2023-08-19 17:09:56 +05:30

257 lines
8.1 KiB

import "dart:convert";
import "dart:math";
import "package:logging/logging.dart";
import "package:photos/core/constants.dart";
import "package:photos/core/event_bus.dart";
import "package:photos/events/location_tag_updated_event.dart";
import "package:photos/models/api/entity/type.dart";
import "package:photos/models/local_entity_data.dart";
import "package:photos/models/location/location.dart";
import 'package:photos/models/location_tag/location_tag.dart';
import "package:photos/services/entity_service.dart";
import "package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart";
class LocationService {
late SharedPreferences prefs;
final Logger _logger = Logger((LocationService).toString());
static final LocationService instance = LocationService._privateConstructor();
void init(SharedPreferences preferences) {
prefs = preferences;
Future<Iterable<LocalEntity<LocationTag>>> _getStoredLocationTags() async {
final data = await EntityService.instance.getEntities(EntityType.location);
return data.map(
(e) => LocalEntity(LocationTag.fromJson(json.decode(e.data)), e.id),
Future<Iterable<LocalEntity<LocationTag>>> getLocationTags() {
return _getStoredLocationTags();
Future<void> addLocation(
String location,
Location centerPoint,
double radius,
) async {
//The area enclosed by the location tag will be a circle on a 3D spherical
//globe and an ellipse on a 2D Mercator projection (2D map)
//a & b are the semi-major and semi-minor axes of the ellipse
//Converting the unit from kilometers to degrees for a and b as that is
//the unit on the caritesian plane
try {
final a =
(radius * _scaleFactor(centerPoint.latitude!)) / kilometersPerDegree;
final b = radius / kilometersPerDegree;
final locationTag = LocationTag(
name: location,
radius: radius,
aSquare: a * a,
bSquare: b * b,
centerPoint: centerPoint,
await EntityService.instance
.addOrUpdate(EntityType.location, json.encode(locationTag.toJson()));
} catch (e, s) {
_logger.severe("Failed to add location tag", e, s);
///The area bounded by the location tag becomes more elliptical with increase
///in the magnitude of the latitude on the caritesian plane. When latitude is
///0 degrees, the ellipse is a circle with a = b = r. When latitude incrases,
///the major axis (a) has to be scaled by the secant of the latitude.
double _scaleFactor(double lat) {
return 1 / cos(lat * (pi / 180));
Future<List<LocalEntity<LocationTag>>> enclosingLocationTags(
Location fileCoordinates,
) async {
try {
final result = List<LocalEntity<LocationTag>>.of([]);
final locationTagEntities = await getLocationTags();
for (LocalEntity<LocationTag> locationTagEntity in locationTagEntities) {
final locationTag = locationTagEntity.item;
final x = fileCoordinates.latitude! - locationTag.centerPoint.latitude!;
final y =
fileCoordinates.longitude! - locationTag.centerPoint.longitude!;
if ((x * x) / (locationTag.aSquare) + (y * y) / (locationTag.bSquare) <=
1) {
return result;
} catch (e, s) {
_logger.severe("Failed to get enclosing location tags", e, s);
bool isFileInsideLocationTag(
Location centerPoint,
Location fileCoordinates,
double radius,
) {
final a =
(radius * _scaleFactor(centerPoint.latitude!)) / kilometersPerDegree;
final b = radius / kilometersPerDegree;
final x = centerPoint.latitude! - fileCoordinates.latitude!;
final y = centerPoint.longitude! - fileCoordinates.longitude!;
if ((x * x) / (a * a) + (y * y) / (b * b) <= 1) {
return true;
return false;
String convertLocationToDMS(Location centerPoint) {
final lat = centerPoint.latitude!;
final long = centerPoint.longitude!;
final latRef = lat >= 0 ? "N" : "S";
final longRef = long >= 0 ? "E" : "W";
final latDMS = convertCoordinateToDMS(lat.abs());
final longDMS = convertCoordinateToDMS(long.abs());
return "${latDMS[0]}°${latDMS[1]}'${latDMS[2]}\"$latRef, ${longDMS[0]}°${longDMS[1]}'${longDMS[2]}\"$longRef";
List<int> convertCoordinateToDMS(double coordinate) {
final degrees = coordinate.floor();
final minutes = ((coordinate - degrees) * 60).floor();
final seconds = ((coordinate - degrees - minutes / 60) * 3600).floor();
return [degrees, minutes, seconds];
///Will only update if there is a change in the locationTag's properties
Future<void> updateLocationTag({
required LocalEntity<LocationTag> locationTagEntity,
double? newRadius,
Location? newCenterPoint,
String? newName,
}) async {
try {
final radius = newRadius ?? locationTagEntity.item.radius;
final centerPoint = newCenterPoint ?? locationTagEntity.item.centerPoint;
final name = newName ?? locationTagEntity.item.name;
final locationTag = locationTagEntity.item;
//Exit if there is no change in locationTag's properties
if (radius == locationTag.radius &&
centerPoint == locationTag.centerPoint &&
name == locationTag.name) {
final a =
(radius * _scaleFactor(centerPoint.latitude!)) / kilometersPerDegree;
final b = radius / kilometersPerDegree;
final updatedLoationTag = locationTagEntity.item.copyWith(
centerPoint: centerPoint,
aSquare: a * a,
bSquare: b * b,
radius: radius,
name: name,
await EntityService.instance.addOrUpdate(
id: locationTagEntity.id,
updatedLocTagEntities: [
LocalEntity(updatedLoationTag, locationTagEntity.id),
} catch (e, s) {
_logger.severe("Failed to update location tag", e, s);
Future<void> deleteLocationTag(String locTagEntityId) async {
try {
await EntityService.instance.deleteEntry(
} catch (e, s) {
_logger.severe("Failed to delete location tag", e, s);
class GPSData {
final String? latRef;
final List<double>? lat;
final String? longRef;
final List<double>? long;
GPSData(this.latRef, this.lat, this.longRef, this.long);
Location? toLocationObj() {
int? latSign;
int? longSign;
if (lat == null || long == null) {
return null;
if (lat!.length < 3 || long!.length < 3) {
return null;
if (latRef == null && longRef == null) {
latSign = lat!.any((element) => element < 0) ? -1 : 1;
longSign = long!.any((element) => element < 0) ? -1 : 1;
for (var element in lat!) {
lat![lat!.indexOf(element)] = element.abs();
for (var element in long!) {
long![long!.indexOf(element)] = element.abs();
} else {
if (latRef!.toLowerCase().startsWith('n')) {
latSign = 1;
} else if (latRef!.toLowerCase().startsWith('s')) {
latSign = -1;
if (longRef!.toLowerCase().startsWith('e')) {
longSign = 1;
} else if (longRef!.toLowerCase().startsWith('w')) {
longSign = -1;
//At this point, latSign and longSign will only be null if latRef and longRef
//is of invalid format.
if (latSign == null || longSign == null) {
return null;
final result = Location(
latitude: latSign * (lat![0] + lat![1] / 60 + lat![2] / 3600),
longitude: longSign * (long![0] + long![1] / 60 + long![2] / 3600),
if (Location.isValidLocation(result)) {
return result;
} else {
return null;