2024-03-01 12:25:37 +05:30

359 lines
12 KiB

import "package:exif/exif.dart";
import "package:flutter/material.dart";
import "package:logging/logging.dart";
import "package:photos/core/configuration.dart";
import "package:photos/generated/l10n.dart";
import 'package:photos/models/file/file.dart';
import 'package:photos/models/file/file_type.dart';
import "package:photos/models/metadata/file_magic.dart";
import "package:photos/services/file_magic_service.dart";
import "package:photos/services/update_service.dart";
import 'package:photos/theme/ente_theme.dart';
import 'package:photos/ui/components/buttons/icon_button_widget.dart';
import "package:photos/ui/components/divider_widget.dart";
import 'package:photos/ui/components/title_bar_widget.dart';
import 'package:photos/ui/viewer/file/file_caption_widget.dart';
import "package:photos/ui/viewer/file_details/added_by_widget.dart";
import "package:photos/ui/viewer/file_details/albums_item_widget.dart";
import 'package:photos/ui/viewer/file_details/backed_up_time_item_widget.dart';
import "package:photos/ui/viewer/file_details/creation_time_item_widget.dart";
import 'package:photos/ui/viewer/file_details/exif_item_widgets.dart';
import "package:photos/ui/viewer/file_details/file_properties_item_widget.dart";
import "package:photos/ui/viewer/file_details/location_tags_widget.dart";
import "package:photos/ui/viewer/file_details/objects_item_widget.dart";
import "package:photos/utils/exif_util.dart";
class FileDetailsWidget extends StatefulWidget {
final EnteFile file;
const FileDetailsWidget(
this.file, {
Key? key,
}) : super(key: key);
State<FileDetailsWidget> createState() => _FileDetailsWidgetState();
class _FileDetailsWidgetState extends State<FileDetailsWidget> {
final ValueNotifier<Map<String, IfdTag>?> _exifNotifier = ValueNotifier(null);
final Map<String, dynamic> _exifData = {
"focalLength": null,
"fNumber": null,
"resolution": null,
"takenOnDevice": null,
"exposureTime": null,
"ISO": null,
"megaPixels": null,
"lat": null,
"long": null,
"latRef": null,
"longRef": null,
bool _isImage = false;
late int _currentUserID;
bool showExifListTile = false;
final ValueNotifier<bool> hasLocationData = ValueNotifier(false);
final Logger _logger = Logger("_FileDetailsWidgetState");
void initState() {
debugPrint('file_details_sheet initState');
_currentUserID = Configuration.instance.getUserID()!;
hasLocationData.value = widget.file.hasLocation;
_isImage = widget.file.fileType == FileType.image ||
widget.file.fileType == FileType.livePhoto;
_exifNotifier.addListener(() {
if (_exifNotifier.value != null && !widget.file.hasLocation) {
if (_isImage) {
_exifNotifier.addListener(() {
if (_exifNotifier.value != null) {
showExifListTile = _exifData["focalLength"] != null ||
_exifData["fNumber"] != null ||
_exifData["takenOnDevice"] != null ||
_exifData["exposureTime"] != null ||
_exifData["ISO"] != null;
getExif(widget.file).then((exif) {
_exifNotifier.value = exif;
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final file = widget.file;
final bool isFileOwner =
file.ownerID == null || file.ownerID == _currentUserID;
//Make sure the bottom most tile is always the same one, that is it should
//not be rendered only if a condition is met.
final fileDetailsTiles = <Widget>[];
!widget.file.isUploaded ||
(!isFileOwner && (widget.file.caption?.isEmpty ?? true))
? const SizedBox(height: 16)
: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 8, bottom: 24),
child: isFileOwner
? FileCaptionWidget(file: widget.file)
: FileCaptionReadyOnly(caption: widget.file.caption!),
CreationTimeItem(file, _currentUserID),
const FileDetailsDivider(),
valueListenable: _exifNotifier,
builder: (context, _, __) => FilePropertiesItemWidget(
const FileDetailsDivider(),
valueListenable: _exifNotifier,
builder: (context, value, _) {
return showExifListTile
? Column(
children: [
const FileDetailsDivider(),
: const SizedBox.shrink();
valueListenable: hasLocationData,
builder: (context, bool value, __) {
return value
? Column(
children: [
const FileDetailsDivider(),
: const SizedBox.shrink();
///To be used when state issues are fixed when location is updated.
// file.fileType != FileType.video &&
// file.ownerID == _currentUserID
// ? Column(
// children: [
// InfoItemWidget(
// leadingIcon: Icons.pin_drop_outlined,
// title: "No location data",
// subtitleSection: Future.value(
// [
// Text(
// "Add location data",
// style: getEnteTextTheme(context).miniBoldMuted,
// ),
// ],
// ),
// hasChipButtons: false,
// onTap: () async {
// await showBarModalBottomSheet(
// shape: const RoundedRectangleBorder(
// borderRadius: BorderRadius.vertical(
// top: Radius.circular(5),
// ),
// ),
// backgroundColor: getEnteColorScheme(context)
// .backgroundElevated,
// barrierColor: backdropFaintDark,
// context: context,
// builder: (context) {
// return UpdateLocationDataWidget([file]);
// },
// );
// },
// ),
// const FileDetailsDivider(),
// ],
// )
// : const SizedBox.shrink();
if (_isImage) {
valueListenable: _exifNotifier,
builder: (context, value, _) {
return Column(
children: [
AllExifItemWidget(file, _exifNotifier.value),
const FileDetailsDivider(),
if (!UpdateService.instance.isFdroidFlavor()) {
const FileDetailsDivider(),
if (file.uploadedFileID != null && file.updationTime != null) {
const FileDetailsDivider(),
fileDetailsTiles.add(AlbumsItemWidget(file, _currentUserID));
return SafeArea(
top: false,
child: Scrollbar(
thickness: 4,
radius: const Radius.circular(2),
thumbVisibility: true,
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
child: CustomScrollView(
physics: const ClampingScrollPhysics(),
shrinkWrap: true,
slivers: <Widget>[
isFlexibleSpaceDisabled: true,
title: S.of(context).details,
isOnTopOfScreen: false,
backgroundColor: getEnteColorScheme(context).backgroundElevated,
leading: IconButtonWidget(
icon: Icons.expand_more_outlined,
iconButtonType: IconButtonType.primary,
onTap: () => Navigator.pop(context),
SliverToBoxAdapter(child: AddedByWidget(widget.file)),
delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate(
(context, index) {
return fileDetailsTiles[index];
childCount: fileDetailsTiles.length,
//This code is for updating the location of files in which location data is
//missing and the EXIF has location data. This is only happens for a
//certain specific minority of devices.
Future<void> _updateLocationFromExif(Map<String, IfdTag> exif) async {
// If the file is not uploaded or the file is not owned by the current user
// then we don't need to update the location.
if (!widget.file.isUploaded || widget.file.ownerID! != _currentUserID) {
try {
final locationDataFromExif = locationFromExif(exif);
if (locationDataFromExif?.latitude != null &&
locationDataFromExif?.longitude != null) {
widget.file.location = locationDataFromExif;
await FileMagicService.instance.updatePublicMagicMetadata([
], {
latKey: locationDataFromExif!.latitude,
longKey: locationDataFromExif.longitude,
hasLocationData.value = true;
} catch (e, s) {
_logger.severe("Error while updating location from EXIF", e, s);
_generateExifForDetails(Map<String, IfdTag> exif) {
if (exif["EXIF FocalLength"] != null) {
_exifData["focalLength"] =
(exif["EXIF FocalLength"]!.values.toList()[0] as Ratio).numerator /
(exif["EXIF FocalLength"]!.values.toList()[0] as Ratio)
if (exif["EXIF FNumber"] != null) {
_exifData["fNumber"] =
(exif["EXIF FNumber"]!.values.toList()[0] as Ratio).numerator /
(exif["EXIF FNumber"]!.values.toList()[0] as Ratio).denominator;
final imageWidth = exif["EXIF ExifImageWidth"] ?? exif["Image ImageWidth"];
final imageLength = exif["EXIF ExifImageLength"] ??
exif["Image "
if (imageWidth != null && imageLength != null) {
_exifData["resolution"] = '$imageWidth x $imageLength';
final double megaPixels =
(imageWidth.values.firstAsInt() * imageLength.values.firstAsInt()) /
final double roundedMegaPixels = (megaPixels * 10).round() / 10.0;
_exifData['megaPixels'] = roundedMegaPixels..toStringAsFixed(1);
} else {
debugPrint("No image width/height");
if (exif["Image Make"] != null && exif["Image Model"] != null) {
_exifData["takenOnDevice"] =
exif["Image Make"].toString() + " " + exif["Image Model"].toString();
if (exif["EXIF ExposureTime"] != null) {
_exifData["exposureTime"] = exif["EXIF ExposureTime"].toString();
if (exif["EXIF ISOSpeedRatings"] != null) {
_exifData['ISO'] = exif["EXIF ISOSpeedRatings"].toString();
class FileDetailsDivider extends StatelessWidget {
const FileDetailsDivider({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
const dividerPadding = EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 9.5);
return const DividerWidget(
dividerType: DividerType.menu,
divColorHasBlur: false,
padding: dividerPadding,