2024-05-19 11:54:00 +05:30

241 lines
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import isElectron from "is-electron";
const blobCacheNames = [
// Desktop app only
] as const;
* Namespaces into which our blob caches are divided
* Note that namespaces are just arbitrary (but predefined) strings to split the
* cached data into "folders", so to speak.
* */
export type BlobCacheNamespace = (typeof blobCacheNames)[number];
* A namespaced blob cache.
* This cache is suitable for storing large amounts of data (entire files).
* To obtain a cache for a given namespace, use {@link openBlobCache}. To clear all
* cached data (e.g. during logout), use {@link clearBlobCaches}.
* [Note: Caching files]
* The underlying implementation of the cache is different depending on the
* runtime environment.
* * The preferred implementation, and the one that is used when we're running
* in a browser, is to use the standard [Web
* Cache](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Cache).
* * However when running under Electron (when this code runs as part of our
* desktop app), a custom OPFS based cache is used instead. This is because
* Electron currently doesn't support using standard Web Cache API for data
* served by a custom protocol handler (See this
* [issue](https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/35033), and the
* underlying restriction that comes from
* [Chromium](https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/blink/renderer/modules/cache_storage/cache.cc;l=83-87?q=%22Request%20scheme%20%27%22&ss=chromium))
* [OPFS](https://web.dev/articles/origin-private-file-system) stands for Origin
* Private File System. It is a recent API that allows a web site to store
* reasonably large amounts of data. One option (that may still become possible
* in the future) was to always use OPFS for caching instead of this dual
* implementation, however currently [Safari does not support writing to OPFS
* outside of web
* workers](https://webkit.org/blog/12257/the-file-system-access-api-with-origin-private-file-system/)
* ([the WebKit bug](https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=231706)), so it's
* not trivial to use this as a full on replacement of the Web Cache in the
* browser. So for now we go with this split implementation.
export interface BlobCache {
* Get the data corresponding to {@link key} (if found) from the cache.
get: (key: string) => Promise<Blob | undefined>;
* Add the given {@link key}-value ({@link blob}) pair to the cache.
put: (key: string, blob: Blob) => Promise<void>;
* Delete the blob corresponding to the given {@link key}.
* The returned promise resolves to `true` if a cache entry was found,
* otherwise it resolves to `false`.
* */
delete: (key: string) => Promise<boolean>;
const cachedCaches = new Map<BlobCacheNamespace, BlobCache>();
* Return the {@link BlobCache} corresponding to the given {@link name}.
* This is a wrapper over {@link openBlobCache} that caches (pun intended) the
* cache and returns the same one each time it is called with the same name.
* It'll open the cache lazily the first time it is invoked.
export const blobCache = async (
name: BlobCacheNamespace,
): Promise<BlobCache> => {
let c = cachedCaches.get(name);
if (!c) cachedCaches.set(name, (c = await openBlobCache(name)));
return c;
* Create a new {@link BlobCache} corresponding to the given {@link name}.
* @param name One of the arbitrary but predefined namespaces of type
* {@link BlobCacheNamespace} which group related data and allow us to use the
* same key across namespaces.
export const openBlobCache = async (
name: BlobCacheNamespace,
): Promise<BlobCache> =>
isElectron() ? openOPFSCacheWeb(name) : openWebCache(name);
* [Note: ArrayBuffer vs Blob vs Uint8Array]
* ArrayBuffers are in memory, while blobs are unreified, and can directly point
* to on disk objects too.
* If we are just passing data around without necessarily needing to manipulate
* it, and we already have a blob, it's best to just pass that blob. Further,
* blobs also retains the file's encoding information , and are thus a layer
* above array buffers which are just raw byte sequences.
* ArrayBuffers are not directly manipulatable, which is where some sort of a
* typed array or a data view comes into the picture. The typed `Uint8Array` is
* a common way.
* To convert from ArrayBuffer to Uint8Array,
* new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer)
* Blobs are immutable, but a usual scenario is storing an entire file in a
* blob, and when the need comes to display it, we can obtain a URL for it using
* URL.createObjectURL(blob)
* Also note that a File is a Blob!
* To convert from a Blob to ArrayBuffer
* await blob.arrayBuffer()
* To convert from a Blob to Uint8Array, chain the two steps
* new Uint8Array(await blob.arrayBuffer())
* To convert from an ArrayBuffer or Uint8Array to Blob
* new Blob([arrayBuffer, andOrAnyArray, andOrstring])
* Refs:
* - https://github.com/yigitunallar/arraybuffer-vs-blob
* - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11821096/what-is-the-difference-between-an-arraybuffer-and-a-blob
/** An implementation of {@link BlobCache} using Web Cache APIs */
const openWebCache = async (name: BlobCacheNamespace) => {
const cache = await caches.open(name);
return {
get: async (key: string) => {
const res = await cache.match(key);
return await res?.blob();
put: (key: string, blob: Blob) => cache.put(key, new Response(blob)),
delete: (key: string) => cache.delete(key),
/** An implementation of {@link BlobCache} using OPFS */
const openOPFSCacheWeb = async (name: BlobCacheNamespace) => {
// While all major browsers support OPFS now, their implementations still
// have various quirks. However, we don't need to handle all possible cases
// and can just instead use the APIs and guarantees Chromium provides since
// this code will only run in our Electron app (which'll use Chromium as the
// renderer).
// So for our purpose, these can serve as the doc for what's available:
// https://web.dev/articles/origin-private-file-system
const root = await navigator.storage.getDirectory();
const caches = await root.getDirectoryHandle("cache", { create: true });
const cache = await caches.getDirectoryHandle(name, { create: true });
return {
get: async (key: string) => {
try {
const fileHandle = await cache.getFileHandle(key);
return await fileHandle.getFile();
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof DOMException && e.name == "NotFoundError")
return undefined;
throw e;
put: async (key: string, blob: Blob) => {
const fileHandle = await cache.getFileHandle(key, {
create: true,
const writable = await fileHandle.createWritable();
await writable.write(blob);
await writable.close();
delete: async (key: string) => {
try {
await cache.removeEntry(key);
return true;
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof DOMException && e.name == "NotFoundError")
return false;
throw e;
* Return a cached blob for {@link key} in {@link cacheName}. If the blob is not
* found in the cache, recreate/fetch it using {@link get}, cache it, and then
* return it.
export const cachedOrNew = async (
cacheName: BlobCacheNamespace,
key: string,
get: () => Promise<Blob>,
): Promise<Blob> => {
const cache = await openBlobCache(cacheName);
const cachedBlob = await cache.get(key);
if (cachedBlob) return cachedBlob;
const blob = await get();
await cache.put(key, blob);
return blob;
* Delete all cached data, including cached caches.
* Meant for use during logout, to reset the state of the user's account.
export const clearBlobCaches = async () => {
return isElectron() ? clearOPFSCaches() : clearWebCaches();
const clearWebCaches = async () => {
await Promise.allSettled(blobCacheNames.map((name) => caches.delete(name)));
const clearOPFSCaches = async () => {
const root = await navigator.storage.getDirectory();
await root.removeEntry("cache", { recursive: true });