#!/usr/bin/env node let SentryCli; let download; try { SentryCli = require('@sentry/cli'); download = require('electron-download'); } catch (e) { console.error('ERROR: Missing required packages, please run:'); console.error('npm install --save-dev @sentry/cli electron-download'); process.exit(1); } const SYMBOL_CACHE_FOLDER = '.electron-symbols'; const sentryCli = new SentryCli('./sentry.properties'); async function main() { const version = getElectronVersion(); if (!version) { console.error('Cannot detect electron version, check that electron is installed'); return; } console.log('We are starting to download all possible electron symbols'); console.log('We need it in order to symbolicate native crashes'); console.log( 'This step is only needed once whenever you update your electron version', ); console.log('Just call this script again it should do everything for you.'); let zipPath = await downloadSymbols({ version, platform: 'darwin', arch: 'x64', dsym: true, }); await sentryCli.execute(['upload-dif', '-t', 'dsym', zipPath], true); zipPath = await downloadSymbols({ version, platform: 'win32', arch: 'ia32', symbols: true, }); await sentryCli.execute(['upload-dif', '-t', 'breakpad', zipPath], true); zipPath = await downloadSymbols({ version, platform: 'win32', arch: 'x64', symbols: true, }); await sentryCli.execute(['upload-dif', '-t', 'breakpad', zipPath], true); zipPath = await downloadSymbols({ version, platform: 'linux', arch: 'x64', symbols: true, }); await sentryCli.execute(['upload-dif', '-t', 'breakpad', zipPath], true); console.log('Finished downloading and uploading to Sentry'); console.log(`Feel free to delete the ${SYMBOL_CACHE_FOLDER}`); } function getElectronVersion() { try { return require('electron/package.json').version; } catch (error) { return undefined; } } async function downloadSymbols(options) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { download( { ...options, cache: SYMBOL_CACHE_FOLDER, }, (err, zipPath) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(zipPath); } }, ); }); } main().catch(e => console.error(e));