import "dart:async"; import "dart:io"; import "package:connectivity_plus/connectivity_plus.dart"; import "package:flutter/services.dart"; import "package:logging/logging.dart"; import "package:path/path.dart"; import "package:path_provider/path_provider.dart"; import "package:photos/core/errors.dart"; import "package:photos/core/event_bus.dart"; import "package:photos/core/network/network.dart"; import "package:photos/events/event.dart"; abstract class MLFramework { static const kImageEncoderEnabled = true; static const kMaximumRetrials = 3; static final _logger = Logger("MLFramework"); final bool shouldDownloadOverMobileData; InitializationState _state = InitializationState.notInitialized; final _initializationCompleter = Completer(); MLFramework(this.shouldDownloadOverMobileData) { Connectivity() .onConnectivityChanged .listen((ConnectivityResult result) async {"Connectivity changed to $result"); if (_state == InitializationState.waitingForNetwork && await _canDownload()) { unawaited(init()); } }); } InitializationState get initializationState => _state; set _initState(InitializationState state) {;"Init state is $state"); _state = state; } /// Returns the path of the Image Model hosted remotely String getImageModelRemotePath(); /// Returns the path of the Text Model hosted remotely String getTextModelRemotePath(); /// Loads the Image Model stored at [path] into the framework Future loadImageModel(String path); /// Loads the Text Model stored at [path] into the framework Future loadTextModel(String path); /// Returns the Image Embedding for a file stored at [imagePath] Future> getImageEmbedding(String imagePath); /// Returns the Text Embedding for [text] Future> getTextEmbedding(String text); /// Downloads the models from remote, caches them and loads them into the /// framework. Override this method if you would like to control the /// initialization. For eg. if you wish to load the model from `/assets` /// instead of a CDN. Future init() async { try { await Future.wait([_initImageModel(), _initTextModel()]); } catch (e, s) { _logger.warning(e, s); if (e is WiFiUnavailableError) { return _initializationCompleter.future; } else { rethrow; } } _initState = InitializationState.initialized; _initializationCompleter.complete(); } // Releases any resources held by the framework Future release() async {} /// Returns the cosine similarity between [imageEmbedding] and [textEmbedding] double computeScore(List imageEmbedding, List textEmbedding) { assert( imageEmbedding.length == textEmbedding.length, "The two embeddings should have the same length", ); double score = 0; for (int index = 0; index < imageEmbedding.length; index++) { score += imageEmbedding[index] * textEmbedding[index]; } return score; } // --- // Private methods // --- Future _initImageModel() async { if (!kImageEncoderEnabled) { return; } _initState = InitializationState.initializingImageModel; final path = await _getLocalImageModelPath(); if (await File(path).exists()) { await loadImageModel(path); } else { _initState = InitializationState.downloadingImageModel; final tempFile = File(path + ".temp"); await _downloadFile(getImageModelRemotePath(), tempFile.path); await tempFile.rename(path); await loadImageModel(path); } _initState = InitializationState.initializedImageModel; } Future _initTextModel() async { final path = await _getLocalTextModelPath(); _initState = InitializationState.initializingTextModel; if (await File(path).exists()) { await loadTextModel(path); } else { _initState = InitializationState.downloadingTextModel; final tempFile = File(path + ".temp"); await _downloadFile(getTextModelRemotePath(), tempFile.path); await tempFile.rename(path); await loadTextModel(path); } _initState = InitializationState.initializedTextModel; } Future _getLocalImageModelPath() async { return (await getTemporaryDirectory()).path + "/models/" + basename(getImageModelRemotePath()); } Future _getLocalTextModelPath() async { return (await getTemporaryDirectory()).path + "/models/" + basename(getTextModelRemotePath()); } Future _downloadFile( String url, String savePath, { int trialCount = 1, }) async { if (!await _canDownload()) { _initState = InitializationState.waitingForNetwork; throw WiFiUnavailableError(); }"Downloading " + url); final existingFile = File(savePath); if (await existingFile.exists()) { await existingFile.delete(); } try { await NetworkClient.instance.getDio().download(url, savePath); } catch (e, s) { _logger.severe(e, s); if (trialCount < kMaximumRetrials) { return _downloadFile(url, savePath, trialCount: trialCount + 1); } else { rethrow; } } } Future _canDownload() async { final connectivityResult = await (Connectivity().checkConnectivity()); bool canDownloadUnderCurrentNetworkConditions = true; if (connectivityResult == { canDownloadUnderCurrentNetworkConditions = shouldDownloadOverMobileData; } return canDownloadUnderCurrentNetworkConditions; } Future getAccessiblePathForAsset( String assetPath, String tempName, ) async { final byteData = await rootBundle.load(assetPath); final tempDir = await getTemporaryDirectory(); final file = await File('${tempDir.path}/$tempName') .writeAsBytes(byteData.buffer.asUint8List()); return file.path; } } class MLFrameworkInitializationUpdateEvent extends Event { final InitializationState state; MLFrameworkInitializationUpdateEvent(this.state); } enum InitializationState { notInitialized, waitingForNetwork, downloadingImageModel, initializingImageModel, initializedImageModel, downloadingTextModel, initializingTextModel, initializedTextModel, initialized, }