laurenspriem 3eb95bd822
Import ONNX-YOLO face changes from the web_face branch
Laurens has made the relevant changes to get ONNX-YOLO face detection working in
a manner where the generated embeddings are the same as what get generated by
the corresponding ML stack in the mobile client.

This commit cherry picks his ML related changes from the branch he was working
in, but leaves out the surrounding scaffolding (We cannot merge that branch
directly because it relies on wasm that we don't need and don't want to commit
to main).

At this point this functionality is correct but not usable - the next step will
be to tie this to the ONNX runtime that we already have on the Node.js layer of
our desktop app.
2024-04-10 14:41:59 +05:30

70 lines
2.7 KiB

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