusters and person table', e, s);
/// WARNING: This will delete ALL data in the tables! Only use this for debug/testing purposes!
Future<void> dropFeedbackTables() async {
try {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
// Drop the tables
await db.execute(deletePersonTable);
await db.execute(dropClusterPersonTable);
await db.execute(dropNotPersonFeedbackTable);
// Recreate the tables
await db.execute(createClusterPersonTable);
await db.execute(createNotPersonFeedbackTable);
} catch (e) {
_logger.severe('Error dropping feedback tables', e);
Future<void> removeFilesFromPerson(
List<EnteFile> files,
String personID,
) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
final faceIdsResult = await db.getAll(
'SELECT $fcFaceId FROM $faceClustersTable LEFT JOIN $clusterPersonTable '
'ON $faceClustersTable.$fcClusterID = $clusterPersonTable.$clusterIDColumn '
'WHERE $clusterPersonTable.$personIdColumn = ?',
final Set<String> fileIds = {};
for (final enteFile in files) {
int maxClusterID = DateTime.now().microsecondsSinceEpoch;
final Map<String, int> faceIDToClusterID = {};
for (final row in faceIdsResult) {
final faceID = row[fcFaceId] as String;
if (fileIds.contains(faceID.split('_').first)) {
maxClusterID += 1;
faceIDToClusterID[faceID] = maxClusterID;
await forceUpdateClusterIds(faceIDToClusterID);
Future<void> removeFilesFromCluster(
List<EnteFile> files,
int clusterID,
) async {
final db = await instance.asyncDB;
final faceIdsResult = await db.getAll(
'SELECT $fcFaceId FROM $faceClustersTable '
'WHERE $faceClustersTable.$fcClusterID = ?',
final Set<String> fileIds = {};
for (final enteFile in files) {
int maxClusterID = DateTime.now().microsecondsSinceEpoch;
final Map<String, int> faceIDToClusterID = {};
for (final row in faceIdsResult) {
final faceID = row[fcFaceId] as String;
if (fileIds.contains(faceID.split('_').first)) {
maxClusterID += 1;
faceIDToClusterID[faceID] = maxClusterID;
await forceUpdateClusterIds(faceIDToClusterID);
Future<void> addFacesToCluster(
List<String> faceIDs,
int clusterID,
) async {
final faceIDToClusterID = <String, int>{};
for (final faceID in faceIDs) {
faceIDToClusterID[faceID] = clusterID;
await forceUpdateClusterIds(faceIDToClusterID);