Shailesh Pandit d16837262d Use arcface alignment for mobilefacenet
Use rotation alignment in blazeface to fapi flow
Extract aligned face images before embeddings calculations
2021-11-20 14:56:36 +05:30

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* @fileoverview Implementation of the algorithm of Shinji Umeyama for matching
* two tuples of n-dimensional points through rotation, translation and
* scaling. This implementation also adds the possibility to allow reflecting
* one of the tuples to achieve a better matching.
* The central function is getSimilarityTransformation(...).
* This file depends on the ml-matrix library for computing matrix
* manipulations, see https://github.com/mljs/matrix. Version used: 6.4.1
* umeyama_1991 refers to http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs273/refs/umeyama.pdf:
* @article{umeyama_1991,
* title={Least-squares estimation of transformation parameters between two point patterns},
* author={Umeyama, Shinji},
* journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis \& Machine Intelligence},
* number={4},
* pages={376--380},
* year={1991},
* publisher={IEEE}
* }
* Variable names and the corresponding term in the paper's notation:
* - fromPoints refers to {x_i} with i = 1, 2, ..., n
* - toPoints refers to {y_i} with i = 1, 2, ..., n
* - numPoints refers to n
* - dimensions refers to m
* - rotation refers to R
* - scale refers to c
* - translation refers to t
* - fromMean and toMean refer to mu_x and mu_y respectively
* - fromVariance and toVariance refer to sigma_x and sigma_y respectively
* - mirrorIdentity refers to S
* - svd refers to the SVD given by U, D and V
* Transform a tuple of source points to match a tuple of target points
* following equation 40, 41 and 42 of umeyama_1991.
* This function expects two mlMatrix.Matrix instances of the same shape
* (m, n), where n is the number of points and m is the number of dimensions.
* This is the shape used by umeyama_1991. m and n can take any positive value.
* The returned matrix contains the transformed points.
* @param {!mlMatrix.Matrix} fromPoints - the source points {x_1, ..., x_n}.
* @param {!mlMatrix.Matrix} toPoints - the target points {y_1, ..., y_n}.
* @param {boolean} allowReflection - If true, the source points may be
* reflected to achieve a better mean squared error.
* @returns {mlMatrix.Matrix}
import * as mlMatrix from 'ml-matrix';
export function getSimilarityTransformation(fromPoints,
allowReflection = false) {
const dimensions = fromPoints.rows;
const numPoints = fromPoints.columns;
// 1. Compute the rotation.
const covarianceMatrix = getSimilarityTransformationCovariance(
const {
} = getSimilarityTransformationSvdWithMirrorIdentities(
const rotation = svd.U
// 2. Compute the scale.
// The variance will first be a 1-D array and then reduced to a scalar.
const summator = (sum, elem) => {
return sum + elem;
const fromVariance = fromPoints
.variance('row', { unbiased: false })
let trace = 0;
for (let dimension = 0; dimension < dimensions; dimension++) {
const mirrorEntry = mirrorIdentityForSolution[dimension];
trace += svd.diagonal[dimension] * mirrorEntry;
const scale = trace / fromVariance;
// 3. Compute the translation.
const fromMean = mlMatrix.Matrix.columnVector(fromPoints.mean('row'));
const toMean = mlMatrix.Matrix.columnVector(toPoints.mean('row'));
const translation = mlMatrix.Matrix.sub(
mlMatrix.Matrix.mul(rotation.mmul(fromMean), scale));
// 4. Transform the points.
// const transformedPoints = mlMatrix.Matrix.add(
// mlMatrix.Matrix.mul(rotation.mmul(fromPoints), scale),
// translation.repeat({ columns: numPoints }));
const rotScale = mlMatrix.Matrix.mul(rotation, scale);
return { rotScale, translation };
* Compute the mean squared error of a given solution, following equation 1
* in umeyama_1991.
* This function expects two mlMatrix.Matrix instances of the same shape
* (m, n), where n is the number of points and m is the number of dimensions.
* This is the shape used by umeyama_1991.
* @param {!mlMatrix.Matrix} transformedPoints - the solution, for example
* returned by getSimilarityTransformation(...).
* @param {!mlMatrix.Matrix} toPoints - the target points {y_1, ..., y_n}.
* @returns {number}
function getSimilarityTransformationError(transformedPoints, toPoints) {
const numPoints = transformedPoints.columns;
const difference = mlMatrix.Matrix.sub(toPoints, transformedPoints);
return Math.pow(difference.norm('frobenius'), 2) / numPoints;
* Compute the minimum possible mean squared error for a given problem,
* following equation 33 in umeyama_1991.
* This function expects two mlMatrix.Matrix instances of the same shape
* (m, n), where n is the number of points and m is the number of dimensions.
* This is the shape used by umeyama_1991. m and n can take any positive value.
* @param {!mlMatrix.Matrix} fromPoints - the source points {x_1, ..., x_n}.
* @param {!mlMatrix.Matrix} toPoints - the target points {y_1, ..., y_n}.
* @param {boolean} allowReflection - If true, the source points may be
* reflected to achieve a better mean squared error.
* @returns {number}
function getSimilarityTransformationErrorBound(fromPoints,
allowReflection = false) {
const dimensions = fromPoints.rows;
// The variances will first be 1-D arrays and then reduced to a scalar.
const summator = (sum, elem) => {
return sum + elem;
const fromVariance = fromPoints
.variance('row', { unbiased: false })
const toVariance = toPoints
.variance('row', { unbiased: false })
const covarianceMatrix = getSimilarityTransformationCovariance(
const {
} = getSimilarityTransformationSvdWithMirrorIdentities(
let trace = 0;
for (let dimension = 0; dimension < dimensions; dimension++) {
const mirrorEntry = mirrorIdentityForErrorBound[dimension];
trace += svd.diagonal[dimension] * mirrorEntry;
return toVariance - Math.pow(trace, 2) / fromVariance;
* Computes the covariance matrix of the source points and the target points
* following equation 38 in umeyama_1991.
* This function expects two mlMatrix.Matrix instances of the same shape
* (m, n), where n is the number of points and m is the number of dimensions.
* This is the shape used by umeyama_1991. m and n can take any positive value.
* @param {!mlMatrix.Matrix} fromPoints - the source points {x_1, ..., x_n}.
* @param {!mlMatrix.Matrix} toPoints - the target points {y_1, ..., y_n}.
* @returns {mlMatrix.Matrix}
function getSimilarityTransformationCovariance(fromPoints, toPoints) {
const dimensions = fromPoints.rows;
const numPoints = fromPoints.columns;
const fromMean = mlMatrix.Matrix.columnVector(fromPoints.mean('row'));
const toMean = mlMatrix.Matrix.columnVector(toPoints.mean('row'));
const covariance = mlMatrix.Matrix.zeros(dimensions, dimensions);
for (let pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < numPoints; pointIndex++) {
const fromPoint = fromPoints.getColumnVector(pointIndex);
const toPoint = toPoints.getColumnVector(pointIndex);
const outer = mlMatrix.Matrix.sub(toPoint, toMean)
.mmul(mlMatrix.Matrix.sub(fromPoint, fromMean).transpose());
covariance.addM(mlMatrix.Matrix.div(outer, numPoints));
return covariance;
* Computes the SVD of the covariance matrix and returns the mirror identities
* (called S in umeyama_1991), following equation 39 and 43 in umeyama_1991.
* See getSimilarityTransformationCovariance(...) for more details on how to
* compute the covariance matrix.
* @param {!mlMatrix.Matrix} covarianceMatrix - the matrix returned by
* getSimilarityTransformationCovariance(...)
* @param {boolean} allowReflection - If true, the source points may be
* reflected to achieve a better mean squared error.
* @returns {{
* svd: mlMatrix.SVD,
* mirrorIdentityForErrorBound: number[],
* mirrorIdentityForSolution: number[]
* }}
function getSimilarityTransformationSvdWithMirrorIdentities(covarianceMatrix,
allowReflection) {
// Compute the SVD.
const dimensions = covarianceMatrix.rows;
const svd = new mlMatrix.SVD(covarianceMatrix);
// Compute the mirror identities based on the equations in umeyama_1991.
let mirrorIdentityForErrorBound = Array(svd.diagonal.length).fill(1);
let mirrorIdentityForSolution = Array(svd.diagonal.length).fill(1);
if (!allowReflection) {
// Compute equation 39 in umeyama_1991.
if (mlMatrix.determinant(covarianceMatrix) < 0) {
const lastIndex = mirrorIdentityForErrorBound.length - 1;
mirrorIdentityForErrorBound[lastIndex] = -1;
// Check the rank condition mentioned directly after equation 43.
mirrorIdentityForSolution = mirrorIdentityForErrorBound;
if (svd.rank === dimensions - 1) {
// Compute equation 43 in umeyama_1991.
mirrorIdentityForSolution = Array(svd.diagonal.length).fill(1);
if (mlMatrix.determinant(svd.U) * mlMatrix.determinant(svd.V) < 0) {
const lastIndex = mirrorIdentityForSolution.length - 1;
mirrorIdentityForSolution[lastIndex] = -1;
return {
svd: svd,
mirrorIdentityForErrorBound: mirrorIdentityForErrorBound,
mirrorIdentityForSolution: mirrorIdentityForSolution