Shailesh Pandit b4c31c5845 Store face crops, extract aligned faces from face crops
Align faces using center, size and rotation only, using this aligned faces can be extracted without whole image
2021-12-23 18:27:53 +05:30

175 lines
5.3 KiB

import { isDimensions, isValidNumber } from '../utils';
import { IBoundingBox } from './BoundingBox';
import { IDimensions } from './Dimensions';
import { Point } from './Point';
import { IRect } from './Rect';
export class Box<BoxType = any> implements IBoundingBox, IRect {
public static isRect(rect: any): boolean {
return !!rect && [rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height].every(isValidNumber)
public static assertIsValidBox(box: any, callee: string, allowNegativeDimensions: boolean = false) {
if (!Box.isRect(box)) {
throw new Error(`${callee} - invalid box: ${JSON.stringify(box)}, expected object with properties x, y, width, height`)
if (!allowNegativeDimensions && (box.width < 0 || box.height < 0)) {
throw new Error(`${callee} - width (${box.width}) and height (${box.height}) must be positive numbers`)
public x: number
public y: number
public width: number
public height: number
constructor(_box: IBoundingBox | IRect, allowNegativeDimensions: boolean = true) {
const box = (_box || {}) as any
const isBbox = [box.left, box.top, box.right, box.bottom].every(isValidNumber)
const isRect = [box.x, box.y, box.width, box.height].every(isValidNumber)
if (!isRect && !isBbox) {
throw new Error(`Box.constructor - expected box to be IBoundingBox | IRect, instead have ${JSON.stringify(box)}`)
const [x, y, width, height] = isRect
? [box.x, box.y, box.width, box.height]
: [box.left, box.top, box.right - box.left, box.bottom - box.top]
Box.assertIsValidBox({ x, y, width, height }, 'Box.constructor', allowNegativeDimensions)
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.width = width
this.height = height
// public get x(): number { return this._x }
// public get y(): number { return this._y }
// public get width(): number { return this._width }
// public get height(): number { return this._height }
public get left(): number { return this.x }
public get top(): number { return this.y }
public get right(): number { return this.x + this.width }
public get bottom(): number { return this.y + this.height }
public get area(): number { return this.width * this.height }
public get topLeft(): Point { return new Point(this.left, this.top) }
public get topRight(): Point { return new Point(this.right, this.top) }
public get bottomLeft(): Point { return new Point(this.left, this.bottom) }
public get bottomRight(): Point { return new Point(this.right, this.bottom) }
public round(): Box<BoxType> {
const [x, y, width, height] = [this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height]
.map(val => Math.round(val))
return new Box({ x, y, width, height })
public floor(): Box<BoxType> {
const [x, y, width, height] = [this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height]
.map(val => Math.floor(val))
return new Box({ x, y, width, height })
public toSquare(): Box<BoxType> {
let { x, y, width, height } = this
const diff = Math.abs(width - height)
if (width < height) {
x -= (diff / 2)
width += diff
if (height < width) {
y -= (diff / 2)
height += diff
return new Box({ x, y, width, height })
public rescale(s: IDimensions | number): Box<BoxType> {
const scaleX = isDimensions(s) ? (s as IDimensions).width : s as number
const scaleY = isDimensions(s) ? (s as IDimensions).height : s as number
return new Box({
x: this.x * scaleX,
y: this.y * scaleY,
width: this.width * scaleX,
height: this.height * scaleY
public pad(padX: number, padY: number): Box<BoxType> {
let [x, y, width, height] = [
this.x - (padX / 2),
this.y - (padY / 2),
this.width + padX,
this.height + padY
return new Box({ x, y, width, height })
public clipAtImageBorders(imgWidth: number, imgHeight: number): Box<BoxType> {
const { x, y, right, bottom } = this
const clippedX = Math.max(x, 0)
const clippedY = Math.max(y, 0)
const newWidth = right - clippedX
const newHeight = bottom - clippedY
const clippedWidth = Math.min(newWidth, imgWidth - clippedX)
const clippedHeight = Math.min(newHeight, imgHeight - clippedY)
return (new Box({ x: clippedX, y: clippedY, width: clippedWidth, height: clippedHeight})).floor()
public shift(sx: number, sy: number): Box<BoxType> {
const { width, height } = this
const x = this.x + sx
const y = this.y + sy
return new Box({ x, y, width, height })
public padAtBorders(imageHeight: number, imageWidth: number) {
const w = this.width + 1
const h = this.height + 1
let dx = 1
let dy = 1
let edx = w
let edy = h
let x = this.left
let y = this.top
let ex = this.right
let ey = this.bottom
if (ex > imageWidth) {
edx = -ex + imageWidth + w
ex = imageWidth
if (ey > imageHeight) {
edy = -ey + imageHeight + h
ey = imageHeight
if (x < 1) {
edy = 2 - x
x = 1
if (y < 1) {
edy = 2 - y
y = 1
return { dy, edy, dx, edx, y, ey, x, ex, w, h }
public calibrate(region: Box) {
return new Box({
left: this.left + (region.left * this.width),
top: this.top + (region.top * this.height),
right: this.right + (region.right * this.width),
bottom: this.bottom + (region.bottom * this.height)