2024-04-18 14:42:52 +05:30

85 lines
2.7 KiB

import type { ElectronFile } from "./types/file";
* The two parts of a file name - the name itself, and an (optional) extension.
* The extension does not include the dot.
type FileNameComponents = [name: string, extension: string | undefined];
* Split a filename into its components - the name itself, and the extension (if
* any) - returning both. The dot is not included in either.
* For example, `foo-bar.png` will be split into ["foo-bar", "png"].
* See {@link fileNameFromComponents} for the inverse operation.
export const nameAndExtension = (fileName: string): FileNameComponents => {
const i = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
// No extension
if (i == -1) return [fileName, undefined];
// A hidden file without an extension, e.g. ".gitignore"
if (i == 0) return [fileName, undefined];
// Both components present, just omit the dot.
return [fileName.slice(0, i), fileName.slice(i + 1)];
* Construct a file name from its components (name and extension).
* Inverse of {@link nameAndExtension}.
export const fileNameFromComponents = (components: FileNameComponents) =>
components.filter((x) => !!x).join(".");
* Return the file name portion from the given {@link path}.
* This tries to emulate the UNIX `basename` command. In particular, any
* trailing slashes on the path are trimmed, so this function can be used to get
* the name of the directory too.
* The path is assumed to use POSIX separators ("/").
export const basename = (path: string) => {
const pathComponents = path.split("/");
for (let i = pathComponents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (pathComponents[i] !== "") return pathComponents[i];
return path;
* Return the directory portion from the given {@link path}.
* This tries to emulate the UNIX `dirname` command. In particular, any trailing
* slashes on the path are trimmed, so this function can be used to get the path
* leading up to a directory too.
* The path is assumed to use POSIX separators ("/").
export const dirname = (path: string) => {
const pathComponents = path.split("/");
while (pathComponents.pop() == "") {
/* no-op */
return pathComponents.join("/");
export function getFileNameSize(file: File | ElectronFile) {
return `${file.name}_${convertBytesToHumanReadable(file.size)}`;
export function convertBytesToHumanReadable(
bytes: number,
precision = 2,
): string {
if (bytes === 0 || isNaN(bytes)) {
return "0 MB";
const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024));
const sizes = ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"];
return (bytes / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(precision) + " " + sizes[i];