import { getEndpoint } from "utils/common/apiUtil"; import { getData, LS_KEYS } from "utils/storage/localStorage"; import { file, user, getFiles } from "./fileService"; import localForage from 'localforage'; import HTTPService from "./HTTPService"; import * as Comlink from 'comlink'; import { keyEncryptionResult } from "./uploadService"; import { getActualKey, getToken } from "utils/common/key"; const CryptoWorker: any = typeof window !== 'undefined' && Comlink.wrap(new Worker('worker/crypto.worker.js', { type: 'module' })); const ENDPOINT = getEndpoint(); enum CollectionType { folder = "folder", favorites = "favorites", album = "album", } export interface collection { id: number; owner: user; key?: string; name?: string; encryptedName?: string; nameDecryptionNonce?: string; type: string; attributes: collectionAttributes sharees: user[]; updationTime: number; encryptedKey: string; keyDecryptionNonce: string; isDeleted: boolean; } interface collectionAttributes { encryptedPath?: string; pathDecryptionNonce?: string }; export interface collectionLatestFile { collection: collection file: file; } const getCollectionSecrets = async (collection: collection, masterKey: string) => { const worker = await new CryptoWorker(); const userID = getData(LS_KEYS.USER).id; let decryptedKey: string; if ( == userID) { decryptedKey = await worker.decryptB64( collection.encryptedKey, collection.keyDecryptionNonce, masterKey ); } else { const keyAttributes = getData(LS_KEYS.KEY_ATTRIBUTES); const secretKey = await worker.decryptB64( keyAttributes.encryptedSecretKey, keyAttributes.secretKeyDecryptionNonce, masterKey ); decryptedKey = await worker.boxSealOpen( collection.encryptedKey, keyAttributes.publicKey, secretKey ); } = || await worker.decryptString( collection.encryptedName, collection.nameDecryptionNonce, decryptedKey); return { ...collection, key: decryptedKey, }; }; const getCollections = async ( token: string, sinceTime: string, key: string ): Promise => { try { const resp = await HTTPService.get(`${ENDPOINT}/collections`, { sinceTime: sinceTime, }, { 'X-Auth-Token': token, }); const promises: Promise[] = (collection: collection) => getCollectionSecrets(collection, key) ); return await Promise.all(promises); } catch (e) { console.log("getCollections failed- " + e); } }; export const getLocalCollections = async (): Promise => { const collections = await localForage.getItem('collections') as collection[] ?? []; return collections; } export const getLatestCollections = async (token: string, key: string) => { const localCollections = await getLocalCollections(); const lastCollectionUpdateTime = await localForage.getItem('collection-update-time')??"0"; const updatedCollections = await getCollections(token, lastCollectionUpdateTime, key) || []; if(updatedCollections.length==0){ return {isUpdated:false,collections:localCollections}; } const favCollection = await localForage.getItem('fav-collection') as collection[] ?? updatedCollections.filter(collection => collection.type === CollectionType.favorites); const allCollectionsInstances = [...localCollections, ...updatedCollections]; var latestCollectionsInstances = new Map(); allCollectionsInstances.forEach((collection) => { if (!latestCollectionsInstances.has( || latestCollectionsInstances.get( < collection.updationTime) { latestCollectionsInstances.set(, collection); } }); let collections = [],updationTime= await localForage.getItem('collection-update-time'); for (const [_, collection] of latestCollectionsInstances) { if (!collection.isDeleted){ collections.push(collection); updationTime=Math.max(updationTime,collection.updationTime); } } await localForage.setItem('fav-collection', favCollection); await localForage.setItem('collection-update-time',updationTime); await localForage.setItem('collections', collections); return {isUpdated:true,collections:collections}; }; export const getCollectionLatestFile = ( collections: collection[], files: file[] ): collectionLatestFile[] => { const latestFile = new Map(); const collectionMap = new Map(); collections.forEach(collection => collectionMap.set(Number(, collection)); files.forEach(file => { if (!latestFile.has(file.collectionID)) { latestFile.set(file.collectionID, file) } }); let allCollectionLatestFile: collectionLatestFile[] = []; for (const [collectionID, file] of latestFile) { allCollectionLatestFile.push({ collection: collectionMap.get(collectionID), file }); } return allCollectionLatestFile; } export const getFavItemIds = async (files: file[]): Promise> => { let favCollection: collection = (await localForage.getItem('fav-collection'))[0]; if (!favCollection) return new Set(); return new Set(files.filter(file => file.collectionID === Number( number =>; } export const createAlbum = async (albumName: string) => { return AddCollection(albumName, CollectionType.album); } export const AddCollection = async (collectionName: string, type: CollectionType) => { const worker = await new CryptoWorker(); const encryptionKey = await getActualKey(); const token = getToken(); const collectionKey: string = await worker.generateMasterKey(); const { encryptedData: encryptedKey, nonce: keyDecryptionNonce }: keyEncryptionResult = await worker.encryptToB64(collectionKey, encryptionKey); const { encryptedData: encryptedName, nonce: nameDecryptionNonce }: keyEncryptionResult = await worker.encryptToB64(collectionName, collectionKey); const newCollection: collection = { id: null, owner: null, encryptedKey, keyDecryptionNonce, encryptedName, nameDecryptionNonce, type, attributes: {}, sharees: null, updationTime: null, isDeleted: false }; let createdCollection: collection = await createCollection(newCollection, token); createdCollection = await getCollectionSecrets(createdCollection, encryptionKey); return createdCollection; } const createCollection = async (collectionData: collection, token: string): Promise => { try { const response = await`${ENDPOINT}/collections`, collectionData, null, { 'X-Auth-Token': token }); return; } catch (e) { console.log("create Collection failed " + e); } } export const addToFavorites = async (file: file) => { let favCollection: collection = (await localForage.getItem('fav-collection'))[0]; if (!favCollection) { favCollection = await AddCollection("Favorites", CollectionType.favorites); await localForage.setItem('fav-collection', favCollection); } await addtoCollection(favCollection, [file]) } export const removeFromFavorites = async (file: file) => { let favCollection: collection = (await localForage.getItem('fav-collection'))[0]; await removeFromCollection(favCollection, [file]) } const addtoCollection = async (collection: collection, files: file[]) => { try { const params = new Object(); const worker = await new CryptoWorker(); const token = getToken(); params["collectionID"] =; await Promise.all( file => { file.collectionID = Number(; const newEncryptedKey: keyEncryptionResult = await worker.encryptToB64(file.key, collection.key); file.encryptedKey = newEncryptedKey.encryptedData; file.keyDecryptionNonce = newEncryptedKey.nonce; if (params["files"] == undefined) { params["files"] = []; } params["files"].push({ id:, encryptedKey: file.encryptedKey, keyDecryptionNonce: file.keyDecryptionNonce }) return file; })); await`${ENDPOINT}/collections/add-files`, params, null, { 'X-Auth-Token': token }); } catch (e) { console.log("Add to collection Failed " + e); } } const removeFromCollection = async (collection: collection, files: file[]) => { try { const params = new Object(); const token = getToken(); params["collectionID"] =; await Promise.all( file => { if (params["fileIDs"] == undefined) { params["fileIDs"] = []; } params["fileIDs"].push(; })); await`${ENDPOINT}/collections/remove-files`, params, null, { 'X-Auth-Token': token }); } catch (e) { console.log("remove from collection failed " + e); } }