
57 lines
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import { isTensor3D, isTensor4D } from '../utils';
import { awaitMediaLoaded } from './awaitMediaLoaded';
import { isMediaElement } from './isMediaElement';
import { NetInput } from './NetInput';
import { resolveInput } from './resolveInput';
import { TNetInput } from './types';
* Validates the input to make sure, they are valid net inputs and awaits all media elements
* to be finished loading.
* @param input The input, which can be a media element or an array of different media elements.
* @returns A NetInput instance, which can be passed into one of the neural networks.
export async function toNetInput(inputs: TNetInput): Promise<NetInput> {
if (inputs instanceof NetInput) {
return inputs
let inputArgArray = Array.isArray(inputs)
? inputs
: [inputs]
if (!inputArgArray.length) {
throw new Error('toNetInput - empty array passed as input')
const getIdxHint = (idx: number) => Array.isArray(inputs) ? ` at input index ${idx}:` : ''
const inputArray = inputArgArray.map(resolveInput)
inputArray.forEach((input, i) => {
if (!isMediaElement(input) && !isTensor3D(input) && !isTensor4D(input)) {
if (typeof inputArgArray[i] === 'string') {
throw new Error(`toNetInput -${getIdxHint(i)} string passed, but could not resolve HTMLElement for element id ${inputArgArray[i]}`)
throw new Error(`toNetInput -${getIdxHint(i)} expected media to be of type HTMLImageElement | HTMLVideoElement | HTMLCanvasElement | tf.Tensor3D, or to be an element id`)
if (isTensor4D(input)) {
// if tf.Tensor4D is passed in the input array, the batch size has to be 1
const batchSize = input.shape[0]
if (batchSize !== 1) {
throw new Error(`toNetInput -${getIdxHint(i)} tf.Tensor4D with batchSize ${batchSize} passed, but not supported in input array`)
// wait for all media elements being loaded
await Promise.all(
inputArray.map(input => isMediaElement(input) && awaitMediaLoaded(input))
return new NetInput(inputArray, Array.isArray(inputs))