import 'dart:math' show max; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:photos/ui/huge_listview/draggable_scrollbar.dart'; import 'package:scrollable_positioned_list/scrollable_positioned_list.dart'; typedef HugeListViewItemBuilder = Widget Function( BuildContext context, int index, ); typedef HugeListViewErrorBuilder = Widget Function( BuildContext context, dynamic error, ); class HugeListView extends StatefulWidget { /// A [ScrollablePositionedList] controller for jumping or scrolling to an item. final ItemScrollController? controller; /// Index of an item to initially align within the viewport. final int startIndex; /// Total number of items in the list. final int totalCount; /// Called to build the thumb. One of [DraggableScrollbarThumbs.RoundedRectThumb], [DraggableScrollbarThumbs.ArrowThumb] /// or [DraggableScrollbarThumbs.SemicircleThumb], or build your own. final String Function(int) labelTextBuilder; /// Background color of scroll thumb, defaults to white. final Color thumbBackgroundColor; /// Drawing color of scroll thumb, defaults to gray. final Color thumbDrawColor; /// Height of scroll thumb, defaults to 48. final double thumbHeight; /// Height of bottomSafeArea so that scroll thumb does not become hidden /// or un-clickable due to footer elements. Default value is 120 final double bottomSafeArea; /// Called to build an individual item with the specified [index]. final HugeListViewItemBuilder itemBuilder; /// Called to build a progress widget while the whole list is initialized. final WidgetBuilder? waitBuilder; /// Called to build a widget when the list is empty. final WidgetBuilder? emptyResultBuilder; /// Called to build a widget when there is an error. final HugeListViewErrorBuilder? errorBuilder; /// Event to call with the index of the topmost visible item in the viewport while scrolling. /// Can be used to display the current letter of an alphabetically sorted list, for instance. final ValueChanged? firstShown; final bool isDraggableScrollbarEnabled; final EdgeInsetsGeometry? thumbPadding; final bool disableScroll; final bool isScrollablePositionedList; const HugeListView({ Key? key, this.controller, required this.startIndex, required this.totalCount, required this.labelTextBuilder, required this.itemBuilder, this.waitBuilder, this.emptyResultBuilder, this.errorBuilder, this.firstShown, this.thumbBackgroundColor =, // Colors.white, this.thumbDrawColor = Colors.yellow, //Colors.grey, this.thumbHeight = 48.0, this.bottomSafeArea = 120.0, this.isDraggableScrollbarEnabled = true, this.thumbPadding, this.disableScroll = false, this.isScrollablePositionedList = true, }) : super(key: key); @override HugeListViewState createState() => HugeListViewState(); } class HugeListViewState extends State> { final scrollKey = GlobalKey(); final listener = ItemPositionsListener.create(); int lastIndexJump = -1; dynamic error; @override void initState() { super.initState(); widget.isScrollablePositionedList ? listener.itemPositions.addListener(_sendScroll) : null; } @override void dispose() { listener.itemPositions.removeListener(_sendScroll); super.dispose(); } void _sendScroll() { final int current = _currentFirst(); widget.firstShown?.call(current); scrollKey.currentState?.setPosition(current / widget.totalCount, current); } int _currentFirst() { try { return listener.itemPositions.value.first.index; } catch (e) { return 0; } } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { if (error != null && widget.errorBuilder != null) { return widget.errorBuilder!(context, error); } if (widget.totalCount == -1 && widget.waitBuilder != null) { return widget.waitBuilder!(context); } if (widget.totalCount == 0 && widget.emptyResultBuilder != null) { return widget.emptyResultBuilder!(context); } return widget.isScrollablePositionedList ? DraggableScrollbar( key: scrollKey, totalCount: widget.totalCount, initialScrollIndex: widget.startIndex, onChange: (position) { final int currentIndex = _currentFirst(); final int floorIndex = (position * widget.totalCount).floor(); final int cielIndex = (position * widget.totalCount).ceil(); int nextIndexToJump; if (floorIndex != currentIndex && floorIndex > currentIndex) { nextIndexToJump = floorIndex; } else if (cielIndex != currentIndex && cielIndex < currentIndex) { nextIndexToJump = floorIndex; } else { return; } if (lastIndexJump != nextIndexToJump) { lastIndexJump = nextIndexToJump; widget.controller?.jumpTo(index: nextIndexToJump); } }, labelTextBuilder: widget.labelTextBuilder, backgroundColor: widget.thumbBackgroundColor, drawColor: widget.thumbDrawColor, heightScrollThumb: widget.thumbHeight, bottomSafeArea: widget.bottomSafeArea, currentFirstIndex: _currentFirst(), isEnabled: widget.isDraggableScrollbarEnabled, padding: widget.thumbPadding, child: ScrollablePositionedList.builder( physics: widget.disableScroll ? const NeverScrollableScrollPhysics() : null, itemScrollController: widget.controller, itemPositionsListener: listener, initialScrollIndex: widget.startIndex, itemCount: max(widget.totalCount, 0), itemBuilder: (context, index) { return ExcludeSemantics( child: widget.itemBuilder(context, index), ); }, ), ) : ListView.builder( itemCount: max(widget.totalCount, 0), itemBuilder: (context, index) { return ExcludeSemantics( child: widget.itemBuilder(context, index), ); }, ); } /// Jump to the [position] in the list. [position] is between 0.0 (first item) and 1.0 (last item), practically currentIndex / totalCount. /// To jump to a specific item, use [ItemScrollController.jumpTo] or [ItemScrollController.scrollTo]. void setPosition(double position) { scrollKey.currentState?.setPosition(position, _currentFirst()); } }