2023-06-07 17:32:53 +05:30

290 lines
11 KiB

import "dart:async";
import "package:flutter/material.dart";
import "package:flutter_map/plugin_api.dart";
import "package:photos/extensions/list.dart";
// Credit: This code is based on the Rich Attribution widget from the flutter_map
class MapAttributionWidget extends StatefulWidget {
/// List of attributions to display
/// [TextSourceAttribution]s are shown in a popup box (toggled by a tap/click
/// on the [openButton]/[closeButton]), unlike [LogoSourceAttribution], which
/// are visible permanently adjacent to the open/close button.
final List<SourceAttribution> attributions;
/// The position in which to anchor this widget
final AttributionAlignment alignment;
/// The widget (usually an [IconButton]) to display when the popup box is
/// closed, that opens the popup box via the `open` callback
final Widget Function(BuildContext context, VoidCallback open)? openButton;
/// The widget (usually an [IconButton]) to display when the popup box is open,
/// that closes the popup box via the `close` callback
final Widget Function(BuildContext context, VoidCallback close)? closeButton;
/// The color to use as the popup box's background color, defaulting to the
/// [Theme]s background color
final Color? popupBackgroundColor;
/// The radius of the edges of the popup box
final BorderRadius? popupBorderRadius;
/// The height of the permanent row in which is found the popup menu toggle
/// button
/// Also determines spacing between the items within the row.
/// Also set [LogoSourceAttribution.height] to the same value, if adjusted.
final double permanentHeight;
/// Whether to add an additional attribution logo and text for 'flutter_map'
final bool showFlutterMapAttribution;
/// Animation configuration, through the properties and handler/builder
/// defined by a [RichAttributionWidgetAnimation] implementation
/// Can be extensivley customized by implementing a custom
/// [RichAttributionWidgetAnimation], or the prebuilt [FadeRAWA] and
/// [ScaleRAWA] animations can be used with limited customization.
final RichAttributionWidgetAnimation animationConfig;
/// If not [Duration.zero] (default), the popup box will be open by default and
/// hidden this long after the map is initialised
/// This is useful with certain sources/tile servers that make immediate
/// attribution mandatory and are not attributed with a permanently visible
/// [LogoSourceAttribution].
final Duration popupInitialDisplayDuration;
/// A prebuilt dynamic attribution layer that supports both logos and text
/// through [SourceAttribution]s
/// [TextSourceAttribution]s are shown in a popup box that can be visible or
/// invisible. Its state is toggled by a tri-state [openButton]/[closeButton] :
/// 1. Not hovered, not opened: faded button, invisible box
/// 2. Hovered, not opened: full opacity button, invisible box
/// 3. Opened: full opacity button, visible box
/// The hover state on mobile devices is unspecified, but the behaviour is
/// usually inconsequential on mobile devices anyway, due to the fingertip
/// covering the entire button.
/// [LogoSourceAttribution]s are shown adjacent to the open/close button, to
/// comply with some stricter tile server requirements (such as Mapbox). These
/// are usually supplemented with a [TextSourceAttribution].
/// The popup box also closes automatically on any interaction with the map.
/// Animations are built in by default, and configured/handled through
/// [RichAttributionWidgetAnimation] - see that class and the [animationConfig]
/// property for more information. By default, a simple fade/opacity animation
/// is provided by [FadeRAWA]. [ScaleRAWA] is also available.
/// Read the documentation on the individual properties for more information
/// and customizability.
const MapAttributionWidget({
required this.attributions,
this.alignment = AttributionAlignment.bottomRight,
this.permanentHeight = 24,
this.showFlutterMapAttribution = true,
this.animationConfig = const FadeRAWA(),
this.popupInitialDisplayDuration = Duration.zero,
State<StatefulWidget> createState() => MapAttributionWidgetState();
class MapAttributionWidgetState extends State<MapAttributionWidget> {
StreamSubscription<MapEvent>? mapEventSubscription;
final persistentAttributionKey = GlobalKey();
Size? persistentAttributionSize;
late bool popupExpanded = widget.popupInitialDisplayDuration != Duration.zero;
bool persistentHovered = false;
void initState() {
if (popupExpanded) {
() => setState(() => popupExpanded = false),
(_) => WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback(
(_) => setState(
() => persistentAttributionSize =
as RenderBox)
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final persistentAttributionItems = [
growable: false,
).interleave(SizedBox(width: widget.permanentHeight / 1.5)),
if (widget.showFlutterMapAttribution)
package: 'flutter_map',
tooltip: 'flutter_map',
height: widget.permanentHeight,
SizedBox(width: widget.permanentHeight * 0.1),
switchInCurve: widget.animationConfig.buttonCurve,
switchOutCurve: widget.animationConfig.buttonCurve,
duration: widget.animationConfig.buttonDuration,
child: popupExpanded
? (widget.closeButton ??
(context, close) => IconButton(
onPressed: close,
icon: Icon(
color: Theme.of(context).textTheme.titleSmall?.color ??
size: widget.permanentHeight,
() => setState(() => popupExpanded = false),
: (widget.openButton ??
(context, open) => IconButton(
onPressed: open,
tooltip: 'Attributions',
icon: Icon(
size: widget.permanentHeight,
() {
setState(() => popupExpanded = true);
mapEventSubscription = FlutterMapState.of(context)
.listen((e) {
setState(() => popupExpanded = false);
return LayoutBuilder(
builder: (context, constraints) => Align(
alignment: widget.alignment.real,
child: Stack(
alignment: widget.alignment.real,
children: [
if (persistentAttributionSize != null)
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(6),
child: AnimatedScale(
scale: popupExpanded ? 1 : 0,
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 200),
curve: popupExpanded ? Curves.easeOut : Curves.easeIn,
alignment: widget.alignment.real,
child: Container(
decoration: BoxDecoration(
color: widget.popupBackgroundColor ??
border: Border.all(width: 0, style: BorderStyle.none),
borderRadius: widget.popupBorderRadius ??
topLeft: const Radius.circular(10),
topRight: const Radius.circular(10),
bottomLeft: widget.alignment ==
? Radius.zero
: const Radius.circular(10),
bottomRight: widget.alignment ==
? Radius.zero
: const Radius.circular(10),
constraints: BoxConstraints(
minWidth: constraints.maxWidth < 420
? constraints.maxWidth
: persistentAttributionSize!.width,
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8),
child: SizedBox(
height: widget.attributions.length * 32,
child: Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max,
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: [
height: (widget.permanentHeight - 24) + 32,
key: persistentAttributionKey,
onEnter: (_) => setState(() => persistentHovered = true),
onExit: (_) => setState(() => persistentHovered = false),
cursor: SystemMouseCursors.click,
child: AnimatedOpacity(
opacity: persistentHovered || popupExpanded ? 1 : 0.5,
curve: widget.animationConfig.buttonCurve,
duration: widget.animationConfig.buttonDuration,
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(4),
child: FittedBox(
child: Row(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
widget.alignment == AttributionAlignment.bottomLeft
? persistentAttributionItems.reversed.toList()
: persistentAttributionItems,