2024-03-20 15:51:57 +05:30

529 lines
19 KiB

import 'dart:async';
import "dart:io" show File;
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:typed_data' show Float32List, Uint8List;
import 'dart:ui';
import "package:flutter/rendering.dart";
import 'package:flutter_isolate/flutter_isolate.dart';
import "package:logging/logging.dart";
import "package:photos/face/model/box.dart";
import 'package:photos/models/ml/ml_typedefs.dart';
import 'package:photos/services/machine_learning/face_ml/face_alignment/alignment_result.dart';
import 'package:photos/services/machine_learning/face_ml/face_detection/detection.dart';
import "package:photos/utils/image_ml_util.dart";
import "package:synchronized/synchronized.dart";
enum ImageOperation {
@Deprecated("No longer using BlazeFace`")
/// The isolate below uses functions from ["package:photos/utils/image_ml_util.dart"] to preprocess images for ML models.
/// This class is responsible for all image operations needed for ML models. It runs in a separate isolate to avoid jank.
/// It can be accessed through the singleton `ImageConversionIsolate.instance`. e.g. `ImageConversionIsolate.instance.convert(imageData)`
/// IMPORTANT: Make sure to dispose of the isolate when you're done with it with `dispose()`, e.g. `ImageConversionIsolate.instance.dispose();`
class ImageMlIsolate {
// static const String debugName = 'ImageMlIsolate';
final _logger = Logger('ImageMlIsolate');
Timer? _inactivityTimer;
final Duration _inactivityDuration = const Duration(seconds: 60);
int _activeTasks = 0;
final _initLock = Lock();
final _functionLock = Lock();
late FlutterIsolate _isolate;
late ReceivePort _receivePort = ReceivePort();
late SendPort _mainSendPort;
bool isSpawned = false;
// singleton pattern
/// Use this instance to access the ImageConversionIsolate service. Make sure to call `init()` before using it.
/// e.g. `await ImageConversionIsolate.instance.init();`
/// And kill the isolate when you're done with it with `dispose()`, e.g. `ImageConversionIsolate.instance.dispose();`
/// Then you can use `convert()` to get the image, so `ImageConversionIsolate.instance.convert(imageData, imagePath: imagePath)`
static final ImageMlIsolate instance = ImageMlIsolate._privateConstructor();
factory ImageMlIsolate() => instance;
Future<void> init() async {
return _initLock.synchronized(() async {
if (isSpawned) return;
_receivePort = ReceivePort();
try {
_isolate = await FlutterIsolate.spawn(
_mainSendPort = await _receivePort.first as SendPort;
isSpawned = true;
} catch (e) {
_logger.severe('Could not spawn isolate', e);
isSpawned = false;
Future<void> ensureSpawned() async {
if (!isSpawned) {
await init();
static void _isolateMain(SendPort mainSendPort) async {
final receivePort = ReceivePort();
receivePort.listen((message) async {
final functionIndex = message[0] as int;
final function = ImageOperation.values[functionIndex];
final args = message[1] as Map<String, dynamic>;
final sendPort = message[2] as SendPort;
try {
switch (function) {
case ImageOperation.preprocessBlazeFace:
final imageData = args['imageData'] as Uint8List;
final normalize = args['normalize'] as bool;
final int normalization = normalize ? 2 : -1;
final requiredWidth = args['requiredWidth'] as int;
final requiredHeight = args['requiredHeight'] as int;
final qualityIndex = args['quality'] as int;
final maintainAspectRatio = args['maintainAspectRatio'] as bool;
final quality = FilterQuality.values[qualityIndex];
final (result, originalSize, newSize) =
await preprocessImageToMatrix(
normalization: normalization,
requiredWidth: requiredWidth,
requiredHeight: requiredHeight,
quality: quality,
maintainAspectRatio: maintainAspectRatio,
'inputs': result,
'originalWidth': originalSize.width,
'originalHeight': originalSize.height,
'newWidth': newSize.width,
'newHeight': newSize.height,
case ImageOperation.preprocessYoloOnnx:
final imageData = args['imageData'] as Uint8List;
final normalize = args['normalize'] as bool;
final int normalization = normalize ? 1 : -1;
final requiredWidth = args['requiredWidth'] as int;
final requiredHeight = args['requiredHeight'] as int;
final maintainAspectRatio = args['maintainAspectRatio'] as bool;
final Image image = await decodeImageFromData(imageData);
final imageByteData = await getByteDataFromImage(image);
final (result, originalSize, newSize) =
await preprocessImageToFloat32ChannelsFirst(
normalization: normalization,
requiredWidth: requiredWidth,
requiredHeight: requiredHeight,
maintainAspectRatio: maintainAspectRatio,
'inputs': result,
'originalWidth': originalSize.width,
'originalHeight': originalSize.height,
'newWidth': newSize.width,
'newHeight': newSize.height,
case ImageOperation.preprocessFaceAlign:
final imageData = args['imageData'] as Uint8List;
final faceLandmarks =
args['faceLandmarks'] as List<List<List<double>>>;
final List<Uint8List> result = await preprocessFaceAlignToUint8List(
case ImageOperation.preprocessMobileFaceNet:
final imageData = args['imageData'] as Uint8List;
final facesJson = args['facesJson'] as List<Map<String, dynamic>>;
final (
) = await preprocessToMobileFaceNetInput(
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> alignmentResultsJson =
alignmentResults.map((result) => result.toJson()).toList();
'inputs': inputs,
'alignmentResultsJson': alignmentResultsJson,
'isBlurs': isBlurs,
'blurValues': blurValues,
'originalWidth': originalSize.width,
'originalHeight': originalSize.height,
case ImageOperation.preprocessMobileFaceNetOnnx:
final imagePath = args['imagePath'] as String;
final facesJson = args['facesJson'] as List<Map<String, dynamic>>;
final List<FaceDetectionRelative> relativeFaces = facesJson
.map((face) => FaceDetectionRelative.fromJson(face))
final imageData = await File(imagePath).readAsBytes();
final Image image = await decodeImageFromData(imageData);
final imageByteData = await getByteDataFromImage(image);
final (
) = await preprocessToMobileFaceNetFloat32List(
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> alignmentResultsJson =
alignmentResults.map((result) => result.toJson()).toList();
'inputs': inputs,
'alignmentResultsJson': alignmentResultsJson,
'isBlurs': isBlurs,
'blurValues': blurValues,
'originalWidth': originalSize.width,
'originalHeight': originalSize.height,
case ImageOperation.generateFaceThumbnails:
final imagePath = args['imagePath'] as String;
final Uint8List imageData = await File(imagePath).readAsBytes();
final faceBoxesJson =
args['faceBoxesList'] as List<Map<String, dynamic>>;
final List<FaceBox> faceBoxes =
faceBoxesJson.map((json) => FaceBox.fromJson(json)).toList();
final List<Uint8List> results = await generateFaceThumbnails(
case ImageOperation.cropAndPadFace:
final imageData = args['imageData'] as Uint8List;
final faceBox = args['faceBox'] as List<double>;
final Uint8List result =
await cropAndPadFaceData(imageData, faceBox);
} catch (e, stackTrace) {
.send({'error': e.toString(), 'stackTrace': stackTrace.toString()});
/// The common method to run any operation in the isolate. It sends the [message] to [_isolateMain] and waits for the result.
Future<dynamic> _runInIsolate(
(ImageOperation, Map<String, dynamic>) message,
) async {
await ensureSpawned();
return _functionLock.synchronized(() async {
final completer = Completer<dynamic>();
final answerPort = ReceivePort();
_mainSendPort.send([message.$1.index, message.$2, answerPort.sendPort]);
answerPort.listen((receivedMessage) {
if (receivedMessage is Map && receivedMessage.containsKey('error')) {
// Handle the error
final errorMessage = receivedMessage['error'];
final errorStackTrace = receivedMessage['stackTrace'];
final exception = Exception(errorMessage);
final stackTrace = StackTrace.fromString(errorStackTrace);
completer.completeError(exception, stackTrace);
} else {
return completer.future;
/// Resets a timer that kills the isolate after a certain amount of inactivity.
/// Should be called after initialization (e.g. inside `init()`) and after every call to isolate (e.g. inside `_runInIsolate()`)
void _resetInactivityTimer() {
_inactivityTimer = Timer(_inactivityDuration, () {
if (_activeTasks > 0) {
_logger.info('Tasks are still running. Delaying isolate disposal.');
// Optionally, reschedule the timer to check again later.
} else {
'Clustering Isolate has been inactive for ${_inactivityDuration.inSeconds} seconds with no tasks running. Killing isolate.',
/// Disposes the isolate worker.
void dispose() {
if (!isSpawned) return;
isSpawned = false;
/// Preprocesses [imageData] for standard ML models inside a separate isolate.
/// Returns a [Num3DInputMatrix] image usable for ML inference with BlazeFace.
/// Uses [preprocessImageToMatrix] inside the isolate.
@Deprecated("No longer using BlazeFace")
Future<(Num3DInputMatrix, Size, Size)> preprocessImageBlazeFace(
Uint8List imageData, {
required bool normalize,
required int requiredWidth,
required int requiredHeight,
FilterQuality quality = FilterQuality.medium,
bool maintainAspectRatio = true,
}) async {
final Map<String, dynamic> results = await _runInIsolate(
'imageData': imageData,
'normalize': normalize,
'requiredWidth': requiredWidth,
'requiredHeight': requiredHeight,
'quality': quality.index,
'maintainAspectRatio': maintainAspectRatio,
final inputs = results['inputs'] as Num3DInputMatrix;
final originalSize = Size(
results['originalWidth'] as double,
results['originalHeight'] as double,
final newSize = Size(
results['newWidth'] as double,
results['newHeight'] as double,
return (inputs, originalSize, newSize);
/// Uses [preprocessImageToFloat32ChannelsFirst] inside the isolate.
"Old method, not needed since we now run the whole ML pipeline for faces in a single isolate",
Future<(Float32List, Size, Size)> preprocessImageYoloOnnx(
Uint8List imageData, {
required bool normalize,
required int requiredWidth,
required int requiredHeight,
FilterQuality quality = FilterQuality.medium,
bool maintainAspectRatio = true,
}) async {
final Map<String, dynamic> results = await _runInIsolate(
'imageData': imageData,
'normalize': normalize,
'requiredWidth': requiredWidth,
'requiredHeight': requiredHeight,
'quality': quality.index,
'maintainAspectRatio': maintainAspectRatio,
final inputs = results['inputs'] as Float32List;
final originalSize = Size(
results['originalWidth'] as double,
results['originalHeight'] as double,
final newSize = Size(
results['newWidth'] as double,
results['newHeight'] as double,
return (inputs, originalSize, newSize);
/// Preprocesses [imageData] for face alignment inside a separate isolate, to display the aligned faces. Mostly used for debugging.
/// Returns a list of [Uint8List] images, one for each face, in png format.
/// Uses [preprocessFaceAlignToUint8List] inside the isolate.
/// WARNING: For preprocessing for MobileFaceNet, use [preprocessMobileFaceNet] instead!
"Old method, not needed since we now run the whole ML pipeline for faces in a single isolate",
Future<List<Uint8List>> preprocessFaceAlign(
Uint8List imageData,
List<FaceDetectionAbsolute> faces,
) async {
final faceLandmarks = faces.map((face) => face.allKeypoints).toList();
return await _runInIsolate(
'imageData': imageData,
'faceLandmarks': faceLandmarks,
).then((value) => value.cast<Uint8List>());
/// Preprocesses [imageData] for MobileFaceNet input inside a separate isolate.
/// Returns a list of [Num3DInputMatrix] images, one for each face.
/// Uses [preprocessToMobileFaceNetInput] inside the isolate.
@Deprecated("Old method used in TensorFlow Lite")
)> preprocessMobileFaceNet(
Uint8List imageData,
List<FaceDetectionRelative> faces,
) async {
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> facesJson =
faces.map((face) => face.toJson()).toList();
final Map<String, dynamic> results = await _runInIsolate(
'imageData': imageData,
'facesJson': facesJson,
final inputs = results['inputs'] as List<Num3DInputMatrix>;
final alignmentResultsJson =
results['alignmentResultsJson'] as List<Map<String, dynamic>>;
final alignmentResults = alignmentResultsJson.map((json) {
return AlignmentResult.fromJson(json);
final isBlurs = results['isBlurs'] as List<bool>;
final blurValues = results['blurValues'] as List<double>;
final originalSize = Size(
results['originalWidth'] as double,
results['originalHeight'] as double,
return (inputs, alignmentResults, isBlurs, blurValues, originalSize);
/// Uses [preprocessToMobileFaceNetFloat32List] inside the isolate.
"Old method, not needed since we now run the whole ML pipeline for faces in a single isolate",
Future<(Float32List, List<AlignmentResult>, List<bool>, List<double>, Size)>
String imagePath,
List<FaceDetectionRelative> faces,
) async {
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> facesJson =
faces.map((face) => face.toJson()).toList();
final Map<String, dynamic> results = await _runInIsolate(
'imagePath': imagePath,
'facesJson': facesJson,
final inputs = results['inputs'] as Float32List;
final alignmentResultsJson =
results['alignmentResultsJson'] as List<Map<String, dynamic>>;
final alignmentResults = alignmentResultsJson.map((json) {
return AlignmentResult.fromJson(json);
final isBlurs = results['isBlurs'] as List<bool>;
final blurValues = results['blurValues'] as List<double>;
final originalSize = Size(
results['originalWidth'] as double,
results['originalHeight'] as double,
return (inputs, alignmentResults, isBlurs, blurValues, originalSize);
/// Generates face thumbnails for all [faceBoxes] in [imageData].
/// Uses [generateFaceThumbnails] inside the isolate.
Future<List<Uint8List>> generateFaceThumbnailsForImage(
String imagePath,
List<FaceBox> faceBoxes,
) async {
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> faceBoxesJson =
faceBoxes.map((box) => box.toJson()).toList();
return await _runInIsolate(
'imagePath': imagePath,
'faceBoxesList': faceBoxesJson,
).then((value) => value.cast<Uint8List>());
@Deprecated('For second pass of BlazeFace, no longer used')
/// Generates cropped and padded image data from [imageData] and a [faceBox].
/// The steps are:
/// 1. Crop the image to the face bounding box
/// 2. Resize this cropped image to a square that is half the BlazeFace input size
/// 3. Pad the image to the BlazeFace input size
/// Uses [cropAndPadFaceData] inside the isolate.
Future<Uint8List> cropAndPadFace(
Uint8List imageData,
List<double> faceBox,
) async {
return await _runInIsolate(
'imageData': imageData,
'faceBox': List<double>.from(faceBox),
).then((value) => value[0] as Uint8List);