import "dart:async"; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import "package:flutter_animate/flutter_animate.dart"; import "package:logging/logging.dart"; import "package:photos/core/event_bus.dart"; import "package:photos/events/clear_and_unfocus_search_bar_event.dart"; import "package:photos/generated/l10n.dart"; import "package:photos/models/search/album_search_result.dart"; import "package:photos/models/search/generic_search_result.dart"; import "package:photos/models/search/index_of_indexed_stack.dart"; import 'package:photos/models/search/search_result.dart'; import "package:photos/services/collections_service.dart"; import "package:photos/theme/ente_theme.dart"; import "package:photos/ui/common/loading_widget.dart"; import "package:photos/ui/viewer/gallery/collection_page.dart"; import "package:photos/ui/viewer/search/result/search_result_widget.dart"; import "package:photos/ui/viewer/search/search_widget.dart"; import "package:photos/utils/navigation_util.dart"; ///Not using StreamBuilder in this widget for rebuilding on every new event as ///StreamBuilder is not lossless. It misses some events if the stream fires too ///fast. Instead, we usi a queue to store the events and then generate the ///widgets from the queue at regular intervals. class SearchSuggestionsWidget extends StatefulWidget { const SearchSuggestionsWidget({ Key? key, }) : super(key: key); @override State createState() => _SearchSuggestionsWidgetState(); } class _SearchSuggestionsWidgetState extends State { Stream>? resultsStream; final queueOfSearchResults = >[]; var searchResultWidgets = []; StreamSubscription>? subscription; Timer? timer; ///This is the interval at which the queue is checked for new events and ///the search result widgets are generated from the queue. static const _surfaceNewResultsInterval = 50; @override void initState() { super.initState(); SearchWidgetState.searchResultsStreamNotifier.addListener(() { IndexOfStackNotifier().searchState = SearchState.searching; final resultsStream = SearchWidgetState.searchResultsStreamNotifier.value; searchResultWidgets.clear(); releaseResources(); subscription = resultsStream!.listen( (searchResults) { //Currently, we add searchResults even if the list is empty. So we are adding //empty list to the queue, which will trigger rebuilds with no change in UI //(see [generateResultWidgetsInIntervalsFromQueue]'s setState()). //This is needed to clear the search results in this widget when the //search bar is cleared, and the event fired by the stream will be an //empty list. Can optimize rebuilds if there are performance issues in future. if (searchResults.isNotEmpty) { IndexOfStackNotifier().searchState = SearchState.notEmpty; } queueOfSearchResults.add(searchResults); }, onDone: () { Future.delayed( const Duration(milliseconds: _surfaceNewResultsInterval + 20), () { if (searchResultWidgets.isEmpty) { IndexOfStackNotifier().searchState = SearchState.empty; } }); SearchWidgetState.isLoading.value = false; }, ); generateResultWidgetsInIntervalsFromQueue(); }); } void releaseResources() { subscription?.cancel(); timer?.cancel(); } ///This method generates searchResultsWidgets from the queueOfEvents by checking ///every [_surfaceNewResultsInterval] if the queue is empty or not. If the ///queue is not empty, it generates the widgets and clears the queue and ///updates the UI. void generateResultWidgetsInIntervalsFromQueue() { timer = Timer.periodic( const Duration(milliseconds: _surfaceNewResultsInterval), (timer) { if (queueOfSearchResults.isNotEmpty) { for (List event in queueOfSearchResults) { for (SearchResult result in event) { searchResultWidgets.add( SearchResultsWidgetGenerator(result).animate().fadeIn( duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 80), curve: Curves.easeIn, ), ); } } queueOfSearchResults.clear(); setState(() {}); } }); } @override void dispose() { releaseResources(); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { String title; final resultsCount = searchResultWidgets.length; title = S.of(context).searchResultCount(resultsCount); return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( leading: BackButton( onPressed: () {; }, ), ), body: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(12, 0, 12, 0), child: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ SizedBox( height: 44, child: SearchWidgetState.isLoading.value ? EnteLoadingWidget( size: 14, padding: 4, color: getEnteColorScheme(context).strokeMuted, alignment: Alignment.topLeft, ) : Text( title, style: getEnteTextTheme(context).largeBold, ).animate().fadeIn( duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 60), curve: Curves.easeIn, ), ), Expanded( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 4), child: ListView.separated( itemBuilder: (context, index) { return searchResultWidgets[index]; }, separatorBuilder: (context, index) { return const SizedBox(height: 12); }, itemCount: searchResultWidgets.length, physics: const BouncingScrollPhysics(), padding: EdgeInsets.only( bottom: (MediaQuery.sizeOf(context).height / 2) + 50, ), ), ), ), ], ), ), ); } } class SearchResultsWidgetGenerator extends StatelessWidget { final SearchResult result; const SearchResultsWidgetGenerator(this.result, {super.key}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { if (result is AlbumSearchResult) { final AlbumSearchResult albumSearchResult = result as AlbumSearchResult; return SearchResultWidget( result, resultCount: CollectionsService.instance.getFileCount( albumSearchResult.collectionWithThumbnail.collection, ), onResultTap: () => routeToPage( context, CollectionPage( albumSearchResult.collectionWithThumbnail, tagPrefix: result.heroTag(), ), ), ); } else if (result is GenericSearchResult) { return SearchResultWidget( result, onResultTap: (result as GenericSearchResult).onResultTap != null ? () => (result as GenericSearchResult).onResultTap!(context) : null, ); } else { Logger('SearchResultsWidgetGenerator').info("Invalid/Unsupported value"); return const SizedBox.shrink(); } } }