import { getEndpoint } from 'utils/common/apiUtil'; import { getData, LS_KEYS } from 'utils/storage/localStorage'; import localForage from 'utils/storage/localForage'; import { getActualKey, getToken } from 'utils/common/key'; import CryptoWorker from 'utils/crypto'; import { SetDialogMessage } from 'components/MessageDialog'; import constants from 'utils/strings/constants'; import { getPublicKey } from './userService'; import { B64EncryptionResult } from 'utils/crypto'; import HTTPService from './HTTPService'; import { File } from './fileService'; import { logError } from 'utils/sentry'; import { CustomError } from 'utils/common/errorUtil'; import { sortFiles } from 'utils/file'; import { Collection, COLLECTION_UPDATION_TIME, COLLECTION_SORT_BY, CollectionAndItsLatestFile, CollectionType, AddToCollectionRequest, MoveToCollectionRequest, EncryptedFileKey, RemoveFromCollectionRequest, COLLECTION_TABLE, } from 'types/collection'; const ENDPOINT = getEndpoint(); const getCollectionWithSecrets = async ( collection: Collection, masterKey: string ) => { const worker = await new CryptoWorker(); const userID = getData(LS_KEYS.USER).id; let decryptedKey: string; if ( === userID) { decryptedKey = await worker.decryptB64( collection.encryptedKey, collection.keyDecryptionNonce, masterKey ); } else { const keyAttributes = getData(LS_KEYS.KEY_ATTRIBUTES); const secretKey = await worker.decryptB64( keyAttributes.encryptedSecretKey, keyAttributes.secretKeyDecryptionNonce, masterKey ); decryptedKey = await worker.boxSealOpen( collection.encryptedKey, keyAttributes.publicKey, secretKey ); } = || (await worker.decryptToUTF8( collection.encryptedName, collection.nameDecryptionNonce, decryptedKey )); return { ...collection, key: decryptedKey, }; }; const getCollections = async ( token: string, sinceTime: number, key: string ): Promise => { try { const resp = await HTTPService.get( `${ENDPOINT}/collections`, { sinceTime, }, { 'X-Auth-Token': token } ); const promises: Promise[] = async (collection: Collection) => { if (collection.isDeleted) { return collection; } let collectionWithSecrets = collection; try { collectionWithSecrets = await getCollectionWithSecrets( collection, key ); } catch (e) { logError(e, `decryption failed for collection`, { collectionID:, }); } return collectionWithSecrets; } ); // only allow deleted or collection with key, filtering out collection whose decryption failed const collections = (await Promise.all(promises)).filter( (collection) => collection.isDeleted || collection.key ); return collections; } catch (e) { logError(e, 'getCollections failed'); throw e; } }; export const getLocalCollections = async (): Promise => { const collections: Collection[] = (await localForage.getItem(COLLECTION_TABLE)) ?? []; return collections; }; export const getCollectionUpdationTime = async (): Promise => (await localForage.getItem(COLLECTION_UPDATION_TIME)) ?? 0; export const syncCollections = async () => { const localCollections = await getLocalCollections(); const lastCollectionUpdationTime = await getCollectionUpdationTime(); const token = getToken(); const key = await getActualKey(); const updatedCollections = (await getCollections(token, lastCollectionUpdationTime, key)) ?? []; if (updatedCollections.length === 0) { return localCollections; } const allCollectionsInstances = [ ...localCollections, ...updatedCollections, ]; const latestCollectionsInstances = new Map(); allCollectionsInstances.forEach((collection) => { if ( !latestCollectionsInstances.has( || latestCollectionsInstances.get( < collection.updationTime ) { latestCollectionsInstances.set(, collection); } }); let collections: Collection[] = []; let updationTime = await localForage.getItem( COLLECTION_UPDATION_TIME ); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars for (const [_, collection] of latestCollectionsInstances) { if (!collection.isDeleted) { collections.push(collection); updationTime = Math.max(updationTime, collection.updationTime); } } collections = sortCollections( collections, [], COLLECTION_SORT_BY.MODIFICATION_TIME ); await localForage.setItem(COLLECTION_TABLE, collections); await localForage.setItem(COLLECTION_UPDATION_TIME, updationTime); return collections; }; export const getCollection = async ( collectionID: number ): Promise => { try { const token = getToken(); if (!token) { return; } const resp = await HTTPService.get( `${ENDPOINT}/collections/${collectionID}`, null, { 'X-Auth-Token': token } ); const key = await getActualKey(); const collectionWithSecrets = await getCollectionWithSecrets(, key ); return collectionWithSecrets; } catch (e) { logError(e, 'failed to get collection', { collectionID }); } }; export const getCollectionsAndTheirLatestFile = ( collections: Collection[], files: File[] ): CollectionAndItsLatestFile[] => { const latestFile = new Map(); files.forEach((file) => { if (!latestFile.has(file.collectionID)) { latestFile.set(file.collectionID, file); } }); const collectionsAndTheirLatestFile: CollectionAndItsLatestFile[] = []; for (const collection of collections) { collectionsAndTheirLatestFile.push({ collection, file: latestFile.get(, }); } return collectionsAndTheirLatestFile; }; export const getFavItemIds = async (files: File[]): Promise> => { const favCollection = await getFavCollection(); if (!favCollection) return new Set(); return new Set( files .filter((file) => file.collectionID === .map((file): number => ); }; export const createAlbum = async ( albumName: string, existingCollection?: Collection[] ) => createCollection(albumName, CollectionType.album, existingCollection); export const createCollection = async ( collectionName: string, type: CollectionType, existingCollections?: Collection[] ): Promise => { try { if (!existingCollections) { existingCollections = await syncCollections(); } for (const collection of existingCollections) { if ( === collectionName) { return collection; } } const worker = await new CryptoWorker(); const encryptionKey = await getActualKey(); const token = getToken(); const collectionKey: string = await worker.generateEncryptionKey(); const { encryptedData: encryptedKey, nonce: keyDecryptionNonce, }: B64EncryptionResult = await worker.encryptToB64( collectionKey, encryptionKey ); const { encryptedData: encryptedName, nonce: nameDecryptionNonce, }: B64EncryptionResult = await worker.encryptUTF8( collectionName, collectionKey ); const newCollection: Collection = { id: null, owner: null, encryptedKey, keyDecryptionNonce, encryptedName, nameDecryptionNonce, type, attributes: {}, sharees: null, updationTime: null, isDeleted: false, }; let createdCollection: Collection = await postCollection( newCollection, token ); createdCollection = await getCollectionWithSecrets( createdCollection, encryptionKey ); return createdCollection; } catch (e) { logError(e, 'create collection failed'); throw e; } }; const postCollection = async ( collectionData: Collection, token: string ): Promise => { try { const response = await `${ENDPOINT}/collections`, collectionData, null, { 'X-Auth-Token': token } ); return; } catch (e) { logError(e, 'post Collection failed '); } }; export const addToFavorites = async (file: File) => { try { let favCollection = await getFavCollection(); if (!favCollection) { favCollection = await createCollection( 'Favorites', CollectionType.favorites ); const localCollections = await getLocalCollections(); await localForage.setItem(COLLECTION_TABLE, [ ...localCollections, favCollection, ]); } await addToCollection(favCollection, [file]); } catch (e) { logError(e, 'failed to add to favorite'); } }; export const removeFromFavorites = async (file: File) => { try { const favCollection = await getFavCollection(); if (!favCollection) { throw Error(CustomError.FAV_COLLECTION_MISSING); } await removeFromCollection(favCollection, [file]); } catch (e) { logError(e, 'remove from favorite failed'); } }; export const addToCollection = async ( collection: Collection, files: File[] ) => { try { const token = getToken(); const fileKeysEncryptedWithNewCollection = await encryptWithNewCollectionKey(collection, files); const requestBody: AddToCollectionRequest = { collectionID:, files: fileKeysEncryptedWithNewCollection, }; await `${ENDPOINT}/collections/add-files`, requestBody, null, { 'X-Auth-Token': token, } ); } catch (e) { logError(e, 'Add to collection Failed '); throw e; } }; export const restoreToCollection = async ( collection: Collection, files: File[] ) => { try { const token = getToken(); const fileKeysEncryptedWithNewCollection = await encryptWithNewCollectionKey(collection, files); const requestBody: AddToCollectionRequest = { collectionID:, files: fileKeysEncryptedWithNewCollection, }; await `${ENDPOINT}/collections/restore-files`, requestBody, null, { 'X-Auth-Token': token, } ); } catch (e) { logError(e, 'restore to collection Failed '); throw e; } }; export const moveToCollection = async ( fromCollectionID: number, toCollection: Collection, files: File[] ) => { try { const token = getToken(); const fileKeysEncryptedWithNewCollection = await encryptWithNewCollectionKey(toCollection, files); const requestBody: MoveToCollectionRequest = { fromCollectionID: fromCollectionID, toCollectionID:, files: fileKeysEncryptedWithNewCollection, }; await `${ENDPOINT}/collections/move-files`, requestBody, null, { 'X-Auth-Token': token, } ); } catch (e) { logError(e, 'move to collection Failed '); throw e; } }; const encryptWithNewCollectionKey = async ( newCollection: Collection, files: File[] ): Promise => { const fileKeysEncryptedWithNewCollection: EncryptedFileKey[] = []; const worker = await new CryptoWorker(); for (const file of files) { const newEncryptedKey: B64EncryptionResult = await worker.encryptToB64( file.key, newCollection.key ); file.encryptedKey = newEncryptedKey.encryptedData; file.keyDecryptionNonce = newEncryptedKey.nonce; fileKeysEncryptedWithNewCollection.push({ id:, encryptedKey: file.encryptedKey, keyDecryptionNonce: file.keyDecryptionNonce, }); } return fileKeysEncryptedWithNewCollection; }; export const removeFromCollection = async ( collection: Collection, files: File[] ) => { try { const token = getToken(); const request: RemoveFromCollectionRequest = { collectionID:, fileIDs: =>, }; await `${ENDPOINT}/collections/v2/remove-files`, request, null, { 'X-Auth-Token': token } ); } catch (e) { logError(e, 'remove from collection failed '); throw e; } }; export const deleteCollection = async ( collectionID: number, syncWithRemote: () => Promise, redirectToAll: () => void, setDialogMessage: SetDialogMessage ) => { try { const token = getToken(); await HTTPService.delete( `${ENDPOINT}/collections/v2/${collectionID}`, null, null, { 'X-Auth-Token': token } ); await syncWithRemote(); redirectToAll(); } catch (e) { logError(e, 'delete collection failed '); setDialogMessage({ title: constants.ERROR, content: constants.DELETE_COLLECTION_FAILED, close: { variant: 'danger' }, }); } }; export const renameCollection = async ( collection: Collection, newCollectionName: string ) => { const token = getToken(); const worker = await new CryptoWorker(); const { encryptedData: encryptedName, nonce: nameDecryptionNonce, }: B64EncryptionResult = await worker.encryptUTF8( newCollectionName, collection.key ); const collectionRenameRequest = { collectionID:, encryptedName, nameDecryptionNonce, }; await `${ENDPOINT}/collections/rename`, collectionRenameRequest, null, { 'X-Auth-Token': token, } ); }; export const shareCollection = async ( collection: Collection, withUserEmail: string ) => { try { const worker = await new CryptoWorker(); const token = getToken(); const publicKey: string = await getPublicKey(withUserEmail); const encryptedKey: string = await worker.boxSeal( collection.key, publicKey ); const shareCollectionRequest = { collectionID:, email: withUserEmail, encryptedKey, }; await `${ENDPOINT}/collections/share`, shareCollectionRequest, null, { 'X-Auth-Token': token, } ); } catch (e) { logError(e, 'share collection failed '); throw e; } }; export const unshareCollection = async ( collection: Collection, withUserEmail: string ) => { try { const token = getToken(); const shareCollectionRequest = { collectionID:, email: withUserEmail, }; await `${ENDPOINT}/collections/unshare`, shareCollectionRequest, null, { 'X-Auth-Token': token, } ); } catch (e) { logError(e, 'unshare collection failed '); throw e; } }; export const getFavCollection = async () => { const collections = await getLocalCollections(); for (const collection of collections) { if (collection.type === CollectionType.favorites) { return collection; } } return null; }; export const getNonEmptyCollections = ( collections: Collection[], files: File[] ) => { const nonEmptyCollectionsIds = new Set(); for (const file of files) { nonEmptyCollectionsIds.add(file.collectionID); } return collections.filter((collection) => nonEmptyCollectionsIds.has( ); }; export function sortCollections( collections: Collection[], collectionAndTheirLatestFile: CollectionAndItsLatestFile[], sortBy: COLLECTION_SORT_BY ) { return moveFavCollectionToFront( collections.sort((collectionA, collectionB) => { switch (sortBy) { case COLLECTION_SORT_BY.LATEST_FILE: return compareCollectionsLatestFile( collectionAndTheirLatestFile, collectionA, collectionB ); case COLLECTION_SORT_BY.MODIFICATION_TIME: return collectionB.updationTime - collectionA.updationTime; case COLLECTION_SORT_BY.NAME: return; } }) ); } function compareCollectionsLatestFile( collectionAndTheirLatestFile: CollectionAndItsLatestFile[], collectionA: Collection, collectionB: Collection ) { if (!collectionAndTheirLatestFile?.length) { return 0; } const CollectionALatestFile = getCollectionLatestFile( collectionAndTheirLatestFile, collectionA ); const CollectionBLatestFile = getCollectionLatestFile( collectionAndTheirLatestFile, collectionB ); if (!CollectionALatestFile || !CollectionBLatestFile) { return 0; } else { const sortedFiles = sortFiles([ CollectionALatestFile, CollectionBLatestFile, ]); if (sortedFiles[0].id !== { return 1; } else { return -1; } } } function getCollectionLatestFile( collectionAndTheirLatestFile: CollectionAndItsLatestFile[], collection: Collection ) { const collectionAndItsLatestFile = collectionAndTheirLatestFile.filter( (collectionAndItsLatestFile) => === ); if (collectionAndItsLatestFile.length === 1) { return collectionAndItsLatestFile[0].file; } } function moveFavCollectionToFront(collections: Collection[]) { return collections.sort((collectionA, collectionB) => collectionA.type === CollectionType.favorites ? -1 : collectionB.type === CollectionType.favorites ? 1 : 0 ); }