import { getEndpoint } from 'utils/common/apiUtil'; import HTTPService from './HTTPService'; import * as Comlink from 'comlink'; import { getData, LS_KEYS } from 'utils/storage/localStorage'; import localForage from 'localforage'; const CryptoWorker: any = typeof window !== 'undefined' && Comlink.wrap(new Worker('worker/crypto.worker.js', { type: 'module' })); const ENDPOINT = getEndpoint(); localForage.config({ driver: localForage.INDEXEDDB, name: 'ente-files', version: 1.0, storeName: 'files', }); export interface fileAttribute { encryptedData: Uint8Array; decryptionHeader: string; creationTime: number; fileType: number; } export interface encryptionResult { file: fileAttribute, key: Uint8Array } export interface user { id: number; name: string; email: string; } export interface collection { id: string; owner: user; key: string; name: string; type: string; creationTime: number; encryptedKey: string; keyDecryptionNonce: string; isDeleted: boolean; } export interface file { id: number; collectionID: number; file: fileAttribute; thumbnail: fileAttribute; metadata: fileAttribute; encryptedKey: string; keyDecryptionNonce: string; key: Uint8Array; src: string; msrc: string; html: string; w: number; h: number; isDeleted: boolean; dataIndex: number; } export interface collectionLatestFile { collection: collection file: file; } const getCollectionKey = async (collection: collection, key: Uint8Array) => { const worker = await new CryptoWorker(); const userID = getData(LS_KEYS.USER).id; var decryptedKey; if ( == userID) { decryptedKey = await worker.decrypt( await worker.fromB64(collection.encryptedKey), await worker.fromB64(collection.keyDecryptionNonce), key ); } else { const keyAttributes = getData(LS_KEYS.KEY_ATTRIBUTES); const secretKey = await worker.decrypt( await worker.fromB64(keyAttributes.encryptedSecretKey), await worker.fromB64(keyAttributes.secretKeyDecryptionNonce), key ); decryptedKey = await worker.boxSealOpen( await worker.fromB64(collection.encryptedKey), await worker.fromB64(keyAttributes.publicKey), secretKey ); } return { ...collection, key: decryptedKey, }; }; const getCollections = async ( token: string, sinceTime: string, key: Uint8Array ): Promise => { const resp = await HTTPService.get(`${ENDPOINT}/collections`, { token: token, sinceTime: sinceTime, }); const promises: Promise[] = (collection: collection) => getCollectionKey(collection, key) ); return await Promise.all(promises); }; export const fetchCollections = async (token: string, key: string) => { const worker = await new CryptoWorker(); return getCollections(token, '0', await worker.fromB64(key)); }; export const getFiles = async ( sinceTime: string, token: string, limit: string, key: string, collections: collection[] ) => { const worker = await new CryptoWorker(); let files: Array = (await localForage.getItem('files')) || []; for (const index in collections) { const collection = collections[index]; if (collection.isDeleted) { // TODO: Remove files in this collection from localForage and cache continue; } let time = (await localForage.getItem(`${}-time`)) || sinceTime; let resp; do { resp = await HTTPService.get(`${ENDPOINT}/collections/diff`, { collectionID:, sinceTime: time, token, limit, }); const promises: Promise[] = async (file: file) => { file.key = await worker.decrypt( await worker.fromB64(file.encryptedKey), await worker.fromB64(file.keyDecryptionNonce), collection.key ); file.metadata = await worker.decryptMetadata(file); return file; } ); files.push(...(await Promise.all(promises))); files = files.sort( (a, b) => b.metadata.creationTime - a.metadata.creationTime ); if ( { time =[0].updationTime.toString(); } } while (; await localForage.setItem(`${}-time`, time); } files = files.filter((item) => !item.isDeleted); await localForage.setItem('files', files); return files; }; export const getPreview = async (token: string, file: file) => { const cache = await'thumbs'); const cacheResp: Response = await cache.match(; if (cacheResp) { return URL.createObjectURL(await cacheResp.blob()); } const resp = await HTTPService.get( `${ENDPOINT}/files/preview/${}`, { token }, null, { responseType: 'arraybuffer' } ); const worker = await new CryptoWorker(); const decrypted: any = await worker.decryptThumbnail( new Uint8Array(, await worker.fromB64(file.thumbnail.decryptionHeader), file.key ); try { await cache.put(, new Response(new Blob([decrypted]))); } catch (e) { // TODO: handle storage full exception. } return URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([decrypted])); }; export const getFile = async (token: string, file: file) => { const resp = await HTTPService.get( `${ENDPOINT}/files/download/${}`, { token }, null, { responseType: 'arraybuffer' } ); const worker = await new CryptoWorker(); const decrypted: any = await worker.decryptFile( new Uint8Array(, await worker.fromB64(file.file.decryptionHeader), file.key ); return URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([decrypted])); }; export const getCollectionLatestFile = async ( collections: collection[], data: file[] ): Promise => { let collectionIdSet = new Set(); let collectionMap = new Map(); collections.forEach((collection) => { collectionMap.set(Number(, collection); collectionIdSet.add(Number( }); return Promise.all( data .filter((item) => { if (collectionIdSet.size !== 0 && collectionIdSet.has(item.collectionID)) { collectionIdSet.delete(item.collectionID); return true; } return false; }) .map(async (item) => { const token = getData(LS_KEYS.USER).token; const url = await getPreview(token, item); return { file: item, collection: collectionMap.get(item.collectionID), }; }) ); }; export const uploadFiles = async (acceptedFiles: any[], collectionLatestFile: collectionLatestFile, token) => { return await Promise.all( (uploadedFile) => { console.log(URL.createObjectURL(uploadedFile)); const fileData: Uint8Array = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const reader = new FileReader() reader.onabort = () => reject('file reading was aborted') reader.onerror = () => reject('file reading has failed') reader.onload = () => { // Do whatever you want with the file contents const result = typeof reader.result === "string" ? new TextEncoder().encode(reader.result) : new Uint8Array(reader.result); resolve(result); } reader.readAsArrayBuffer(uploadedFile) }); const worker = await new CryptoWorker(); const encryptResult = await worker.encryptFile( fileData, null ); // console.log(encryptionResult); const { key, file }: encryptionResult = encryptResult; // console.log(file, key); const reDecrypted: any = await worker.decryptFile( file.encryptedData, await worker.fromB64(file.decryptionHeader), key ); console.log(URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([reDecrypted]))); // const keyEncryptionResult = await worker.encryptToB64(key, collectionLatestFile.collection.key); // const file = { // collectionID: Number(, // file: fileAttribute, // encryptedKey: keyEncryptionResult.encryptedData, // keyDecryptionNonce: keyEncryptionResult.nonce, // key // } return "done"; })); }