import "dart:async"; import "dart:collection"; import "package:computer/computer.dart"; import "package:logging/logging.dart"; import "package:photos/core/cache/lru_map.dart"; import "package:photos/core/configuration.dart"; import "package:photos/core/event_bus.dart"; import "package:photos/db/embeddings_db.dart"; import "package:photos/db/files_db.dart"; import "package:photos/events/diff_sync_complete_event.dart"; import 'package:photos/events/embedding_updated_event.dart'; import "package:photos/events/file_uploaded_event.dart"; import "package:photos/models/embedding.dart"; import "package:photos/models/file/file.dart"; import "package:photos/services/collections_service.dart"; import "package:photos/services/semantic_search/embedding_store.dart"; import "package:photos/services/semantic_search/frameworks/ggml.dart"; import "package:photos/services/semantic_search/frameworks/ml_framework.dart"; import 'package:photos/services/semantic_search/frameworks/onnx/onnx.dart'; import "package:photos/utils/debouncer.dart"; import "package:photos/utils/local_settings.dart"; import "package:photos/utils/thumbnail_util.dart"; class SemanticSearchService { SemanticSearchService._privateConstructor(); static final SemanticSearchService instance = SemanticSearchService._privateConstructor(); static final Computer _computer = Computer.shared(); static final LRUMap> _queryCache = LRUMap(20); static const kEmbeddingLength = 512; static const kScoreThreshold = 0.23; static const kShouldPushEmbeddings = true; static const kCurrentModel = Model.onnxClip; static const kDebounceDuration = Duration(milliseconds: 4000); final _logger = Logger("SemanticSearchService"); final _queue = Queue(); final _frameworkInitialization = Completer(); final _embeddingLoaderDebouncer = Debouncer(kDebounceDuration, executionInterval: kDebounceDuration); late MLFramework _mlFramework; bool _hasInitialized = false; bool _isComputingEmbeddings = false; bool _isSyncing = false; Future>? _ongoingRequest; List _cachedEmbeddings = []; PendingQuery? _nextQuery; get hasInitialized => _hasInitialized; Future init({bool shouldSyncImmediately = false}) async { if (!LocalSettings.instance.hasEnabledMagicSearch()) { return; } if (_hasInitialized) {"Initialized already"); return; } _hasInitialized = true; final shouldDownloadOverMobileData = Configuration.instance.shouldBackupOverMobileData(); _mlFramework = kCurrentModel == Model.onnxClip ? ONNX(shouldDownloadOverMobileData) : GGML(shouldDownloadOverMobileData); await EmbeddingsDB.instance.init(); await EmbeddingStore.instance.init(); await _loadEmbeddings(); Bus.instance.on().listen((event) { async { await _loadEmbeddings(); }); }); Bus.instance.on().listen((event) { // Diff sync is complete, we can now pull embeddings from remote unawaited(sync()); }); if (Configuration.instance.hasConfiguredAccount() && kShouldPushEmbeddings) { unawaited(EmbeddingStore.instance.pushEmbeddings()); } // ignore: unawaited_futures _loadModels().then((v) async {"Getting text embedding"); await _getTextEmbedding("warm up text encoder");"Got text embedding"); }); // Adding to queue only on init? Bus.instance.on().listen((event) async { _addToQueue(event.file); }); if (shouldSyncImmediately) { unawaited(sync()); } } Future release() async { if (_frameworkInitialization.isCompleted) { await _mlFramework.release(); } } Future sync() async { if (_isSyncing) { return; } _isSyncing = true; await EmbeddingStore.instance.pullEmbeddings(kCurrentModel); await _backFill(); _isSyncing = false; } Future> search(String query) async { if (!LocalSettings.instance.hasEnabledMagicSearch() || !_frameworkInitialization.isCompleted) { return []; } if (_ongoingRequest == null) { _ongoingRequest = _getMatchingFiles(query).then((result) { _ongoingRequest = null; if (_nextQuery != null) { final next = _nextQuery; _nextQuery = null; search(next!.query).then((nextResult) { next.completer.complete(nextResult); }); } return result; }); return _ongoingRequest!; } else { // If there's an ongoing request, create or replace the nextCompleter."Queuing query $query"); await _nextQuery?.completer.future .timeout(const Duration(seconds: 0)); // Cancels the previous future. _nextQuery = PendingQuery(query, Completer>()); return _nextQuery!.completer.future; } } Future getIndexStatus() async { return IndexStatus( _cachedEmbeddings.length, (await _getFileIDsToBeIndexed()).length, ); } InitializationState getFrameworkInitializationState() { return _mlFramework.initializationState; } Future clearIndexes() async { await EmbeddingStore.instance.clearEmbeddings(kCurrentModel);"Indexes cleared for $kCurrentModel"); } Future _loadEmbeddings() async {"Pulling cached embeddings"); final startTime =; _cachedEmbeddings = await EmbeddingsDB.instance.getAll(kCurrentModel); final endTime =; "Loading ${_cachedEmbeddings.length} took: ${(endTime.millisecondsSinceEpoch - startTime.millisecondsSinceEpoch)}ms", );"Cached embeddings: " + _cachedEmbeddings.length.toString()); } Future _backFill() async { if (!LocalSettings.instance.hasEnabledMagicSearch() || !MLFramework.kImageEncoderEnabled) { return; } await _frameworkInitialization.future;"Attempting backfill for image embeddings"); final fileIDs = await _getFileIDsToBeIndexed(); final files = await FilesDB.instance.getUploadedFiles(fileIDs); + " to be embedded"); // await _cacheThumbnails(files); _queue.addAll(files); unawaited(_pollQueue()); } Future _cacheThumbnails(List files) async { int counter = 0; const batchSize = 100; for (var i = 0; i < files.length;) { final futures = []; for (var j = 0; j < batchSize && i < files.length; j++, i++) { futures.add(getThumbnail(files[i])); } await Future.wait(futures); counter += futures.length;"$counter/${files.length} thumbnails cached"); } } Future> _getFileIDsToBeIndexed() async { final uploadedFileIDs = await FilesDB.instance .getOwnedFileIDs(Configuration.instance.getUserID()!); final embeddedFileIDs = => e.fileID).toSet(); uploadedFileIDs.removeWhere( (id) => embeddedFileIDs.contains(id), ); return uploadedFileIDs; } Future clearQueue() async { _queue.clear(); } Future> _getMatchingFiles(String query) async { final textEmbedding = await _getTextEmbedding(query); final queryResults = await _getScores(textEmbedding); final filesMap = await FilesDB.instance .getFilesFromIDs( =>; final results = []; final ignoredCollections = CollectionsService.instance.getHiddenCollectionIds(); for (final result in queryResults) { final file = filesMap[]; if (file != null && !ignoredCollections.contains(file.collectionID)) { results.add(filesMap[]!); } } + " results"); return results; } void _addToQueue(EnteFile file) { if (!LocalSettings.instance.hasEnabledMagicSearch()) { return; }"Adding " + file.toString() + " to the queue"); _queue.add(file); _pollQueue(); } Future _loadModels() async {"Initializing ML framework"); try { await _mlFramework.init(); _frameworkInitialization.complete(true); } catch (e, s) { _logger.severe("ML framework initialization failed", e, s); }"ML framework initialized"); } Future _pollQueue() async { if (_isComputingEmbeddings) { return; } _isComputingEmbeddings = true; while (_queue.isNotEmpty) { await computeImageEmbedding(_queue.removeLast()); } _isComputingEmbeddings = false; } Future computeImageEmbedding(EnteFile file) async { if (!MLFramework.kImageEncoderEnabled) { return; } if (!_frameworkInitialization.isCompleted) { return; } try { final thumbnail = await getThumbnailForUploadedFile(file); if (thumbnail == null) { _logger.warning("Could not get thumbnail for $file"); return; } final filePath = thumbnail.path;"Running clip over $file"); final result = await _mlFramework.getImageEmbedding(filePath); if (result.length != kEmbeddingLength) { _logger.severe("Discovered incorrect embedding for $file - $result"); return; } final embedding = Embedding( fileID: file.uploadedFileID!, model: kCurrentModel, embedding: result, ); await EmbeddingStore.instance.storeEmbedding( file, embedding, ); } catch (e, s) { _logger.severe(e, s); } } Future> _getTextEmbedding(String query) async {"Searching for " + query); final cachedResult = _queryCache.get(query); if (cachedResult != null) { return cachedResult; } try { final result = await _mlFramework.getTextEmbedding(query); _queryCache.put(query, result); return result; } catch (e) { _logger.severe("Could not get text embedding", e); return []; } } Future> _getScores(List textEmbedding) async { final startTime =; final List queryResults = await _computer.compute( computeBulkScore, param: { "imageEmbeddings": _cachedEmbeddings, "textEmbedding": textEmbedding, }, taskName: "computeBulkScore", ); final endTime =; "computingScores took: " + (endTime.millisecondsSinceEpoch - startTime.millisecondsSinceEpoch) .toString() + "ms", ); return queryResults; } } List computeBulkScore(Map args) { final queryResults = []; final imageEmbeddings = args["imageEmbeddings"] as List; final textEmbedding = args["textEmbedding"] as List; for (final imageEmbedding in imageEmbeddings) { final score = computeScore( imageEmbedding.embedding, textEmbedding, ); if (score >= SemanticSearchService.kScoreThreshold) { queryResults.add(QueryResult(imageEmbedding.fileID, score)); } } queryResults.sort((first, second) => second.score.compareTo(first.score)); return queryResults; } double computeScore(List imageEmbedding, List textEmbedding) { assert( imageEmbedding.length == textEmbedding.length, "The two embeddings should have the same length", ); double score = 0; for (int index = 0; index < imageEmbedding.length; index++) { score += imageEmbedding[index] * textEmbedding[index]; } return score; } class QueryResult { final int id; final double score; QueryResult(, this.score); } class PendingQuery { final String query; final Completer> completer; PendingQuery(this.query, this.completer); } class IndexStatus { final int indexedItems, pendingItems; IndexStatus(this.indexedItems, this.pendingItems); }