import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:core'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/magic_metadata.dart'; class Collection { final int id; final User? owner; final String encryptedKey; final String? keyDecryptionNonce; final String? name; // encryptedName & nameDecryptionNonce will be null for collections // created before we started encrypting collection name final String? encryptedName; final String? nameDecryptionNonce; final CollectionType type; final CollectionAttributes attributes; final List? sharees; final List? publicURLs; final int updationTime; final bool isDeleted; String? mMdEncodedJson; int mMdVersion = 0; CollectionMagicMetadata? _mmd; CollectionMagicMetadata get magicMetadata => _mmd ?? CollectionMagicMetadata.fromEncodedJson(mMdEncodedJson ?? '{}'); set magicMetadata(val) => _mmd = val; Collection(, this.owner, this.encryptedKey, this.keyDecryptionNonce,, this.encryptedName, this.nameDecryptionNonce, this.type, this.attributes, this.sharees, this.publicURLs, this.updationTime, { this.isDeleted = false, }); bool isArchived() { return mMdVersion > 0 && magicMetadata.visibility == visibilityArchive; } // hasLink returns true if there's any link attached to the collection // including expired links bool get hasLink => publicURLs != null && publicURLs!.isNotEmpty; // hasSharees returns true if the collection is shared with other ente users bool get hasSharees => sharees != null && sharees!.isNotEmpty; bool isHidden() { if (isDefaultHidden()) { return true; } return mMdVersion > 0 && (magicMetadata.visibility == visibilityHidden); } bool isDefaultHidden() { return (magicMetadata.subType ?? 0) == subTypeDefaultHidden; } bool isSharedFilesCollection() { return (magicMetadata.subType ?? 0) == subTypeSharedFilesCollection; } List getSharees() { final List result = []; if (sharees == null) { return result; } for (final User? u in sharees!) { if (u != null) { result.add(u); } } return result; } bool isOwner(int userID) { return (owner?.id ?? 0) == userID; } String get collectionName => name ?? "Unnamed collection"; void updateSharees(List newSharees) { sharees?.clear(); sharees?.addAll(newSharees); } static CollectionType typeFromString(String type) { switch (type) { case "folder": return CollectionType.folder; case "favorites": return CollectionType.favorites; case "uncategorized": return CollectionType.uncategorized; case "album": return CollectionType.album; case "unknown": return CollectionType.unknown; } debugPrint("unexpected collection type $type"); return CollectionType.unknown; } static String typeToString(CollectionType type) { switch (type) { case CollectionType.folder: return "folder"; case CollectionType.favorites: return "favorites"; case CollectionType.album: return "album"; case CollectionType.uncategorized: return "uncategorized"; case CollectionType.unknown: return "unknown"; } } Collection copyWith({ int? id, User? owner, String? encryptedKey, String? keyDecryptionNonce, String? name, String? encryptedName, String? nameDecryptionNonce, CollectionType? type, CollectionAttributes? attributes, List? sharees, List? publicURLs, int? updationTime, bool? isDeleted, String? mMdEncodedJson, int? mMdVersion, }) { final Collection result = Collection( id ??, owner ?? this.owner, encryptedKey ?? this.encryptedKey, keyDecryptionNonce ?? this.keyDecryptionNonce, name ??, encryptedName ?? this.encryptedName, nameDecryptionNonce ?? this.nameDecryptionNonce, type ?? this.type, attributes ?? this.attributes, sharees ?? this.sharees, publicURLs ?? this.publicURLs, updationTime ?? this.updationTime, isDeleted: isDeleted ?? this.isDeleted, ); result.mMdVersion = mMdVersion ?? this.mMdVersion; result.mMdEncodedJson = mMdEncodedJson ?? this.mMdEncodedJson; return result; } Map toMap() { return { 'id': id, 'owner': owner?.toMap(), 'encryptedKey': encryptedKey, 'keyDecryptionNonce': keyDecryptionNonce, 'name': name, 'encryptedName': encryptedName, 'nameDecryptionNonce': nameDecryptionNonce, 'type': typeToString(type), 'attributes': attributes.toMap(), 'sharees': sharees?.map((x) => x?.toMap()).toList(), 'publicURLs': publicURLs?.map((x) => x?.toMap()).toList(), 'updationTime': updationTime, 'isDeleted': isDeleted, }; } static fromMap(Map? map) { if (map == null) return null; final sharees = (map['sharees'] == null || map['sharees'].length == 0) ? [] : List.from(map['sharees'].map((x) => User.fromMap(x))); final publicURLs = (map['publicURLs'] == null || map['publicURLs'].length == 0) ? [] : List.from( map['publicURLs'].map((x) => PublicURL.fromMap(x)), ); return Collection( map['id'], User.fromMap(map['owner']), map['encryptedKey'], map['keyDecryptionNonce'], map['name'], map['encryptedName'], map['nameDecryptionNonce'], typeFromString(map['type']), CollectionAttributes.fromMap(map['attributes']), sharees, publicURLs, map['updationTime'], isDeleted: map['isDeleted'] ?? false, ); } } enum CollectionType { folder, favorites, uncategorized, album, unknown, } extension CollectionTypeExtn on CollectionType { bool get canDelete => this != CollectionType.favorites && this != CollectionType.uncategorized; } enum CollectionParticipantRole { unknown, viewer, collaborator, owner, } extension CollectionParticipantRoleExtn on CollectionParticipantRole { static CollectionParticipantRole fromString(String? val) { if ((val ?? '') == '') { return CollectionParticipantRole.viewer; } for (var x in CollectionParticipantRole.values) { if ( == val!.toUpperCase()) { return x; } } return CollectionParticipantRole.unknown; } String toStringVal() { return name.toUpperCase(); } } class CollectionAttributes { final String? encryptedPath; final String? pathDecryptionNonce; final int? version; CollectionAttributes({ this.encryptedPath, this.pathDecryptionNonce, this.version, }); Map toMap() { final map = {}; if (encryptedPath != null) { map['encryptedPath'] = encryptedPath; } if (pathDecryptionNonce != null) { map['pathDecryptionNonce'] = pathDecryptionNonce; } map['version'] = version ?? 0; return map; } static fromMap(Map? map) { if (map == null) return null; return CollectionAttributes( encryptedPath: map['encryptedPath'], pathDecryptionNonce: map['pathDecryptionNonce'], version: map['version'] ?? 0, ); } } class User { int? id; String email; String? name; String? role; User({, required,, this.role, }); bool get isViewer => role == null || role?.toUpperCase() == 'VIEWER'; bool get isCollaborator => role != null && role?.toUpperCase() == 'COLLABORATOR'; Map toMap() { return {'id': id, 'email': email, 'name': name, 'role': role}; } static fromMap(Map? map) { if (map == null) return null; return User( id: map['id'], email: map['email'], name: map['name'], role: map['role'] ?? 'VIEWER', ); } String toJson() => json.encode(toMap()); factory User.fromJson(String source) => User.fromMap(json.decode(source)); } class PublicURL { String url; int deviceLimit; int validTill; bool enableDownload; bool enableCollect; bool passwordEnabled; PublicURL({ required this.url, required this.deviceLimit, required this.validTill, this.enableDownload = true, this.passwordEnabled = false, this.enableCollect = false, }); Map toMap() { return { 'url': url, 'deviceLimit': deviceLimit, 'validTill': validTill, 'enableDownload': enableDownload, 'passwordEnabled': passwordEnabled, 'enableCollect': enableCollect, }; } bool get hasExpiry => validTill != 0; // isExpired indicates whether the link has expired or not bool get isExpired => hasExpiry && validTill <; static fromMap(Map? map) { if (map == null) return null; return PublicURL( url: map['url'], deviceLimit: map['deviceLimit'], validTill: map['validTill'] ?? 0, enableDownload: map['enableDownload'] ?? true, passwordEnabled: map['passwordEnabled'] ?? false, enableCollect: map['enableCollect'] ?? false, ); } }