import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io' as io; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:archive/archive_io.dart'; import 'package:flutter_sodium/flutter_sodium.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:motionphoto/motionphoto.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart'; import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart'; import 'package:photo_manager/photo_manager.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/configuration.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/constants.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/errors.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/file.dart' as ente; import 'package:photos/models/file_type.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/location.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/crypto_util.dart'; // ignore: import_of_legacy_library_into_null_safe import 'package:photos/utils/file_util.dart'; import 'package:video_thumbnail/video_thumbnail.dart'; final _logger = Logger("FileUtil"); const kMaximumThumbnailCompressionAttempts = 2; const kLivePhotoHashSeparator = ':'; class MediaUploadData { final io.File? sourceFile; final Uint8List? thumbnail; final bool isDeleted; final FileHashData? hashData; MediaUploadData( this.sourceFile, this.thumbnail, this.isDeleted, this.hashData, ); } class FileHashData { // For livePhotos, the fileHash value will be imageHash:videoHash final String? fileHash; // zipHash is used to take care of existing live photo uploads from older // mobile clients String? zipHash; FileHashData(this.fileHash, {this.zipHash}); } Future getUploadDataFromEnteFile(ente.File file) async { if (file.isSharedMediaToAppSandbox) { return await _getMediaUploadDataFromAppCache(file); } else { return await _getMediaUploadDataFromAssetFile(file); } } Future _getMediaUploadDataFromAssetFile(ente.File file) async { io.File? sourceFile; Uint8List? thumbnailData; bool isDeleted; String? zipHash; String fileHash; // The timeouts are to safeguard against final asset = await file.getAsset .timeout(const Duration(seconds: 3)) .catchError((e) async { if (e is TimeoutException) {"Asset fetch timed out for " + file.toString()); return await file.getAsset; } else { throw e; } }); if (asset == null) { throw InvalidFileError("asset is null"); } sourceFile = await asset.originFile .timeout(const Duration(seconds: 3)) .catchError((e) async { if (e is TimeoutException) {"Origin file fetch timed out for " + file.toString()); return await asset.originFile; } else { throw e; } }); if (sourceFile == null || !sourceFile.existsSync()) { throw InvalidFileError("source fill is null or do not exist"); } // h4ck to fetch location data if missing (thank you Android Q+) lazily only during uploads await _decorateEnteFileData(file, asset); fileHash = Sodium.bin2base64(await CryptoUtil.getHash(sourceFile)); if (file.fileType == FileType.livePhoto && io.Platform.isIOS) { final io.File? videoUrl = await Motionphoto.getLivePhotoFile(file.localID!); if (videoUrl == null || !videoUrl.existsSync()) { final String errMsg = "missing livePhoto url for ${file.toString()} with subType ${file.fileSubType}"; _logger.severe(errMsg); throw InvalidFileUploadState(errMsg); } final String livePhotoVideoHash = Sodium.bin2base64(await CryptoUtil.getHash(videoUrl)); // imgHash:vidHash fileHash = '$fileHash$kLivePhotoHashSeparator$livePhotoVideoHash'; final tempPath = Configuration.instance.getTempDirectory(); // .elp -> ente live photo final livePhotoPath = tempPath + file.generatedID.toString() + ".elp"; _logger.fine("Uploading zipped live photo from " + livePhotoPath); final encoder = ZipFileEncoder(); encoder.create(livePhotoPath); encoder.addFile(videoUrl, "video" + extension(videoUrl.path)); encoder.addFile(sourceFile, "image" + extension(sourceFile.path)); encoder.close(); // delete the temporary video and image copy (only in IOS) if (io.Platform.isIOS) { await sourceFile.delete(); } // new sourceFile which needs to be uploaded sourceFile = io.File(livePhotoPath); zipHash = Sodium.bin2base64(await CryptoUtil.getHash(sourceFile)); } thumbnailData = await asset.thumbnailDataWithSize( const ThumbnailSize(thumbnailLargeSize, thumbnailLargeSize), quality: thumbnailQuality, ); if (thumbnailData == null) { throw InvalidFileError("unable to get asset thumbData"); } int compressionAttempts = 0; while (thumbnailData!.length > thumbnailDataLimit && compressionAttempts < kMaximumThumbnailCompressionAttempts) {"Thumbnail size " + thumbnailData.length.toString()); thumbnailData = await compressThumbnail(thumbnailData); _logger .info("Compressed thumbnail size " + thumbnailData.length.toString()); compressionAttempts++; } isDeleted = !(await asset.exists); return MediaUploadData( sourceFile, thumbnailData, isDeleted, FileHashData(fileHash, zipHash: zipHash), ); } Future _decorateEnteFileData(ente.File file, AssetEntity asset) async { // h4ck to fetch location data if missing (thank you Android Q+) lazily only during uploads if (file.location == null || (file.location!.latitude == 0 && file.location!.longitude == 0)) { final latLong = await asset.latlngAsync(); file.location = Location(latLong.latitude, latLong.longitude); } if (file.title == null || file.title!.isEmpty) { _logger.warning("Title was missing ${file.tag}"); file.title = await asset.titleAsync; } } Future _getMediaUploadDataFromAppCache(ente.File file) async { io.File sourceFile; Uint8List? thumbnailData; const bool isDeleted = false; final localPath = getSharedMediaFilePath(file); sourceFile = io.File(localPath); if (!sourceFile.existsSync()) { _logger.warning("File doesn't exist in app sandbox"); throw InvalidFileError("File doesn't exist in app sandbox"); } try { thumbnailData = await getThumbnailFromInAppCacheFile(file); final fileHash = Sodium.bin2base64(await CryptoUtil.getHash(sourceFile)); return MediaUploadData( sourceFile, thumbnailData, isDeleted, FileHashData(fileHash), ); } catch (e, s) { _logger.severe("failed to generate thumbnail", e, s); throw InvalidFileError( "thumbnail generation failed for fileType: ${file.fileType.toString()}", ); } } Future getThumbnailFromInAppCacheFile(ente.File file) async { var localFile = io.File(getSharedMediaFilePath(file)); if (!localFile.existsSync()) { return null; } if (file.fileType == { final thumbnailFilePath = await VideoThumbnail.thumbnailFile( video: localFile.path, imageFormat: ImageFormat.JPEG, thumbnailPath: (await getTemporaryDirectory()).path, maxWidth: thumbnailLargeSize, quality: 80, ); localFile = io.File(thumbnailFilePath!); } var thumbnailData = await localFile.readAsBytes(); int compressionAttempts = 0; while (thumbnailData.length > thumbnailDataLimit && compressionAttempts < kMaximumThumbnailCompressionAttempts) {"Thumbnail size " + thumbnailData.length.toString()); thumbnailData = await compressThumbnail(thumbnailData); _logger .info("Compressed thumbnail size " + thumbnailData.length.toString()); compressionAttempts++; } return thumbnailData; }