2024-03-01 13:37:01 +05:30

498 lines
19 KiB

package controller
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
// BillingController provides abstractions for handling billing related queries
type BillingController struct {
BillingPlansPerAccount ente.BillingPlansPerAccount
BillingRepo *repo.BillingRepository
UserRepo *repo.UserRepository
UsageRepo *repo.UsageRepository
StorageBonusRepo *storagebonus.Repository
AppStoreController *AppStoreController
PlayStoreController *PlayStoreController
StripeController *StripeController
DiscordController *discord.DiscordController
EmailNotificationCtrl *email.EmailNotificationController
CommonBillCtrl *commonbilling.Controller
// Return a new instance of BillingController
func NewBillingController(
plans ente.BillingPlansPerAccount,
appStoreController *AppStoreController,
playStoreController *PlayStoreController,
stripeController *StripeController,
discordController *discord.DiscordController,
emailNotificationCtrl *email.EmailNotificationController,
billingRepo *repo.BillingRepository,
userRepo *repo.UserRepository,
usageRepo *repo.UsageRepository,
storageBonusRepo *storagebonus.Repository,
commonBillCtrl *commonbilling.Controller,
) *BillingController {
return &BillingController{
BillingPlansPerAccount: plans,
BillingRepo: billingRepo,
UserRepo: userRepo,
UsageRepo: usageRepo,
AppStoreController: appStoreController,
PlayStoreController: playStoreController,
StripeController: stripeController,
DiscordController: discordController,
EmailNotificationCtrl: emailNotificationCtrl,
StorageBonusRepo: storageBonusRepo,
CommonBillCtrl: commonBillCtrl,
// GetPlansV2 returns the available subscription plans for the given country and stripe account
func (c *BillingController) GetPlansV2(countryCode string, stripeAccountCountry ente.StripeAccountCountry) []ente.BillingPlan {
plans := c.getAllPlans(countryCode, stripeAccountCountry)
result := make([]ente.BillingPlan, 0)
ids := billing.GetActivePlanIDs()
for _, plan := range plans {
if contains(ids, plan.ID) {
result = append(result, plan)
return result
// GetStripeAccountCountry returns the stripe account country the user's existing plan is from
// if he doesn't have a stripe subscription then ente.DefaultStripeAccountCountry is returned
func (c *BillingController) GetStripeAccountCountry(userID int64) (ente.StripeAccountCountry, error) {
stipeSubInfo, hasStripeSub, err := c.GetUserStripeSubscriptionInfo(userID)
if err != nil {
return "", stacktrace.Propagate(err, "")
if hasStripeSub {
return stipeSubInfo.AccountCountry, nil
} else {
//if user doesn't have a stripe subscription, return the default stripe account country
return ente.DefaultStripeAccountCountry, nil
// GetUserPlans returns the active plans for a user
func (c *BillingController) GetUserPlans(ctx *gin.Context, userID int64) ([]ente.BillingPlan, error) {
stripeSubInfo, hasStripeSub, err := c.GetUserStripeSubscriptionInfo(userID)
if err != nil {
return []ente.BillingPlan{}, stacktrace.Propagate(err, "Failed to get user's subscription country and stripe account")
if hasStripeSub {
return c.GetPlansV2(stripeSubInfo.PlanCountry, stripeSubInfo.AccountCountry), nil
} else {
// user doesn't have a stipe subscription, so return the default account plans for the country the user is from
return c.GetPlansV2(network.GetClientCountry(ctx), ente.DefaultStripeAccountCountry), nil
// GetSubscription returns the current subscription for a user if any
func (c *BillingController) GetSubscription(ctx *gin.Context, userID int64) (ente.Subscription, error) {
s, err := c.BillingRepo.GetUserSubscription(userID)
if err != nil {
return ente.Subscription{}, stacktrace.Propagate(err, "")
plan, err := c.getPlanForCountry(s, network.GetClientCountry(ctx))
if err != nil {
return ente.Subscription{}, stacktrace.Propagate(err, "")
s.Price = plan.Price
s.Period = plan.Period
return s, nil
func (c *BillingController) GetRedirectURL(ctx *gin.Context) (string, error) {
whitelistedRedirectURLs := viper.GetStringSlice("stripe.whitelisted-redirect-urls")
redirectURL := ctx.Query("redirectURL")
if len(redirectURL) > 0 && redirectURL[len(redirectURL)-1:] == "/" { // Ignore the trailing slash
redirectURL = redirectURL[:len(redirectURL)-1]
for _, ar := range whitelistedRedirectURLs {
if ar == redirectURL {
return ar, nil
return "", stacktrace.Propagate(ente.ErrBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("not a whitelistedRedirectURL- %s", redirectURL))
// GetActiveSubscription returns user's active subscription or throws a error if no active subscription
func (c *BillingController) GetActiveSubscription(userID int64) (ente.Subscription, error) {
subscription, err := c.BillingRepo.GetUserSubscription(userID)
if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return subscription, ente.ErrNoActiveSubscription
if err != nil {
return subscription, stacktrace.Propagate(err, "")
expiryBuffer := int64(0)
if value, ok := billing.ProviderToExpiryGracePeriodMap[subscription.PaymentProvider]; ok {
expiryBuffer = value
if (subscription.ExpiryTime + expiryBuffer) < time.Microseconds() {
return subscription, ente.ErrNoActiveSubscription
return subscription, nil
// IsActivePayingSubscriber validates if the current user is paying customer with active subscription
func (c *BillingController) IsActivePayingSubscriber(userID int64) error {
subscription, err := c.GetActiveSubscription(userID)
var subErr error
if err != nil {
subErr = stacktrace.Propagate(err, "")
} else if !billing.IsActivePaidPlan(subscription) {
subErr = ente.ErrSharingDisabledForFreeAccounts
if subErr != nil && (errors.Is(subErr, ente.ErrNoActiveSubscription) || errors.Is(subErr, ente.ErrSharingDisabledForFreeAccounts)) {
storage, storeErr := c.StorageBonusRepo.GetPaidAddonSurplusStorage(context.Background(), userID)
if storeErr != nil {
return storeErr
if *storage > 0 {
return nil
return nil
// HasActiveSelfOrFamilySubscription validates if the user or user's family admin has active subscription
func (c *BillingController) HasActiveSelfOrFamilySubscription(userID int64) error {
var subscriptionUserID int64
familyAdminID, err := c.UserRepo.GetFamilyAdminID(userID)
if err != nil {
return stacktrace.Propagate(err, "")
if familyAdminID != nil {
subscriptionUserID = *familyAdminID
} else {
subscriptionUserID = userID
_, err = c.GetActiveSubscription(subscriptionUserID)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, ente.ErrNoActiveSubscription) {
storage, storeErr := c.StorageBonusRepo.GetPaidAddonSurplusStorage(context.Background(), subscriptionUserID)
if storeErr != nil {
return storeErr
if *storage > 0 {
return nil
return stacktrace.Propagate(err, "")
return nil
func (c *BillingController) GetUserStripeSubscriptionInfo(userID int64) (ente.StripeSubscriptionInfo, bool, error) {
s, err := c.BillingRepo.GetUserSubscription(userID)
if err != nil {
return ente.StripeSubscriptionInfo{}, false, stacktrace.Propagate(err, "")
// skipping country code extraction for non-stripe subscriptions
// as they have same product id across countries and hence can't be distinquished
if s.PaymentProvider != ente.Stripe {
return ente.StripeSubscriptionInfo{}, false, nil
_, countryCode, err := c.getPlanWithCountry(s)
if err != nil {
return ente.StripeSubscriptionInfo{}, false, stacktrace.Propagate(err, "")
return ente.StripeSubscriptionInfo{PlanCountry: countryCode, AccountCountry: s.Attributes.StripeAccountCountry}, true, nil
// VerifySubscription verifies and returns the verified subscription
func (c *BillingController) VerifySubscription(
userID int64,
paymentProvider ente.PaymentProvider,
productID string,
verificationData string) (ente.Subscription, error) {
if productID == ente.FreePlanProductID {
return c.BillingRepo.GetUserSubscription(userID)
var newSubscription ente.Subscription
var err error
switch paymentProvider {
case ente.PlayStore:
newSubscription, err = c.PlayStoreController.GetVerifiedSubscription(userID, productID, verificationData)
case ente.AppStore:
newSubscription, err = c.AppStoreController.GetVerifiedSubscription(userID, productID, verificationData)
case ente.Stripe:
newSubscription, err = c.StripeController.GetVerifiedSubscription(userID, verificationData)
err = stacktrace.Propagate(ente.ErrBadRequest, "")
if err != nil {
return ente.Subscription{}, stacktrace.Propagate(err, "")
currentSubscription, err := c.BillingRepo.GetUserSubscription(userID)
if err != nil {
return ente.Subscription{}, stacktrace.Propagate(err, "")
newSubscriptionExpiresSooner := newSubscription.ExpiryTime < currentSubscription.ExpiryTime
isUpgradingFromFreePlan := currentSubscription.ProductID == ente.FreePlanProductID
hasChangedProductID := currentSubscription.ProductID != newSubscription.ProductID
isOutdatedPurchase := !isUpgradingFromFreePlan && !hasChangedProductID && newSubscriptionExpiresSooner
if isOutdatedPurchase {
// User is reporting an outdated purchase that was already verified
// no-op
log.Info("Outdated purchase reported")
return currentSubscription, nil
if newSubscription.Storage < currentSubscription.Storage {
canDowngrade, canDowngradeErr := c.CommonBillCtrl.CanDowngradeToGivenStorage(newSubscription.Storage, userID)
if canDowngradeErr != nil {
return ente.Subscription{}, stacktrace.Propagate(canDowngradeErr, "")
if !canDowngrade {
return ente.Subscription{}, stacktrace.Propagate(ente.ErrCannotDowngrade, "")
log.Info("Usage is good")
if newSubscription.OriginalTransactionID != "" && newSubscription.OriginalTransactionID != "none" {
existingSub, existingSubErr := c.BillingRepo.GetSubscriptionForTransaction(newSubscription.OriginalTransactionID, paymentProvider)
if existingSubErr != nil {
if errors.Is(existingSubErr, sql.ErrNoRows) {
log.Info("No subscription created yet")
} else {
log.Info("Something went wrong")
log.WithError(existingSubErr).Error("GetSubscriptionForTransaction failed")
return ente.Subscription{}, stacktrace.Propagate(existingSubErr, "")
} else {
if existingSub.UserID != userID {
"original_transaction_id": existingSub.OriginalTransactionID,
"existing_user": existingSub.UserID,
"current_user": userID,
}).Error("Subscription for given transactionID is attached with different user")
log.Info("Subscription attached to different user")
return ente.Subscription{}, stacktrace.Propagate(&ente.ErrSubscriptionAlreadyClaimed,
fmt.Sprintf("Subscription with txn id %s already associated with user %d", newSubscription.OriginalTransactionID, existingSub.UserID))
err = c.BillingRepo.ReplaceSubscription(
if err != nil {
return ente.Subscription{}, stacktrace.Propagate(err, "")
log.Info("Replaced subscription")
newSubscription.ID = currentSubscription.ID
if paymentProvider == ente.PlayStore &&
newSubscription.OriginalTransactionID != currentSubscription.OriginalTransactionID {
// Acknowledge to PlayStore in case of upgrades/downgrades/renewals
err = c.PlayStoreController.AcknowledgeSubscription(newSubscription.ProductID, verificationData)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error acknowledging subscription ", err)
if isUpgradingFromFreePlan {
go func() {
amount := "unknown"
plan, _, err := c.getPlanWithCountry(newSubscription)
if err != nil {
} else {
amount = plan.Price
c.DiscordController.NotifyNewSub(userID, string(paymentProvider), amount)
go func() {
log.Info("Returning new subscription with ID " + strconv.FormatInt(newSubscription.ID, 10))
return newSubscription, nil
func (c *BillingController) getAllPlans(countryCode string, stripeAccountCountry ente.StripeAccountCountry) []ente.BillingPlan {
if array.StringInList(countryCode, billing.CountriesInEU) {
countryCode = "EU"
countryWisePlans := c.BillingPlansPerAccount[stripeAccountCountry]
if plans, found := countryWisePlans[countryCode]; found {
return plans
// unable to find plans for given country code, return plans for default country
defaultCountry := billing.GetDefaultPlanCountry()
return countryWisePlans[defaultCountry]
func (c *BillingController) UpdateBillingEmail(userID int64, newEmail string) error {
subscription, err := c.BillingRepo.GetUserSubscription(userID)
if err != nil {
return stacktrace.Propagate(err, "")
hasStripeSubscription := subscription.PaymentProvider == ente.Stripe
if hasStripeSubscription {
err = c.StripeController.UpdateBillingEmail(subscription, newEmail)
if err != nil {
return stacktrace.Propagate(err, "")
return nil
func (c *BillingController) UpdateSubscription(r ente.UpdateSubscriptionRequest) error {
subscription, err := c.BillingRepo.GetUserSubscription(r.UserID)
if err != nil {
return stacktrace.Propagate(err, "")
newSubscription := ente.Subscription{
Storage: r.Storage,
ExpiryTime: r.ExpiryTime,
ProductID: r.ProductID,
PaymentProvider: r.PaymentProvider,
OriginalTransactionID: r.TransactionID,
Attributes: r.Attributes,
err = c.BillingRepo.ReplaceSubscription(subscription.ID, newSubscription)
if err != nil {
return stacktrace.Propagate(err, "")
err = c.BillingRepo.LogAdminTriggeredSubscriptionUpdate(r)
return stacktrace.Propagate(err, "")
func (c *BillingController) HandleAccountDeletion(ctx context.Context, userID int64, logger *log.Entry) (isCancelled bool, err error) {
logger.Info("updating billing on account deletion")
subscription, err := c.BillingRepo.GetUserSubscription(userID)
if err != nil {
return false, stacktrace.Propagate(err, "")
billingLogger := logger.WithFields(log.Fields{
"customer_id": subscription.Attributes.CustomerID,
"is_cancelled": subscription.Attributes.IsCancelled,
"original_txn_id": subscription.OriginalTransactionID,
"payment_provider": subscription.PaymentProvider,
"product_id": subscription.ProductID,
"stripe_account_country": subscription.Attributes.StripeAccountCountry,
billingLogger.Info("subscription fetched")
// user on free plan, no action required
if subscription.ProductID == ente.FreePlanProductID {
billingLogger.Info("user on free plan")
return true, nil
// The word "family" here is a misnomer - these are some manually created
// accounts for very early adopters, and are unrelated to Family Plans.
// Cancelation of these accounts will require manual intervention. Ideally,
// we should never be deleting such accounts.
if subscription.ProductID == ente.FamilyPlanProductID || subscription.ProductID == "" {
return false, stacktrace.NewError(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected product id %s", subscription.ProductID), "")
isCancelled = subscription.Attributes.IsCancelled
// delete customer data from Stripe if user is on paid plan.
if subscription.PaymentProvider == ente.Stripe {
err = c.StripeController.CancelSubAndDeleteCustomer(subscription, billingLogger)
if err != nil {
return false, stacktrace.Propagate(err, "")
// on customer deletion, subscription is automatically cancelled
isCancelled = true
} else if subscription.PaymentProvider == ente.AppStore || subscription.PaymentProvider == ente.PlayStore {
logger.Info("Updating originalTransactionID for app/playStore provider")
err := c.BillingRepo.UpdateTransactionIDOnDeletion(userID)
if err != nil {
return false, stacktrace.Propagate(err, "")
return isCancelled, nil
func (c *BillingController) getPlanWithCountry(s ente.Subscription) (ente.BillingPlan, string, error) {
var allPlans ente.BillingPlansPerCountry
if s.PaymentProvider == ente.Stripe {
allPlans = c.BillingPlansPerAccount[s.Attributes.StripeAccountCountry]
} else {
allPlans = c.BillingPlansPerAccount[ente.DefaultStripeAccountCountry]
subProductID := s.ProductID
for country, plans := range allPlans {
for _, plan := range plans {
if s.PaymentProvider == ente.Stripe && subProductID == plan.StripeID {
return plan, country, nil
} else if s.PaymentProvider == ente.PlayStore && subProductID == plan.AndroidID {
return plan, country, nil
} else if s.PaymentProvider == ente.AppStore && subProductID == plan.IOSID {
return plan, country, nil
} else if (s.PaymentProvider == ente.BitPay || s.PaymentProvider == ente.Paypal) && subProductID == plan.ID {
return plan, country, nil
if s.ProductID == ente.FreePlanProductID || s.ProductID == ente.FamilyPlanProductID {
return ente.BillingPlan{Period: ente.PeriodYear}, "", nil
return ente.BillingPlan{}, "", stacktrace.Propagate(ente.ErrNotFound, "unable to get plan for subscription")
func (c *BillingController) getPlanForCountry(s ente.Subscription, countryCode string) (ente.BillingPlan, error) {
var allPlans []ente.BillingPlan
if s.PaymentProvider == ente.Stripe {
allPlans = c.getAllPlans(countryCode, s.Attributes.StripeAccountCountry)
} else {
allPlans = c.getAllPlans(countryCode, ente.DefaultStripeAccountCountry)
subProductID := s.ProductID
for _, plan := range allPlans {
if s.PaymentProvider == ente.Stripe && subProductID == plan.StripeID {
return plan, nil
} else if s.PaymentProvider == ente.PlayStore && subProductID == plan.AndroidID {
return plan, nil
} else if s.PaymentProvider == ente.AppStore && subProductID == plan.IOSID {
return plan, nil
} else if (s.PaymentProvider == ente.BitPay || s.PaymentProvider == ente.Paypal) && subProductID == plan.ID {
return plan, nil
if s.ProductID == ente.FreePlanProductID || s.ProductID == ente.FamilyPlanProductID {
return ente.BillingPlan{Period: ente.PeriodYear}, nil
// If request has a different `countryCode` because the user is traveling, and we're unable to find a plan for that country,
// fallback to the previous logic for finding a plan.
plan, _, err := c.getPlanWithCountry(s)
if err != nil {
return ente.BillingPlan{}, stacktrace.Propagate(err, "")
return plan, nil
func contains(planIDs []string, planID string) bool {
for _, id := range planIDs {
if id == planID {
return true
return false