2024-03-01 13:37:01 +05:30

254 lines
9.2 KiB

package ente
import (
// ErrPermissionDenied is returned when a user has insufficient permissions to
// perform an action
var ErrPermissionDenied = errors.New("insufficient permissions to perform this action")
// ErrIncorrectOTT is returned when a user tries to validate an email with an
// incorrect OTT
var ErrIncorrectOTT = errors.New("incorrect OTT")
// ErrExpiredOTT is returned when a user tries to validate an email but there's no active ott
var ErrExpiredOTT = errors.New("no active OTT")
// ErrIncorrectTOTP is returned when a user tries to validate an two factor with an
// incorrect TOTP
var ErrIncorrectTOTP = errors.New("incorrect TOTP")
// ErrNotFound is returned when the requested resource was not found
var ErrNotFound = errors.New("not found")
var ErrFileLimitReached = errors.New("file limit reached")
// ErrBadRequest is returned when a bad request is encountered
var ErrBadRequest = errors.New("bad request")
// ErrTooManyBadRequest is returned when user send many bad requests, especailly for authentication
var ErrTooManyBadRequest = errors.New("too many bad request")
// ErrUnexpectedState is returned when certain assumption/assets fails
var ErrUnexpectedState = errors.New("unexpected state")
// ErrCannotDowngrade is thrown when a user tries to downgrade to a plan whose
// limits are lower than current consumption
var ErrCannotDowngrade = errors.New("usage is greater than selected plan, cannot downgrade")
// ErrCannotSwitchPaymentProvider is thrown when a user attempts to renew a subscription from a different payment provider
var ErrCannotSwitchPaymentProvider = errors.New("cannot switch payment provider")
// ErrNoActiveSubscription is returned when user's doesn't has any active plans
var ErrNoActiveSubscription = errors.New("no Active Subscription")
// ErrStorageLimitExceeded is thrown when user exceed the plan's data Storage limit
var ErrStorageLimitExceeded = errors.New("storage Limit exceeded")
// ErrFileTooLarge thrown when an uploaded file is too large for the storage plan
var ErrFileTooLarge = errors.New("file too large")
// ErrSharingDisabledForFreeAccounts is thrown when free subscription user tries to share files
var ErrSharingDisabledForFreeAccounts = errors.New("sharing Feature is disabled for free accounts")
// ErrDuplicateFileObjectFound is thrown when another file with the same objectKey is detected
var ErrDuplicateFileObjectFound = errors.New("file object already exists")
var ErrFavoriteCollectionAlreadyExist = errors.New("favorites collection already exists")
var ErrUncategorizeCollectionAlreadyExists = errors.New("uncategorized collection already exists")
// ErrDuplicateThumbnailObjectFound is thrown when another thumbnail with the same objectKey is detected
var ErrDuplicateThumbnailObjectFound = errors.New("thumbnail object already exists")
// ErrVersionMismatch is thrown when for versioned updates, client is sending incorrect version to server
var ErrVersionMismatch = errors.New("client version is out of sync")
// ErrCanNotInviteUserWithPaidPlan is thrown when a family admin tries to invite another user with active paid plan
var ErrCanNotInviteUserWithPaidPlan = errors.New("can not invite user with active paid plan")
// ErrBatchSizeTooLarge is thrown when api request batch size is greater than API limit
var ErrBatchSizeTooLarge = errors.New("batch size greater than API limit")
// ErrAuthenticationRequired is thrown when authentication vector is missing
var ErrAuthenticationRequired = errors.New("authentication required")
// ErrInvalidPassword is thrown when incorrect password is provided by user
var ErrInvalidPassword = errors.New("invalid password")
// ErrCanNotInviteUserAlreadyInFamily is thrown when a family admin tries to invite another user with active paid plan
var ErrCanNotInviteUserAlreadyInFamily = errors.New("can not invite user who is already part of a family")
// ErrFamilySizeLimitReached is thrown when a family admin tries to invite more than max allowed members for family plan
var ErrFamilySizeLimitReached = errors.New("can't invite new member, family already at max allowed size")
// ErrUserDeleted is thrown when Get user is called for a deleted account
var ErrUserDeleted = errors.New("user account has been deleted")
// ErrLockUnavailable is thrown when a lock could not be acquired
var ErrLockUnavailable = errors.New("could not acquire lock")
// ErrActiveLinkAlreadyExists is thrown when the collection already has active public link
var ErrActiveLinkAlreadyExists = errors.New("Collection already has active public link")
// ErrNotImplemented indicates that the action that we tried to perform is not
// available at this museum instance. e.g. this could be something that is not
// enabled on this particular instance of museum.
// Semantically, it could've been better called as NotAvailable, but
// NotAvailable is meant to be used for temporary errors, whilst we wish to
// indicate that this instance will not serve this request at all.
var ErrNotImplemented = errors.New("not implemented")
var ErrInvalidApp = errors.New("invalid app")
var ErrInvalidName = errors.New("invalid name")
var ErrSubscriptionAlreadyClaimed = ApiError{
Code: SubscriptionAlreadyClaimed,
HttpStatusCode: http.StatusConflict,
Message: "Subscription is already associted with different account",
var ErrCollectionNotEmpty = ApiError{
Code: CollectionNotEmpty,
HttpStatusCode: http.StatusConflict,
Message: "The collection is not empty",
var ErrFileNotFoundInAlbum = ApiError{
Code: FileNotFoundInAlbum,
HttpStatusCode: http.StatusNotFound,
Message: "File is either deleted or moved to different collection",
var ErrPublicCollectDisabled = ApiError{
Code: PublicCollectDisabled,
Message: "User has not enabled public collect for this url",
HttpStatusCode: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed,
var ErrNotFoundError = ApiError{
Code: NotFoundError,
Message: "",
HttpStatusCode: http.StatusNotFound,
var ErrMaxPasskeysReached = ApiError{
Code: MaxPasskeysReached,
Message: "Max passkeys limit reached",
HttpStatusCode: http.StatusConflict,
var ErrCastPermissionDenied = ApiError{
Message: "Permission denied",
HttpStatusCode: http.StatusForbidden,
type ErrorCode string
const (
// Standard, generic error codes
BadRequest ErrorCode = "BAD_REQUEST"
InternalError ErrorCode = "INTERNAL_ERROR"
NotFoundError ErrorCode = "NOT_FOUND"
// Business specific error codes
FamiliySizeLimitExceeded ErrorCode = "FAMILY_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED"
// Subscription Already Associted with different account
SubscriptionAlreadyClaimed ErrorCode = "SUBSCRIPTION_ALREADY_CLAIMED"
FileNotFoundInAlbum ErrorCode = "FILE_NOT_FOUND_IN_ALBUM"
// PublicCollectDisabled error code indicates that the user has not enabled public collect
PublicCollectDisabled ErrorCode = "PUBLIC_COLLECT_DISABLED"
// CollectionNotEmpty is thrown when user attempts to delete a collection but keep files but all files from that
// collections have been moved yet.
CollectionNotEmpty ErrorCode = "COLLECTION_NOT_EMPTY"
// MaxPasskeysReached is thrown when user attempts to create more than max allowed passkeys
MaxPasskeysReached ErrorCode = "MAX_PASSKEYS_REACHED"
type ApiError struct {
// Code will be returned as part of the response body. Clients are expected to rely on this code while handling any error
Code ErrorCode `json:"code"`
// Optional message, which can give additional details about this error. Say for generic 404 error, it can return what entity is not found
// like file/album/user. Client should never consume this message for showing err on screen or any special handling.
Message string `json:"message"`
HttpStatusCode int `json:"-"`
func (e *ApiError) NewErr(message string) *ApiError {
return &ApiError{
Code: e.Code,
Message: message,
HttpStatusCode: e.HttpStatusCode,
func (e *ApiError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s : %s", string(e.Code), e.Message)
type ApiErrorParams struct {
HttpStatusCode *int
Code ErrorCode
Message string
var badRequestApiError = ApiError{
Code: BadRequest,
HttpStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
Message: "BAD_REQUEST",
func NewBadRequestError(params *ApiErrorParams) *ApiError {
if params == nil {
return &badRequestApiError
apiError := badRequestApiError
if params.HttpStatusCode != nil {
apiError.HttpStatusCode = *params.HttpStatusCode
if params.Message != "" {
apiError.Message = params.Message
if params.Code != "" {
apiError.Code = params.Code
return &apiError
func NewBadRequestWithMessage(message string) *ApiError {
return &ApiError{
Code: BadRequest,
HttpStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
Message: message,
func NewConflictError(message string) *ApiError {
return &ApiError{
HttpStatusCode: http.StatusConflict,
Message: message,
func NewInternalError(message string) *ApiError {
apiError := ApiError{
Code: InternalError,
HttpStatusCode: http.StatusInternalServerError,
Message: message,
return &apiError