2024-03-01 12:19:20 +05:30

407 lines
23 KiB

"account": "ጸብጻብ",
"unlock": "ከፈተ",
"recoveryKey": "ምሕዋይ መፍትሕ",
"counterAppBarTitle": "ቆጻሪ",
"@counterAppBarTitle": {
"description": "Text shown in the AppBar of the Counter Page"
"onBoardingBody": "2FA ኮድካ ብውሑስ ኣቐምጦ",
"onBoardingGetStarted": "ጀምር",
"setupFirstAccount": "ናይ መጀመርታ ሕሳብካ ኣዳል",
"importScanQrCode": "QR ኮድ ስካን ግበር",
"qrCode": "ኪዊኣር ስርዓት",
"importEnterSetupKey": "ምድላው መፍትሕ ኣእቱ",
"importAccountPageTitle": "ዝርዝር ሕሳብ ኣእትዉ",
"secretCanNotBeEmpty": "ምስጢር ባዶ ኪኸውን ኣይክእልን እዩ",
"bothIssuerAndAccountCanNotBeEmpty": "እቲ ኣወሃሃዲ ዀነ እቲ ሕሳብ ባዶ ኪኸውን ኣይክእልን እዩ",
"incorrectDetails": "ጌጋ ዝርዝር-ሓበሬታ",
"pleaseVerifyDetails": "በጃኹም ዝርዝር-ሓበሬታ ኣረጋግጹ እሞ እንደገና ፈትኑ",
"codeIssuerHint": "ኣዋጂ",
"codeSecretKeyHint": "ምስጢራዊ መፍትሕ",
"codeAccountHint": "ሕሳብ (you@domain.com)",
"accountKeyType": "ዓይነት መፍትሕ",
"sessionExpired": "ክፍለ ግዜኡ ኣኺሉ።",
"@sessionExpired": {
"description": "Title of the dialog when the users current session is invalid/expired"
"pleaseLoginAgain": "በጃኹም እንደገና እቶ",
"loggingOut": "ወጸ...",
"timeBasedKeyType": "ግዜ እተመስረተ (TOTP)",
"counterBasedKeyType": "ቆጻሪ እተመስረተ (TOTP)",
"saveAction": "",
"nextTotpTitle": "ቀጽሊ",
"deleteCodeTitle": "ኮድ ምድምሳስ፧",
"deleteCodeMessage": "ነዚ ኮድ ክትድምስሶ ከም እትደሊ ርግጸኛ ዲኻ፧ እዚ ተግባር ንድሕሪት ዘይምለስ እዩ።",
"viewLogsAction": "ምዝገባታት ርአ",
"sendLogsDescription": "",
"preparingLogsTitle": "ምዝገባ ድላው...",
"emailLogsTitle": "መዝገብ ኢ-መይል",
"emailLogsMessage": "በጃኹም ነቲ መዝገብ ናብ {email} ስደዱሉ",
"@emailLogsMessage": {
"placeholders": {
"email": {
"type": "String"
"copyEmailAction": "ኢ-መይል ቀዲሕካ",
"exportLogsAction": "ምዝገባታት ሰደድ",
"reportABug": "ጌጋ ጸብጻብ ልኣኸ",
"crashAndErrorReporting": "ጸብጻብ ውድቀትን ጌጋን",
"reportBug": "ጌጋ ጸብጻብ ልኣኸ",
"emailUsMessage": "በጃኹም ኢ-መይል ጽሓፉልና {email}",
"@emailUsMessage": {
"placeholders": {
"email": {
"type": "String"
"contactSupport": "ደገፍ ኣድራሻ",
"rateUsOnStore": "ብዛዕባና ርእይቶ ኣብ {storeName} ኣካፍሎ",
"blog": "ብሎግ",
"merchandise": "ሸቐጥ",
"verifyPassword": "ቃለ-ምስጢር ኣረጋግጽ",
"pleaseWait": "በጃኻ ተጸበ...",
"generatingEncryptionKeysTitle": "ናይ ምስጢራዊ ቁልፊ ዪፍጠር...",
"recreatePassword": "ቃለ-ምስጢር እንደገና ፍጠር",
"recreatePasswordMessage": "እዛ ሕጂ ዘላ ኤለክትሮኒካዊት መሳርሒት ነቲ passwordካ ንምርግጋጽ እኹል ሓይሊ ስለ ዘይብላ ምስ ኵሉ መሳርሒታት ብዚሰማማዕ መገዲ ሓንሳእ እንደገና ኸነሐድሶ ኣሎና ።\n\nበጃኻ በቲ ምሕዋይ-መፍትሕ ኣቲኻ ቃለ-ምስጢር ኣሐድሶ (እንተ ደሊኻ ነታ ቃለ-ምስጢር እንደገና ኽትጥቀመላ ትኽእል ኢኻ)።",
"useRecoveryKey": "ምሕዋይ መፍትሕ ተጠቐም",
"incorrectPasswordTitle": "ግጉይ ቃለ-ምስጢር",
"welcomeBack": "እንኳዕ ብደሓን ተመለስካ!",
"madeWithLoveAtPrefix": "ምስ ❤️ ዝተሰርሐ ኣብ ",
"supportDevs": "ንዓና ንምድጋፍ ኣብ <bold-green>ente</bold-green> ተሓወስ ግበሩ",
"supportDiscount": "ኣብ ቀዳማይ ዓመት 10% ቅናስ ንምርካብ \"AUTH\" ኮድ ተጠቐም",
"changeEmail": "Change email",
"changePassword": "ቃለ-ምስጢር ቀያይር",
"data": "ሓበሬታ",
"importCodes": "ኮድ ኣእቱ",
"importTypePlainText": "Plain text",
"importTypeEnteEncrypted": "ente Encrypted export",
"passwordForDecryptingExport": "Password to decrypt export",
"passwordEmptyError": "Password can not be empty",
"importFromApp": "Import codes from {appName}",
"importGoogleAuthGuide": "Export your accounts from Google Authenticator to a QR code using the \"Transfer Accounts\" option. Then using another device, scan the QR code.\n\nTip: You can use your laptop's webcam to take a picture of the QR code.",
"importSelectJsonFile": "Select JSON file",
"importSelectAppExport": "Select {appName} export file",
"importEnteEncGuide": "Select the encrypted JSON file exported from ente",
"importRaivoGuide": "Use the \"Export OTPs to Zip archive\" option in Raivo's Settings.\n\nExtract the zip file and import the JSON file.",
"importBitwardenGuide": "Use the \"Export vault\" option within Bitwarden Tools and import the unencrypted JSON file.",
"importAegisGuide": "Use the \"Export the vault\" option in Aegis's Settings.\n\nIf your vault is encrypted, you will need to enter vault password to decrypt the vault.",
"import2FasGuide": "Use the \"Settings->Backup -Export\" option in 2FAS.\n\nIf your backup is encrypted, you will need to enter the password to decrypt the backup",
"exportCodes": "Export codes",
"importLabel": "Import",
"importInstruction": "Please select a file that contains a list of your codes in the following format",
"importCodeDelimiterInfo": "The codes can be separated by a comma or a new line",
"selectFile": "Select file",
"emailVerificationToggle": "Email verification",
"emailVerificationEnableWarning": "To avoid getting locked out of your account, be sure to store a copy of your email 2FA outside of Ente Auth before enabling email verification.",
"authToChangeEmailVerificationSetting": "Please authenticate to change email verification",
"authToViewYourRecoveryKey": "Please authenticate to view your recovery key",
"authToChangeYourEmail": "Please authenticate to change your email",
"authToChangeYourPassword": "Please authenticate to change your password",
"authToViewSecrets": "Please authenticate to view your secrets",
"authToInitiateSignIn": "Please authenticate to initiate sign in for backup.",
"ok": "Ok",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"email": "Email",
"support": "Support",
"general": "General",
"settings": "Settings",
"copied": "Copied",
"pleaseTryAgain": "Please try again",
"existingUser": "Existing User",
"newUser": "New to ente",
"delete": "Delete",
"enterYourPasswordHint": "Enter your password",
"forgotPassword": "Forgot password",
"oops": "ዉዉኡ",
"suggestFeatures": "Suggest features",
"faq": "FAQ",
"faq_q_1": "How secure is ente Auth?",
"faq_a_1": "All codes you backup via ente is stored end-to-end encrypted. This means only you can access your codes. Our apps are open source and our cryptography has been externally audited.",
"faq_q_2": "Can I access my codes on desktop?",
"faq_a_2": "You can access your codes on the web @ auth.ente.io.",
"faq_q_3": "How can I delete codes?",
"faq_a_3": "You can delete a code by swiping left on that item.",
"faq_q_4": "How can I support this project?",
"faq_a_4": "You can support the development of this project by subscribing to our Photos app @ ente.io.",
"faq_q_5": "How can I enable FaceID lock in ente Auth",
"faq_a_5": "You can enable FaceID lock under Settings → Security → Lockscreen.",
"somethingWentWrongMessage": "Something went wrong, please try again",
"leaveFamily": "Leave family",
"leaveFamilyMessage": "Are you sure that you want to leave the family plan?",
"inFamilyPlanMessage": "You are on a family plan!",
"swipeHint": "Swipe left to edit or remove codes",
"scan": "Scan",
"scanACode": "Scan a code",
"verify": "Verify",
"verifyEmail": "Verify email",
"enterCodeHint": "Enter the 6-digit code from\nyour authenticator app",
"lostDeviceTitle": "Lost device?",
"twoFactorAuthTitle": "Two-factor authentication",
"recoverAccount": "Recover account",
"enterRecoveryKeyHint": "Enter your recovery key",
"recover": "Recover",
"contactSupportViaEmailMessage": "Please drop an email to {email} from your registered email address",
"@contactSupportViaEmailMessage": {
"placeholders": {
"email": {
"type": "String"
"noRecoveryKeyTitle": "No recovery key?",
"enterEmailHint": "Enter your email address",
"invalidEmailTitle": "Invalid email address",
"invalidEmailMessage": "Please enter a valid email address.",
"deleteAccount": "Delete account",
"deleteAccountQuery": "We'll be sorry to see you go. Are you facing some issue?",
"yesSendFeedbackAction": "Yes, send feedback",
"noDeleteAccountAction": "No, delete account",
"initiateAccountDeleteTitle": "Please authenticate to initiate account deletion",
"sendEmail": "Send email",
"createNewAccount": "Create new account",
"weakStrength": "Weak",
"strongStrength": "Strong",
"moderateStrength": "Moderate",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm password",
"close": "Close",
"oopsSomethingWentWrong": "Oops, Something went wrong.",
"selectLanguage": "Select language",
"language": "ቋንቋ",
"social": "ማሕበራዊ",
"security": "ድሕንነት",
"lockscreen": "ስክሪን ምዕጻው",
"authToChangeLockscreenSetting": "Please authenticate to change lockscreen setting",
"lockScreenEnablePreSteps": "To enable lockscreen, please setup device passcode or screen lock in your system settings.",
"viewActiveSessions": "View active sessions",
"authToViewYourActiveSessions": "Please authenticate to view your active sessions",
"searchHint": "Search...",
"search": "Search",
"sorryUnableToGenCode": "Sorry, unable to generate a code for {issuerName}",
"noResult": "No result",
"addCode": "Add code",
"scanAQrCode": "Scan a QR code",
"enterDetailsManually": "Enter details manually",
"edit": "Edit",
"copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
"copiedNextToClipboard": "Copied next code to clipboard",
"error": "Error",
"recoveryKeyCopiedToClipboard": "Recovery key copied to clipboard",
"recoveryKeyOnForgotPassword": "If you forget your password, the only way you can recover your data is with this key.",
"recoveryKeySaveDescription": "We don't store this key, please save this 24 word key in a safe place.",
"doThisLater": "Do this later",
"saveKey": "Save key",
"back": "Back",
"createAccount": "Create account",
"passwordStrength": "Password strength: {passwordStrengthValue}",
"@passwordStrength": {
"description": "Text to indicate the password strength",
"placeholders": {
"passwordStrengthValue": {
"description": "The strength of the password as a string",
"type": "String",
"example": "Weak or Moderate or Strong"
"message": "Password Strength: {passwordStrengthText}"
"password": "Password",
"signUpTerms": "I agree to the <u-terms>terms of service</u-terms> and <u-policy>privacy policy</u-policy>",
"privacyPolicyTitle": "Privacy Policy",
"termsOfServicesTitle": "Terms",
"encryption": "Encryption",
"setPasswordTitle": "Set password",
"changePasswordTitle": "Change password",
"resetPasswordTitle": "Reset password",
"encryptionKeys": "Encryption keys",
"passwordWarning": "We don't store this password, so if you forget, <underline>we cannot decrypt your data</underline>",
"enterPasswordToEncrypt": "Enter a password we can use to encrypt your data",
"enterNewPasswordToEncrypt": "Enter a new password we can use to encrypt your data",
"passwordChangedSuccessfully": "Password changed successfully",
"generatingEncryptionKeys": "Generating encryption keys...",
"continueLabel": "Continue",
"insecureDevice": "Insecure device",
"sorryWeCouldNotGenerateSecureKeysOnThisDevicennplease": "Sorry, we could not generate secure keys on this device.\n\nplease sign up from a different device.",
"howItWorks": "How it works",
"ackPasswordLostWarning": "I understand that if I lose my password, I may lose my data since my data is <underline>end-to-end encrypted</underline>.",
"loginTerms": "By clicking log in, I agree to the <u-terms>terms of service</u-terms> and <u-policy>privacy policy</u-policy>",
"logInLabel": "Log in",
"logout": "Logout",
"areYouSureYouWantToLogout": "Are you sure you want to logout?",
"yesLogout": "Yes, logout",
"exit": "Exit",
"verifyingRecoveryKey": "Verifying recovery key...",
"recoveryKeyVerified": "Recovery key verified",
"recoveryKeySuccessBody": "Great! Your recovery key is valid. Thank you for verifying.\n\nPlease remember to keep your recovery key safely backed up.",
"invalidRecoveryKey": "The recovery key you entered is not valid. Please make sure it contains 24 words, and check the spelling of each.\n\nIf you entered an older recovery code, make sure it is 64 characters long, and check each of them.",
"recreatePasswordTitle": "Recreate password",
"recreatePasswordBody": "The current device is not powerful enough to verify your password, but we can regenerate in a way that works with all devices.\n\nPlease login using your recovery key and regenerate your password (you can use the same one again if you wish).",
"invalidKey": "Invalid key",
"tryAgain": "Try again",
"viewRecoveryKey": "View recovery key",
"confirmRecoveryKey": "Confirm recovery key",
"recoveryKeyVerifyReason": "Your recovery key is the only way to recover your photos if you forget your password. You can find your recovery key in Settings > Account.\n\nPlease enter your recovery key here to verify that you have saved it correctly.",
"confirmYourRecoveryKey": "Confirm your recovery key",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"emailYourLogs": "Email your logs",
"pleaseSendTheLogsTo": "Please send the logs to \n{toEmail}",
"copyEmailAddress": "Copy email address",
"exportLogs": "Export logs",
"enterYourRecoveryKey": "Enter your recovery key",
"tempErrorContactSupportIfPersists": "It looks like something went wrong. Please retry after some time. If the error persists, please contact our support team.",
"itLooksLikeSomethingWentWrongPleaseRetryAfterSome": "It looks like something went wrong. Please retry after some time. If the error persists, please contact our support team.",
"about": "About",
"weAreOpenSource": "We are open source!",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"terms": "Terms",
"checkForUpdates": "Check for updates",
"downloadUpdate": "Download",
"criticalUpdateAvailable": "Critical update available",
"updateAvailable": "Update available",
"update": "Update",
"checking": "Checking...",
"youAreOnTheLatestVersion": "You are on the latest version",
"warning": "Warning",
"exportWarningDesc": "The exported file contains sensitive information. Please store this safely.",
"iUnderStand": "I understand",
"@iUnderStand": {
"description": "Text for the button to confirm the user understands the warning"
"authToExportCodes": "Please authenticate to export your codes",
"importSuccessTitle": "Yay!",
"importSuccessDesc": "You have imported {count} codes!",
"@importSuccessDesc": {
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"description": "The number of codes imported",
"type": "int",
"example": "1"
"sorry": "Sorry",
"importFailureDesc": "Could not parse the selected file.\nPlease write to support@ente.io if you need help!",
"pendingSyncs": "Warning",
"pendingSyncsWarningBody": "Some of your codes have not been backed up.\n\nPlease ensure that you have a backup for these codes before you logout.",
"checkInboxAndSpamFolder": "Please check your inbox (and spam) to complete verification",
"tapToEnterCode": "Tap to enter code",
"resendEmail": "Resend email",
"weHaveSendEmailTo": "We have sent a mail to <green>{email}</green>",
"@weHaveSendEmailTo": {
"description": "Text to indicate that we have sent a mail to the user",
"placeholders": {
"email": {
"description": "The email address of the user",
"type": "String",
"example": "example@ente.io"
"activeSessions": "Active sessions",
"somethingWentWrongPleaseTryAgain": "Something went wrong, please try again",
"thisWillLogYouOutOfThisDevice": "This will log you out of this device!",
"thisWillLogYouOutOfTheFollowingDevice": "This will log you out of the following device:",
"terminateSession": "Terminate session?",
"terminate": "Terminate",
"thisDevice": "This device",
"toResetVerifyEmail": "To reset your password, please verify your email first.",
"thisEmailIsAlreadyInUse": "This email is already in use",
"verificationFailedPleaseTryAgain": "Verification failed, please try again",
"yourVerificationCodeHasExpired": "Your verification code has expired",
"incorrectCode": "Incorrect code",
"sorryTheCodeYouveEnteredIsIncorrect": "Sorry, the code you've entered is incorrect",
"emailChangedTo": "Email changed to {newEmail}",
"authenticationFailedPleaseTryAgain": "Authentication failed, please try again",
"authenticationSuccessful": "Authentication successful!",
"twofactorAuthenticationSuccessfullyReset": "Two-factor authentication successfully reset",
"incorrectRecoveryKey": "Incorrect recovery key",
"theRecoveryKeyYouEnteredIsIncorrect": "The recovery key you entered is incorrect",
"enterPassword": "Enter password",
"selectExportFormat": "Select export format",
"exportDialogDesc": "Encrypted exports will be protected by a password of your choice.",
"encrypted": "Encrypted",
"plainText": "Plain text",
"passwordToEncryptExport": "Password to encrypt export",
"export": "Export",
"useOffline": "Use without backups",
"signInToBackup": "Sign in to backup your codes",
"singIn": "Sign in",
"sigInBackupReminder": "Please export your codes to ensure that you have a backup you can restore from.",
"offlineModeWarning": "You have chosen to proceed without backups. Please take manual backups to make sure your codes are safe.",
"showLargeIcons": "Show large icons",
"shouldHideCode": "Hide codes",
"doubleTapToViewHiddenCode": "You can double tap on an entry to view code",
"focusOnSearchBar": "Focus search on app start",
"confirmUpdatingkey": "Are you sure you want to update the secret key?",
"minimizeAppOnCopy": "Minimize app on copy",
"editCodeAuthMessage": "Authenticate to edit code",
"deleteCodeAuthMessage": "Authenticate to delete code",
"showQRAuthMessage": "Authenticate to show QR code",
"confirmAccountDeleteTitle": "Confirm account deletion",
"confirmAccountDeleteMessage": "This account is linked to other ente apps, if you use any.\n\nYour uploaded data, across all ente apps, will be scheduled for deletion, and your account will be permanently deleted.",
"androidBiometricHint": "Verify identity",
"@androidBiometricHint": {
"description": "Hint message advising the user how to authenticate with biometrics. It is used on Android side. Maximum 60 characters."
"androidBiometricNotRecognized": "Not recognized. Try again.",
"@androidBiometricNotRecognized": {
"description": "Message to let the user know that authentication was failed. It is used on Android side. Maximum 60 characters."
"androidBiometricSuccess": "Success",
"@androidBiometricSuccess": {
"description": "Message to let the user know that authentication was successful. It is used on Android side. Maximum 60 characters."
"androidCancelButton": "Cancel",
"@androidCancelButton": {
"description": "Message showed on a button that the user can click to leave the current dialog. It is used on Android side. Maximum 30 characters."
"androidSignInTitle": "Authentication required",
"@androidSignInTitle": {
"description": "Message showed as a title in a dialog which indicates the user that they need to scan biometric to continue. It is used on Android side. Maximum 60 characters."
"androidBiometricRequiredTitle": "Biometric required",
"@androidBiometricRequiredTitle": {
"description": "Message showed as a title in a dialog which indicates the user has not set up biometric authentication on their device. It is used on Android side. Maximum 60 characters."
"androidDeviceCredentialsRequiredTitle": "Device credentials required",
"@androidDeviceCredentialsRequiredTitle": {
"description": "Message showed as a title in a dialog which indicates the user has not set up credentials authentication on their device. It is used on Android side. Maximum 60 characters."
"androidDeviceCredentialsSetupDescription": "Device credentials required",
"@androidDeviceCredentialsSetupDescription": {
"description": "Message advising the user to go to the settings and configure device credentials on their device. It shows in a dialog on Android side."
"goToSettings": "Go to settings",
"@goToSettings": {
"description": "Message showed on a button that the user can click to go to settings pages from the current dialog. It is used on both Android and iOS side. Maximum 30 characters."
"androidGoToSettingsDescription": "Biometric authentication is not set up on your device. Go to 'Settings > Security' to add biometric authentication.",
"@androidGoToSettingsDescription": {
"description": "Message advising the user to go to the settings and configure biometric on their device. It shows in a dialog on Android side."
"iOSLockOut": "Biometric authentication is disabled. Please lock and unlock your screen to enable it.",
"@iOSLockOut": {
"description": "Message advising the user to re-enable biometrics on their device. It shows in a dialog on iOS side."
"iOSGoToSettingsDescription": "Biometric authentication is not set up on your device. Please either enable Touch ID or Face ID on your phone.",
"@iOSGoToSettingsDescription": {
"description": "Message advising the user to go to the settings and configure Biometrics for their device. It shows in a dialog on iOS side."
"iOSOkButton": "OK",
"@iOSOkButton": {
"description": "Message showed on a button that the user can click to leave the current dialog. It is used on iOS side. Maximum 30 characters."
"noInternetConnection": "No internet connection",
"pleaseCheckYourInternetConnectionAndTryAgain": "Please check your internet connection and try again.",
"signOutFromOtherDevices": "Sign out from other devices",
"signOutOtherBody": "If you think someone might know your password, you can force all other devices using your account to sign out.",
"signOutOtherDevices": "ካብ ካልኦት መሳርሒታት ኣውጽኡኒ።",
"doNotSignOut": "ኣውጽኡኒ።",
"hearUsWhereTitle": "How did you hear about Ente? (optional)",
"hearUsExplanation": "ተጠቀምትና ኣይንከታተልን ኢና። ኣበይ ከም ዝረኸብካና እንተ ትነግረና ሓጋዚ እዩ፦"