import { inWorker } from "@/next/env"; import { isDevBuild } from "./env"; import { logToDisk as webLogToDisk } from "./log-web"; import { workerBridge } from "./worker/worker-bridge"; /** * Whether logs go to disk or are always emitted to the console. */ let shouldLogToDisk = true; /** * By default, logs get saved into a ring buffer in the browser's local storage. * However, in some contexts, e.g. when we're running as the cast app, there is * no mechanism for the user to retrieve these logs. So this function exists as * a way to disable the on disk logging and always use the console. */ export const disableDiskLogs = () => (shouldLogToDisk = false); /** * Write a {@link message} to the on-disk log. * * This is used by the renderer process (via the contextBridge) to add entries * in the log that is saved on disk. */ export const logToDisk = (message: string) => { const electron = globalThis.electron; if (electron) electron.logToDisk(message); else if (inWorker()) workerLogToDisk(message); else webLogToDisk(message); }; const workerLogToDisk = (message: string) => { workerBridge.logToDisk(message).catch((e: unknown) => { console.error( "Failed to log a message from worker", e, "\nThe message was", message, ); }); }; const messageWithError = (message: string, e?: unknown) => { if (!e) return message; let es: string; if (e instanceof Error) { // In practice, we expect ourselves to be called with Error objects, so // this is the happy path so to say. es = [`${}: ${e.message}`, e.stack].filter((x) => x).join("\n"); } else { // For the rest rare cases, use the default string serialization of e. es = String(e); } return `${message}: ${es}`; }; const logError = (message: string, e?: unknown) => { const m = `[error] ${messageWithError(message, e)}`; console.error(m); if (shouldLogToDisk) logToDisk(m); }; const logWarn = (message: string, e?: unknown) => { const m = `[warn] ${messageWithError(message, e)}`; console.error(m); if (shouldLogToDisk) logToDisk(m); }; const logInfo = (...params: unknown[]) => { const message = params .map((p) => (typeof p == "string" ? p : JSON.stringify(p))) .join(" "); const m = `[info] ${message}`; if (isDevBuild || !shouldLogToDisk) console.log(m); if (shouldLogToDisk) logToDisk(m); }; const logDebug = (param: () => unknown) => { if (isDevBuild) console.log("[debug]", param()); }; /** * Ente's logger. * * This is an object that provides functions to log at the corresponding levels: * error, warn, info or debug. * * Whenever we need to save a log message to disk, * * - When running under electron these messages are saved to the log maintained * by the electron app we're running under. * * - Otherwise such messages are written to a ring buffer in local storage. */ export default { /** * Log an error message with an optional associated error object. * * {@link e} is generally expected to be an `instanceof Error` but it can be * any arbitrary object that we obtain, say, when in a try-catch handler (in * JavaScript any arbitrary value can be thrown). * * The log is written to disk and printed to the browser console. */ error: logError, /** * Sibling of {@link error}, with the same parameters and behaviour, except * it gets prefixed with a warning instead of an error tag. */ warn: logWarn, /** * Log a message. * * This is meant as a replacement of {@link console.log}, and takes an * arbitrary number of arbitrary parameters that it then serializes. * * The log is written to disk. However, if logging to disk is disabled by * using {@link disableDiskLogs}, then the log is printed to the console. * * In development builds, the log is always printed to the browser console. */ info: logInfo, /** * Log a debug message. * * To avoid running unnecessary code in release builds, this takes a * function to call to get the log message instead of directly taking the * message. The provided function will only be called in development builds. * * The function can return an arbitrary value which is serialized before * being logged. * * This log is NOT written to disk. It is printed to the browser console, * but only in development builds. */ debug: logDebug, };