2023-04-05 06:49:22 +05:30

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import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'intl/messages_all.dart';
// **************************************************************************
// Generator: Flutter Intl IDE plugin
// Made by Localizely
// **************************************************************************
// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, lines_longer_than_80_chars
// ignore_for_file: join_return_with_assignment, prefer_final_in_for_each
// ignore_for_file: avoid_redundant_argument_values, avoid_escaping_inner_quotes
class S {
static S? _current;
static S get current {
assert(_current != null,
'No instance of S was loaded. Try to initialize the S delegate before accessing S.current.');
return _current!;
static const AppLocalizationDelegate delegate = AppLocalizationDelegate();
static Future<S> load(Locale locale) {
final name = (locale.countryCode?.isEmpty ?? false)
? locale.languageCode
: locale.toString();
final localeName = Intl.canonicalizedLocale(name);
return initializeMessages(localeName).then((_) {
Intl.defaultLocale = localeName;
final instance = S();
S._current = instance;
return instance;
static S of(BuildContext context) {
final instance = S.maybeOf(context);
assert(instance != null,
'No instance of S present in the widget tree. Did you add S.delegate in localizationsDelegates?');
return instance!;
static S? maybeOf(BuildContext context) {
return Localizations.of<S>(context, S);
/// `Enter your email address`
String get enterYourEmailAddress {
return Intl.message(
'Enter your email address',
name: 'enterYourEmailAddress',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Welcome back!`
String get accountWelcomeBack {
return Intl.message(
'Welcome back!',
name: 'accountWelcomeBack',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Email`
String get email {
return Intl.message(
name: 'email',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Cancel`
String get cancel {
return Intl.message(
name: 'cancel',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Verify`
String get verify {
return Intl.message(
name: 'verify',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Invalid email address`
String get invalidEmailAddress {
return Intl.message(
'Invalid email address',
name: 'invalidEmailAddress',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Please enter a valid email address.`
String get enterValidEmail {
return Intl.message(
'Please enter a valid email address.',
name: 'enterValidEmail',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Delete account`
String get deleteAccount {
return Intl.message(
'Delete account',
name: 'deleteAccount',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `What is the main reason you are deleting your account?`
String get askDeleteReason {
return Intl.message(
'What is the main reason you are deleting your account?',
name: 'askDeleteReason',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `We are sorry to see you go. Please share your feedback to help us improve.`
String get deleteAccountFeedbackPrompt {
return Intl.message(
'We are sorry to see you go. Please share your feedback to help us improve.',
name: 'deleteAccountFeedbackPrompt',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Feedback`
String get feedback {
return Intl.message(
name: 'feedback',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Kindly help us with this information`
String get kindlyHelpUsWithThisInformation {
return Intl.message(
'Kindly help us with this information',
name: 'kindlyHelpUsWithThisInformation',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Yes, I want to permanently delete this account and all its data.`
String get confirmDeletePrompt {
return Intl.message(
'Yes, I want to permanently delete this account and all its data.',
name: 'confirmDeletePrompt',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Confirm Account Deletion`
String get confirmAccountDeletion {
return Intl.message(
'Confirm Account Deletion',
name: 'confirmAccountDeletion',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `You are about to permanently delete your account and all its data.\nThis action is irreversible.`
String get deleteConfirmDialogBody {
return Intl.message(
'You are about to permanently delete your account and all its data.\nThis action is irreversible.',
name: 'deleteConfirmDialogBody',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Delete Account Permanently`
String get deleteAccountPermanentlyButton {
return Intl.message(
'Delete Account Permanently',
name: 'deleteAccountPermanentlyButton',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Your account has been deleted`
String get yourAccountHasBeenDeleted {
return Intl.message(
'Your account has been deleted',
name: 'yourAccountHasBeenDeleted',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Select reason`
String get selectReason {
return Intl.message(
'Select reason',
name: 'selectReason',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Its missing a key feature that I need`
String get deleteReason1 {
return Intl.message(
'Its missing a key feature that I need',
name: 'deleteReason1',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `The app or a certain feature does not \nbehave as I think it should`
String get deleteReason2 {
return Intl.message(
'The app or a certain feature does not \nbehave as I think it should',
name: 'deleteReason2',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `I found another service that I like better`
String get deleteReason3 {
return Intl.message(
'I found another service that I like better',
name: 'deleteReason3',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `My reason isnt listed`
String get deleteReason4 {
return Intl.message(
'My reason isnt listed',
name: 'deleteReason4',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Send email`
String get sendEmail {
return Intl.message(
'Send email',
name: 'sendEmail',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Your request will be processed within 72 hours.`
String get deleteRequestSLAText {
return Intl.message(
'Your request will be processed within 72 hours.',
name: 'deleteRequestSLAText',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Please send an email to`
String get pleaseSendAnEmailTo {
return Intl.message(
'Please send an email to',
name: 'pleaseSendAnEmailTo',
'This text is part of the sentence \'Please send an email to email@ente.io from your registered email address.\'',
args: [],
/// `from your registered email address.`
String get fromYourRegisteredEmailAddress {
return Intl.message(
'from your registered email address.',
name: 'fromYourRegisteredEmailAddress',
'This text is part of the sentence \'Please send an email to email@ente.io from your registered email address.\'',
args: [],
/// `Ok`
String get ok {
return Intl.message(
name: 'ok',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Create account`
String get createAccount {
return Intl.message(
'Create account',
name: 'createAccount',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Create new account`
String get createNewAccount {
return Intl.message(
'Create new account',
name: 'createNewAccount',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Password`
String get password {
return Intl.message(
name: 'password',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Confirm password`
String get confirmPassword {
return Intl.message(
'Confirm password',
name: 'confirmPassword',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Active sessions`
String get activeSessions {
return Intl.message(
'Active sessions',
name: 'activeSessions',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Oops`
String get oops {
return Intl.message(
name: 'oops',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Something went wrong, please try again`
String get somethingWentWrongPleaseTryAgain {
return Intl.message(
'Something went wrong, please try again',
name: 'somethingWentWrongPleaseTryAgain',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `This will log you out of this device!`
String get thisWillLogYouOutOfThisDevice {
return Intl.message(
'This will log you out of this device!',
name: 'thisWillLogYouOutOfThisDevice',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `This will log you out of the following device:`
String get thisWillLogYouOutOfTheFollowingDevice {
return Intl.message(
'This will log you out of the following device:',
name: 'thisWillLogYouOutOfTheFollowingDevice',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Terminate session?`
String get terminateSession {
return Intl.message(
'Terminate session?',
name: 'terminateSession',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Terminate`
String get terminate {
return Intl.message(
name: 'terminate',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `This device`
String get thisDevice {
return Intl.message(
'This device',
name: 'thisDevice',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Recover`
String get recoverButton {
return Intl.message(
name: 'recoverButton',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Recovery successful!`
String get recoverySuccessful {
return Intl.message(
'Recovery successful!',
name: 'recoverySuccessful',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Decrypting...`
String get decrypting {
return Intl.message(
name: 'decrypting',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Incorrect recovery key`
String get incorrectRecoveryKeyTitle {
return Intl.message(
'Incorrect recovery key',
name: 'incorrectRecoveryKeyTitle',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `The recovery key you entered is incorrect`
String get incorrectRecoveryKeyBody {
return Intl.message(
'The recovery key you entered is incorrect',
name: 'incorrectRecoveryKeyBody',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Forgot password`
String get forgotPassword {
return Intl.message(
'Forgot password',
name: 'forgotPassword',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Enter your recovery key`
String get enterYourRecoveryKey {
return Intl.message(
'Enter your recovery key',
name: 'enterYourRecoveryKey',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `No recovery key?`
String get noRecoveryKey {
return Intl.message(
'No recovery key?',
name: 'noRecoveryKey',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Sorry`
String get sorry {
return Intl.message(
name: 'sorry',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Due to the nature of our end-to-end encryption protocol, your data cannot be decrypted without your password or recovery key`
String get noRecoveryKeyNoDecryption {
return Intl.message(
'Due to the nature of our end-to-end encryption protocol, your data cannot be decrypted without your password or recovery key',
name: 'noRecoveryKeyNoDecryption',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Verify email`
String get verifyEmail {
return Intl.message(
'Verify email',
name: 'verifyEmail',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Please check your inbox (and spam) to complete verification`
String get checkInboxAndSpamFolder {
return Intl.message(
'Please check your inbox (and spam) to complete verification',
name: 'checkInboxAndSpamFolder',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Tap to enter code`
String get tapToEnterCode {
return Intl.message(
'Tap to enter code',
name: 'tapToEnterCode',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Resend email`
String get resendEmail {
return Intl.message(
'Resend email',
name: 'resendEmail',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `We've sent a mail to`
String get weveSentAMailTo {
return Intl.message(
'We\'ve sent a mail to',
name: 'weveSentAMailTo',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Set password`
String get setPasswordTitle {
return Intl.message(
'Set password',
name: 'setPasswordTitle',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Change password`
String get changePasswordTitle {
return Intl.message(
'Change password',
name: 'changePasswordTitle',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Reset password`
String get resetPasswordTitle {
return Intl.message(
'Reset password',
name: 'resetPasswordTitle',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Encryption keys`
String get encryptionKeys {
return Intl.message(
'Encryption keys',
name: 'encryptionKeys',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `We don't store this password, so if you forget,`
String get noPasswordWarningPart1 {
return Intl.message(
'We don\'t store this password, so if you forget,',
name: 'noPasswordWarningPart1',
'This text is part1 the sentence \'We don\'t store this password, so if you forget, we cannot decrypt your data.\'',
args: [],
/// `we cannot decrypt your data`
String get noPasswordWarningPart2 {
return Intl.message(
'we cannot decrypt your data',
name: 'noPasswordWarningPart2',
'This text is part2 the sentence \'We don\'t store this password, so if you forget, we cannot decrypt your data.\'',
args: [],
/// `Enter a password we can use to encrypt your data`
String get enterPasswordToEncrypt {
return Intl.message(
'Enter a password we can use to encrypt your data',
name: 'enterPasswordToEncrypt',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Enter a new password we can use to encrypt your data`
String get enterNewPasswordToEncrypt {
return Intl.message(
'Enter a new password we can use to encrypt your data',
name: 'enterNewPasswordToEncrypt',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Weak`
String get weakStrength {
return Intl.message(
name: 'weakStrength',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Strong`
String get strongStrength {
return Intl.message(
name: 'strongStrength',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Moderate`
String get moderateStrength {
return Intl.message(
name: 'moderateStrength',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Password strength: {passwordStrengthValue}`
String passwordStrength(String passwordStrengthValue) {
return Intl.message(
'Password strength: $passwordStrengthValue',
name: 'passwordStrength',
desc: 'Text to indicate the password strength',
args: [passwordStrengthValue],
/// `Password changed successfully`
String get passwordChangedSuccessfully {
return Intl.message(
'Password changed successfully',
name: 'passwordChangedSuccessfully',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Generating encryption keys...`
String get generatingEncryptionKeys {
return Intl.message(
'Generating encryption keys...',
name: 'generatingEncryptionKeys',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Please wait...`
String get pleaseWait {
return Intl.message(
'Please wait...',
name: 'pleaseWait',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Continue`
String get continueLabel {
return Intl.message(
name: 'continueLabel',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Insecure device`
String get insecureDevice {
return Intl.message(
'Insecure device',
name: 'insecureDevice',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Sorry, we could not generate secure keys on this device.\n\nplease sign up from a different device.`
String get sorryWeCouldNotGenerateSecureKeysOnThisDevicennplease {
return Intl.message(
'Sorry, we could not generate secure keys on this device.\n\nplease sign up from a different device.',
name: 'sorryWeCouldNotGenerateSecureKeysOnThisDevicennplease',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `How it works`
String get howItWorks {
return Intl.message(
'How it works',
name: 'howItWorks',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Encryption`
String get encryption {
return Intl.message(
name: 'encryption',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `I understand that if I lose my password, I may lose my data since my data is `
String get ackPasswordLostWarningPart1 {
return Intl.message(
'I understand that if I lose my password, I may lose my data since my data is ',
name: 'ackPasswordLostWarningPart1',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `end-to-end encrypted`
String get endToEndEncrypted {
return Intl.message(
'end-to-end encrypted',
name: 'endToEndEncrypted',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// ` with ente`
String get ackPasswordLostWarningPart2 {
return Intl.message(
' with ente',
name: 'ackPasswordLostWarningPart2',
'This text is part2 the sentence \'I understand that if I lose my password, I may lose my data since my data is end-to-end encrypted with ente.\'',
args: [],
/// `Privacy Policy`
String get privacyPolicyTitle {
return Intl.message(
'Privacy Policy',
name: 'privacyPolicyTitle',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Terms`
String get termsOfServicesTitle {
return Intl.message(
name: 'termsOfServicesTitle',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `I agree to the `
String get termsAgreePart1 {
return Intl.message(
'I agree to the ',
name: 'termsAgreePart1',
'Note: there\'s a trailing space. This text is part the sentence \'I agree to the terms of service and privacy policy.\'',
args: [],
/// `privacy policy`
String get privacyPolicy {
return Intl.message(
'privacy policy',
name: 'privacyPolicy',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `and`
String get and {
return Intl.message(
name: 'and',
'Separator used in sentences like \'I agree to the terms of service and privacy policy.\'',
args: [],
/// `terms of service`
String get termsOfService {
return Intl.message(
'terms of service',
name: 'termsOfService',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Log in`
String get logInLabel {
return Intl.message(
'Log in',
name: 'logInLabel',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `By clicking log in, I agree to the`
String get byClickingLogInIAgreeToThe {
return Intl.message(
'By clicking log in, I agree to the',
name: 'byClickingLogInIAgreeToThe',
'This text is part the sentence \'By clicking log in, I agree to the terms of service and privacy policy\'',
args: [],
/// `Change email`
String get changeEmail {
return Intl.message(
'Change email',
name: 'changeEmail',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Enter your password`
String get enterYourPassword {
return Intl.message(
'Enter your password',
name: 'enterYourPassword',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Welcome back!`
String get welcomeBack {
return Intl.message(
'Welcome back!',
name: 'welcomeBack',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Contact support`
String get contactSupport {
return Intl.message(
'Contact support',
name: 'contactSupport',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Incorrect password`
String get incorrectPasswordTitle {
return Intl.message(
'Incorrect password',
name: 'incorrectPasswordTitle',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Please try again`
String get pleaseTryAgain {
return Intl.message(
'Please try again',
name: 'pleaseTryAgain',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Recreate password`
String get recreatePasswordTitle {
return Intl.message(
'Recreate password',
name: 'recreatePasswordTitle',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Use recovery key`
String get useRecoveryKey {
return Intl.message(
'Use recovery key',
name: 'useRecoveryKey',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `The current device is not powerful enough to verify your `
String get recreatePasswordBody {
return Intl.message(
'The current device is not powerful enough to verify your ',
name: 'recreatePasswordBody',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Verify password`
String get verifyPassword {
return Intl.message(
'Verify password',
name: 'verifyPassword',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Recovery key`
String get recoveryKey {
return Intl.message(
'Recovery key',
name: 'recoveryKey',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `If you forget your password, the only way you can recover your data is with this key.`
String get recoveryKeyOnForgotPassword {
return Intl.message(
'If you forget your password, the only way you can recover your data is with this key.',
name: 'recoveryKeyOnForgotPassword',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `We don't store this key, please save this 24 word key in a safe place.`
String get recoveryKeySaveDescription {
return Intl.message(
'We don\'t store this key, please save this 24 word key in a safe place.',
name: 'recoveryKeySaveDescription',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Do this later`
String get doThisLater {
return Intl.message(
'Do this later',
name: 'doThisLater',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Save key`
String get saveKey {
return Intl.message(
'Save key',
name: 'saveKey',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Recovery key copied to clipboard`
String get recoveryKeyCopiedToClipboard {
return Intl.message(
'Recovery key copied to clipboard',
name: 'recoveryKeyCopiedToClipboard',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Recover account`
String get recoverAccount {
return Intl.message(
'Recover account',
name: 'recoverAccount',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Recover`
String get recover {
return Intl.message(
name: 'recover',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Please drop an email to {supportEmail} from your registered email address`
String dropSupportEmail(String supportEmail) {
return Intl.message(
'Please drop an email to $supportEmail from your registered email address',
name: 'dropSupportEmail',
desc: '',
args: [supportEmail],
/// `Two-factor setup`
String get twofactorSetup {
return Intl.message(
'Two-factor setup',
name: 'twofactorSetup',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Enter code`
String get enterCode {
return Intl.message(
'Enter code',
name: 'enterCode',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Scan code`
String get scanCode {
return Intl.message(
'Scan code',
name: 'scanCode',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Code copied to clipboard`
String get codeCopiedToClipboard {
return Intl.message(
'Code copied to clipboard',
name: 'codeCopiedToClipboard',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Copy-paste this code\nto your authenticator app`
String get copypasteThisCodentoYourAuthenticatorApp {
return Intl.message(
'Copy-paste this code\nto your authenticator app',
name: 'copypasteThisCodentoYourAuthenticatorApp',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `tap to copy`
String get tapToCopy {
return Intl.message(
'tap to copy',
name: 'tapToCopy',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Scan this barcode with\nyour authenticator app`
String get scanThisBarcodeWithnyourAuthenticatorApp {
return Intl.message(
'Scan this barcode with\nyour authenticator app',
name: 'scanThisBarcodeWithnyourAuthenticatorApp',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Enter the 6-digit code from\nyour authenticator app`
String get enterThe6digitCodeFromnyourAuthenticatorApp {
return Intl.message(
'Enter the 6-digit code from\nyour authenticator app',
name: 'enterThe6digitCodeFromnyourAuthenticatorApp',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Confirm`
String get confirm {
return Intl.message(
name: 'confirm',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Setup complete`
String get setupComplete {
return Intl.message(
'Setup complete',
name: 'setupComplete',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Save your recovery key if you haven't already`
String get saveYourRecoveryKeyIfYouHaventAlready {
return Intl.message(
'Save your recovery key if you haven\'t already',
name: 'saveYourRecoveryKeyIfYouHaventAlready',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `This can be used to recover your account if you lose your second factor`
String get thisCanBeUsedToRecoverYourAccountIfYou {
return Intl.message(
'This can be used to recover your account if you lose your second factor',
name: 'thisCanBeUsedToRecoverYourAccountIfYou',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Two-factor authentication`
String get twofactorAuthenticationPageTitle {
return Intl.message(
'Two-factor authentication',
name: 'twofactorAuthenticationPageTitle',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Lost device?`
String get lostDevice {
return Intl.message(
'Lost device?',
name: 'lostDevice',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Verifying recovery key...`
String get verifyingRecoveryKey {
return Intl.message(
'Verifying recovery key...',
name: 'verifyingRecoveryKey',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Recovery key verified`
String get recoveryKeyVerified {
return Intl.message(
'Recovery key verified',
name: 'recoveryKeyVerified',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Great! Your recovery key is valid. Thank you for verifying.\n\nPlease remember to keep your recovery key safely backed up.`
String get recoveryKeySuccessBody {
return Intl.message(
'Great! Your recovery key is valid. Thank you for verifying.\n\nPlease remember to keep your recovery key safely backed up.',
name: 'recoveryKeySuccessBody',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `The recovery key you entered is not valid. Please make sure it `
String get invalidRecoveryKey {
return Intl.message(
'The recovery key you entered is not valid. Please make sure it ',
name: 'invalidRecoveryKey',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Invalid key`
String get invalidKey {
return Intl.message(
'Invalid key',
name: 'invalidKey',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Try again`
String get tryAgain {
return Intl.message(
'Try again',
name: 'tryAgain',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `View recovery key`
String get viewRecoveryKey {
return Intl.message(
'View recovery key',
name: 'viewRecoveryKey',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Confirm recovery key`
String get confirmRecoveryKey {
return Intl.message(
'Confirm recovery key',
name: 'confirmRecoveryKey',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Your recovery key is the only way to recover your photos if you forget your password. You can find your recovery key in Settings > Account.\n\nPlease enter your recovery key here to verify that you have saved it correctly.`
String get recoveryKeyVerifyReason {
return Intl.message(
'Your recovery key is the only way to recover your photos if you forget your password. You can find your recovery key in Settings > Account.\n\nPlease enter your recovery key here to verify that you have saved it correctly.',
name: 'recoveryKeyVerifyReason',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Confirm your recovery key`
String get confirmYourRecoveryKey {
return Intl.message(
'Confirm your recovery key',
name: 'confirmYourRecoveryKey',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Add viewer`
String get addViewer {
return Intl.message(
'Add viewer',
name: 'addViewer',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Add collaborator`
String get addCollaborator {
return Intl.message(
'Add collaborator',
name: 'addCollaborator',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Add a new email`
String get addANewEmail {
return Intl.message(
'Add a new email',
name: 'addANewEmail',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Or pick an existing one`
String get orPickAnExistingOne {
return Intl.message(
'Or pick an existing one',
name: 'orPickAnExistingOne',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Collaborators can add photos and videos to the shared album.`
String get collaboratorsCanAddPhotosAndVideosToTheSharedAlbum {
return Intl.message(
'Collaborators can add photos and videos to the shared album.',
name: 'collaboratorsCanAddPhotosAndVideosToTheSharedAlbum',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Enter email`
String get enterEmail {
return Intl.message(
'Enter email',
name: 'enterEmail',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Owner`
String get albumOwner {
return Intl.message(
name: 'albumOwner',
desc: 'Role of the album owner',
args: [],
/// `You`
String get you {
return Intl.message(
name: 'you',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Collaborator`
String get collaborator {
return Intl.message(
name: 'collaborator',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Add more`
String get addMore {
return Intl.message(
'Add more',
name: 'addMore',
desc: 'Button text to add more collaborators/viewers',
args: [],
/// `Viewer`
String get viewer {
return Intl.message(
name: 'viewer',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Remove`
String get remove {
return Intl.message(
name: 'remove',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Remove participant`
String get removeParticipant {
return Intl.message(
'Remove participant',
name: 'removeParticipant',
desc: 'menuSectionTitle for removing a participant',
args: [],
/// `Manage`
String get manage {
return Intl.message(
name: 'manage',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Added as`
String get addedAs {
return Intl.message(
'Added as',
name: 'addedAs',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Change permissions?`
String get changePermissions {
return Intl.message(
'Change permissions?',
name: 'changePermissions',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `Yes, convert to viewer`
String get yesConvertToViewer {
return Intl.message(
'Yes, convert to viewer',
name: 'yesConvertToViewer',
desc: '',
args: [],
/// `{user} will not be able to add more photos to this album\n\nThey will still be able to remove existing photos added by them`
String cannotAddMorePhotosAfterBecomingViewer(Object user) {
return Intl.message(
'$user will not be able to add more photos to this album\n\nThey will still be able to remove existing photos added by them',
name: 'cannotAddMorePhotosAfterBecomingViewer',
desc: '',
args: [user],
class AppLocalizationDelegate extends LocalizationsDelegate<S> {
const AppLocalizationDelegate();
List<Locale> get supportedLocales {
return const <Locale>[
Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'en'),
bool isSupported(Locale locale) => _isSupported(locale);
Future<S> load(Locale locale) => S.load(locale);
bool shouldReload(AppLocalizationDelegate old) => false;
bool _isSupported(Locale locale) {
for (var supportedLocale in supportedLocales) {
if (supportedLocale.languageCode == locale.languageCode) {
return true;
return false;