import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:connectivity/connectivity.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter_cache_manager/flutter_cache_manager.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/cache/thumbnail_cache_manager.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/cache/video_cache_manager.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/errors.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/event_bus.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/network.dart'; import 'package:photos/db/files_db.dart'; import 'package:photos/events/collection_updated_event.dart'; import 'package:photos/events/local_photos_updated_event.dart'; import 'package:photos/events/permission_granted_event.dart'; import 'package:photos/events/sync_status_update_event.dart'; import 'package:photos/events/subscription_purchased_event.dart'; import 'package:photos/events/trigger_logout_event.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/file_type.dart'; import 'package:photos/services/billing_service.dart'; import 'package:photos/services/collections_service.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/diff_fetcher.dart'; import 'package:photos/repositories/file_repository.dart'; import 'package:photo_manager/photo_manager.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/file_sync_util.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/file_uploader.dart'; import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; import 'package:dio/dio.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/file.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/configuration.dart'; class SyncService { final _logger = Logger("SyncService"); final _dio = Network.instance.getDio(); final _db = FilesDB.instance; final _uploader = FileUploader.instance; final _collectionsService = CollectionsService.instance; final _diffFetcher = DiffFetcher(); bool _syncStopRequested = false; bool _isBackground = false; Completer _existingSync; SharedPreferences _prefs; SyncStatusUpdate _lastSyncStatusEvent; int _completedUploads = 0; static const kDbUpdationTimeKey = "db_updation_time"; static const kHasGrantedPermissionsKey = "has_granted_permissions"; static const kLastBackgroundUploadDetectedTime = "last_background_upload_detected_time"; static const kDiffLimit = 200; static const kBackgroundUploadPollFrequency = Duration(seconds: 1); SyncService._privateConstructor() { Bus.instance.on().listen((event) { _uploader.clearQueue(SilentlyCancelUploadsError()); sync(); }); Connectivity().onConnectivityChanged.listen((ConnectivityResult result) {"Connectivity change detected " + result.toString()); if (Configuration.instance.hasConfiguredAccount() && BillingService.instance.getSubscription() != null) { sync(); } }); Bus.instance.on().listen((event) {"Sync status received " + event.toString()); _lastSyncStatusEvent = event; }); } static final SyncService instance = SyncService._privateConstructor(); Future init(bool isBackground) async { _isBackground = isBackground; _prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); if (Platform.isIOS) {"Clearing file cache"); await PhotoManager.clearFileCache();"Cleared file cache"); } } Future existingSync() async { return _existingSync.future; } Future sync() async { _syncStopRequested = false; if (_existingSync != null) { _logger.warning("Sync already in progress, skipping."); return _existingSync.future; } _existingSync = Completer(); bool successful = false; try { await _doSync(); if (_lastSyncStatusEvent != null && _lastSyncStatusEvent.status != SyncStatus.completed) {; } successful = true; } on WiFiUnavailableError { _logger.warning("Not uploading over mobile data"); SyncStatusUpdate(SyncStatus.paused, reason: "waiting for WiFi...")); } on SyncStopRequestedError { _syncStopRequested = false; Bus.instance .fire(SyncStatusUpdate(SyncStatus.completed, wasStopped: true)); } on NoActiveSubscriptionError {, error: NoActiveSubscriptionError())); } on StorageLimitExceededError {, error: StorageLimitExceededError())); } on UnauthorizedError {"Logging user out");; } catch (e, s) { if (e is DioError && e.type == DioErrorType.DEFAULT) { final errorCode = e.error?.osError?.errorCode; if (errorCode == 111 || errorCode == 101 || errorCode == 7) {, reason: "waiting for network...")); return false; } } else { _logger.severe("backup failed", e, s); Bus.instance .fire(SyncStatusUpdate(SyncStatus.error, reason: "backup failed")); throw e; } } finally { _existingSync.complete(successful); _existingSync = null; _lastSyncStatusEvent = null;"Syncing completed"); } return successful; } void stopSync() {"Sync stop requested"); _syncStopRequested = true; } bool shouldStopSync() { return _syncStopRequested; } bool hasScannedDisk() { return _prefs.containsKey(kDbUpdationTimeKey); } bool isSyncInProgress() { return _existingSync != null; } SyncStatusUpdate getLastSyncStatusEvent() { return _lastSyncStatusEvent; } bool hasGrantedPermissions() { return _prefs.containsKey(kHasGrantedPermissionsKey) && _prefs.getBool(kHasGrantedPermissionsKey); } Future onPermissionGranted() async { await _prefs.setBool(kHasGrantedPermissionsKey, true);; _doSync(); } Future onFoldersAdded(List paths) async { if (_existingSync != null) { await _existingSync.future; } return sync(); } void onFoldersRemoved(List paths) { _uploader.removeFromQueueWhere((file) { return paths.contains(file.deviceFolder); }, UserCancelledUploadError()); } Future _doSync() async { await _syncWithDevice(); await syncWithRemote(); } Future _syncWithDevice() async { if (!_prefs.containsKey(kHasGrantedPermissionsKey)) {"Skipping local sync since permission has not been granted"); return; } final existingLocalFileIDs = await _db.getExistingLocalFileIDs(); final syncStartTime =; if (_isBackground) { await PhotoManager.setIgnorePermissionCheck(true); } else { final result = await PhotoManager.requestPermission(); if (!result) { _logger.severe("Did not get permission"); await _prefs.setInt(kDbUpdationTimeKey, syncStartTime);; return await syncWithRemote(); } } final lastDBUpdationTime = _prefs.getInt(kDbUpdationTimeKey) ?? 0; if (lastDBUpdationTime != 0) { await _loadAndStorePhotos( lastDBUpdationTime, syncStartTime, existingLocalFileIDs); } else { // Load from 0 - 01.01.2010 var startTime = 0; var toYear = 2010; var toTime = DateTime(toYear).microsecondsSinceEpoch; while (toTime < syncStartTime) { await _loadAndStorePhotos(startTime, toTime, existingLocalFileIDs); startTime = toTime; toYear++; toTime = DateTime(toYear).microsecondsSinceEpoch; } await _loadAndStorePhotos(startTime, syncStartTime, existingLocalFileIDs); } } Future _loadAndStorePhotos( int fromTime, int toTime, Set existingLocalFileIDs) async {"Loading photos from " + DateTime.fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(fromTime).toString() + " to " + DateTime.fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(toTime).toString()); final files = await getDeviceFiles(fromTime, toTime); if (files.isNotEmpty) {"Fetched " + files.length.toString() + " files."); final updatedFiles = files.where((file) => existingLocalFileIDs.contains(file.localID)); + " files were updated."); for (final file in updatedFiles) { await _db.updateUploadedFile( file.localID, file.title, file.location, file.creationTime, file.modificationTime, null, ); } files.removeWhere((file) => existingLocalFileIDs.contains(file.localID)); await _db.insertMultiple(files);"Inserted " + files.length.toString() + " files."); await FileRepository.instance.reloadFiles(); } await _prefs.setInt(kDbUpdationTimeKey, toTime); } Future syncWithRemote({bool silently = false}) async { if (!Configuration.instance.hasConfiguredAccount()) {"Skipping remote sync since account is not configured"); return; } await _collectionsService.sync(); final updatedCollections = await _collectionsService.getCollectionsToBeSynced(); if (updatedCollections.isNotEmpty && !silently) {; } for (final c in updatedCollections) { await _syncCollectionDiff(; _collectionsService.setCollectionSyncTime(, c.updationTime); } await deleteFilesOnServer(); bool hasUploadedFiles = await _uploadDiff(); if (hasUploadedFiles) { syncWithRemote(silently: true); } } Future _syncCollectionDiff(int collectionID) async { final diff = await _diffFetcher.getEncryptedFilesDiff( collectionID, _collectionsService.getCollectionSyncTime(collectionID), kDiffLimit, ); if (diff.updatedFiles.isNotEmpty) { await _storeDiff(diff.updatedFiles, collectionID);"Updated " + diff.updatedFiles.length.toString() + " files in collection " + collectionID.toString()); FileRepository.instance.reloadFiles(); collectionID)); if (diff.fetchCount == kDiffLimit) { return await _syncCollectionDiff(collectionID); } } } Future _uploadDiff() async { if (!BillingService.instance.hasActiveSubscription()) { await BillingService.instance.fetchSubscription(); if (!BillingService.instance.hasActiveSubscription()) { throw NoActiveSubscriptionError(); } } final foldersToBackUp = Configuration.instance.getPathsToBackUp(); var filesToBeUploaded = await _db.getFilesToBeUploadedWithinFolders(foldersToBackUp); if (kDebugMode) { filesToBeUploaded .removeWhere((element) => element.fileType ==; } filesToBeUploaded.length.toString() + " new files to be uploaded."); final updatedFileIDs = await _db.getUploadedFileIDsToBeUpdated(); + " files updated."); _completedUploads = 0; int toBeUploaded = filesToBeUploaded.length + updatedFileIDs.length; if (toBeUploaded > 0) {; } final alreadyUploaded = await FilesDB.instance.getNumberOfUploadedFiles(); final futures = List(); for (final uploadedFileID in updatedFileIDs) { final file = await _db.getUploadedFileInAnyCollection(uploadedFileID); final future = _uploader.upload(file, file.collectionID).then( (uploadedFile) async => await _onFileUploaded( uploadedFile, alreadyUploaded, toBeUploaded)); futures.add(future); } for (final file in filesToBeUploaded) { final collectionID = (await CollectionsService.instance .getOrCreateForPath(file.deviceFolder)) .id; final future = _uploader.upload(file, collectionID).then( (uploadedFile) async => await _onFileUploaded( uploadedFile, alreadyUploaded, toBeUploaded)); futures.add(future); } try { await Future.wait(futures); } on InvalidFileError { // Do nothing } on FileSystemException { // Do nothing since it's caused mostly due to concurrency issues // when the foreground app deletes temporary files, interrupting a background // upload } on LockAlreadyAcquiredError { // Do nothing } on SilentlyCancelUploadsError { // Do nothing } on UserCancelledUploadError { // Do nothing } catch (e) { throw e; } return _completedUploads > 0; } Future _onFileUploaded( File file, int alreadyUploaded, int toBeUploadedInThisSession) async { file.collectionID)); _completedUploads++; final completed = await FilesDB.instance.getNumberOfUploadedFiles() - alreadyUploaded; if (completed == toBeUploadedInThisSession) { return; }, completed: completed, total: toBeUploadedInThisSession)); } Future _storeDiff(List diff, int collectionID) async { for (File file in diff) { final existingFiles = await _db.getMatchingFiles( file.title, file.deviceFolder, file.creationTime); if (existingFiles == null) { // File uploaded from a different device file.localID = null; await _db.insert(file); } else { // File exists on device file.localID = existingFiles[0] .localID; // File should ideally have the same localID bool wasUploadedOnAPreviousInstallation = existingFiles.length == 1 && existingFiles[0].collectionID == null; if (wasUploadedOnAPreviousInstallation) { file.generatedID = existingFiles[0].generatedID; if (file.modificationTime != existingFiles[0].modificationTime) { // File was updated since the app was uninstalled"Updated since last installation: " + file.uploadedFileID.toString()); file.updationTime = null; } await _db.update(file); } else { bool foundMatchingCollection = false; for (final existingFile in existingFiles) { if (file.collectionID == existingFile.collectionID && file.uploadedFileID == existingFile.uploadedFileID) { foundMatchingCollection = true; file.generatedID = existingFile.generatedID; await _db.update(file); if (file.fileType == { VideoCacheManager().removeFile(file.getDownloadUrl()); } else { DefaultCacheManager().removeFile(file.getDownloadUrl()); } ThumbnailCacheManager().removeFile(file.getDownloadUrl()); break; } } if (!foundMatchingCollection) { // Added to a new collection await _db.insert(file); } } } await _collectionsService.setCollectionSyncTime( collectionID, file.updationTime); } } Future deleteFilesOnServer() async { return _db.getDeletedFileIDs().then((ids) async { for (int id in ids) { await _deleteFileOnServer(id); await _db.delete(id); } }); } Future _deleteFileOnServer(int fileID) async { return _dio .delete( Configuration.instance.getHttpEndpoint() + "/files/" + fileID.toString(), options: Options( headers: {"X-Auth-Token": Configuration.instance.getToken()}), ) .catchError((e) => _logger.severe(e)); } }