2024-04-05 14:37:59 +05:30

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// PersonEntity represents information about a Person in the context of FaceClustering that is stored.
// On the remote server, the PersonEntity is stored as {Entity} with type person.
// On the device, this information is stored as [LocalEntityData] with type person.
class PersonEntity {
final String remoteID;
final PersonData data;
// copyWith
PersonEntity copyWith({
String? remoteID,
PersonData? data,
}) {
return PersonEntity(
remoteID ?? this.remoteID,
data ?? this.data,
class ClusterInfo {
final int id;
final Set<String> faces;
required this.id,
required this.faces,
// toJson
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
'id': id,
'faces': faces.toList(),
// from Json
factory ClusterInfo.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return ClusterInfo(
id: json['id'] as int,
faces: (json['faces'] as List<dynamic>).map((e) => e as String).toSet(),
class PersonData {
final String name;
final bool isHidden;
String? avatarFaceId;
List<ClusterInfo>? assigned = List<ClusterInfo>.empty();
List<ClusterInfo>? rejected = List<ClusterInfo>.empty();
final String? birthDate;
bool hasAvatar() => avatarFaceId != null;
required this.name,
this.isHidden = false,
// copyWith
PersonData copyWith({
String? name,
List<ClusterInfo>? assigned,
String? avatarFaceId,
bool? isHidden,
int? version,
String? birthDate,
}) {
return PersonData(
name: name ?? this.name,
assigned: assigned ?? this.assigned,
avatarFaceId: avatarFaceId ?? this.avatarFaceId,
isHidden: isHidden ?? this.isHidden,
birthDate: birthDate ?? this.birthDate,
// toJson
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
'name': name,
'assigned': assigned?.map((e) => e.toJson()).toList(),
'rejected': rejected?.map((e) => e.toJson()).toList(),
'avatarFaceId': avatarFaceId,
'isHidden': isHidden,
'birthDate': birthDate,
// fromJson
factory PersonData.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
final assigned = (json['assigned'] == null || json['assigned'].length == 0)
? <ClusterInfo>[]
: List<ClusterInfo>.from(
json['assigned'].map((x) => ClusterInfo.fromJson(x)),
final rejected = (json['rejected'] == null || json['rejected'].length == 0)
? <ClusterInfo>[]
: List<ClusterInfo>.from(
json['rejected'].map((x) => ClusterInfo.fromJson(x)),
return PersonData(
name: json['name'] as String,
assigned: assigned,
rejected: rejected,
avatarFaceId: json['avatarFaceId'] as String?,
isHidden: json['isHidden'] as bool? ?? false,
birthDate: json['birthDate'] as String?,