import "dart:async"; import 'dart:math'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import "package:fluttertoast/fluttertoast.dart"; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:modal_bottom_sheet/modal_bottom_sheet.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/configuration.dart'; import "package:photos/core/event_bus.dart"; import 'package:photos/db/files_db.dart'; import "package:photos/events/tab_changed_event.dart"; import 'package:photos/models/collection.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/collection_items.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/file.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/selected_files.dart'; import 'package:photos/services/collections_service.dart'; import 'package:photos/services/ignored_files_service.dart'; import 'package:photos/services/remote_sync_service.dart'; import 'package:photos/theme/colors.dart'; import 'package:photos/theme/ente_theme.dart'; import "package:photos/ui/actions/collection/collection_sharing_actions.dart"; import 'package:photos/ui/common/loading_widget.dart'; import 'package:photos/ui/components/album_list_item_widget.dart'; import 'package:photos/ui/components/bottom_of_title_bar_widget.dart'; import 'package:photos/ui/components/button_widget.dart'; import 'package:photos/ui/components/models/button_type.dart'; import 'package:photos/ui/components/new_album_list_widget.dart'; import "package:photos/ui/components/text_input_widget.dart"; import 'package:photos/ui/components/title_bar_title_widget.dart'; import "package:photos/ui/sharing/share_collection_page.dart"; import 'package:photos/ui/viewer/gallery/collection_page.dart'; import "package:photos/ui/viewer/gallery/empty_state.dart"; import 'package:photos/utils/dialog_util.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/navigation_util.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/share_util.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/toast_util.dart'; import 'package:receive_sharing_intent/receive_sharing_intent.dart'; enum CollectionActionType { addFiles, moveFiles, restoreFiles, unHide, shareCollection, collectPhotos, } String _actionName(CollectionActionType type, bool plural) { bool addTitleSuffix = false; final titleSuffix = (plural ? "s" : ""); String text = ""; switch (type) { case CollectionActionType.addFiles: text = "Add item"; addTitleSuffix = true; break; case CollectionActionType.moveFiles: text = "Move item"; addTitleSuffix = true; break; case CollectionActionType.restoreFiles: text = "Restore to album"; break; case CollectionActionType.unHide: text = "Unhide to album"; break; case CollectionActionType.shareCollection: text = "Share"; break; case CollectionActionType.collectPhotos: text = "Share"; break; } return addTitleSuffix ? text + titleSuffix : text; } void showCollectionActionSheet( BuildContext context, { SelectedFiles? selectedFiles, List? sharedFiles, CollectionActionType actionType = CollectionActionType.addFiles, bool showOptionToCreateNewAlbum = true, }) { showBarModalBottomSheet( context: context, builder: (context) { return CollectionActionSheet( selectedFiles: selectedFiles, sharedFiles: sharedFiles, actionType: actionType, showOptionToCreateNewAlbum: showOptionToCreateNewAlbum, ); }, shape: const RoundedRectangleBorder( side: BorderSide(width: 0), borderRadius: BorderRadius.vertical( top: Radius.circular(5), ), ), topControl: const SizedBox.shrink(), backgroundColor: getEnteColorScheme(context).backgroundElevated, barrierColor: backdropFaintDark, enableDrag: false, ); } class CollectionActionSheet extends StatefulWidget { final SelectedFiles? selectedFiles; final List? sharedFiles; final CollectionActionType actionType; final bool showOptionToCreateNewAlbum; const CollectionActionSheet({ required this.selectedFiles, required this.sharedFiles, required this.actionType, required this.showOptionToCreateNewAlbum, super.key, }); @override State createState() => _CollectionActionSheetState(); } class _CollectionActionSheetState extends State { static const int cancelButtonSize = 80; final _logger = Logger((_CollectionActionSheetState).toString()); String _searchQuery = ""; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final filesCount = widget.sharedFiles != null ? widget.sharedFiles!.length : widget.selectedFiles?.files.length ?? 0; final bottomInset = MediaQuery.of(context).viewInsets.bottom; final isKeyboardUp = bottomInset > 100; return Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only( bottom: isKeyboardUp ? bottomInset - cancelButtonSize : 0, ), child: Row( mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ ConstrainedBox( constraints: BoxConstraints( maxWidth: min(428, MediaQuery.of(context).size.width), ), child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0, 32, 0, 8), child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max, children: [ Expanded( child: Column( children: [ BottomOfTitleBarWidget( title: TitleBarTitleWidget( title: _actionName(widget.actionType, filesCount > 1), ), caption: widget.showOptionToCreateNewAlbum ? "Create or select album" : "Select album", ), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only( top: 16, left: 16, right: 16), child: TextInputWidget( hintText: "Album name", prefixIcon: Icons.search_rounded, autoFocus: true, onChange: (value) {; setState(() { _searchQuery = value; }); }, cancellable: true, shouldUnfocusOnCancelOrSubmit: true, ), ), _getCollectionItems(filesCount), ], ), ), SafeArea( child: Container( //inner stroke of 1pt + 15 pts of top padding = 16 pts padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(16, 15, 16, 8), decoration: BoxDecoration( border: Border( top: BorderSide( color: getEnteColorScheme(context).strokeFaint, ), ), ), child: const ButtonWidget( buttonType: ButtonType.secondary, buttonAction: ButtonAction.cancel, isInAlert: true, labelText: "Cancel", ), ), ) ], ), ), ), ], ), ); } Flexible _getCollectionItems(int filesCount) { return Flexible( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(16, 24, 4, 0), child: Scrollbar( thumbVisibility: true, controller: ScrollController(), radius: const Radius.circular(2), child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 12), child: FutureBuilder( future: _getCollectionsWithThumbnail(), builder: (context, snapshot) { if (snapshot.hasError) { //Need to show an error on the UI here return const SizedBox.shrink(); } else if (snapshot.hasData) { final collectionsWithThumbnail = as List; _removeIncomingCollections( collectionsWithThumbnail, ); final searchResults = _searchQuery.isNotEmpty ? collectionsWithThumbnail .where( (element) =>! .toLowerCase() .contains(_searchQuery), ) .toList() : collectionsWithThumbnail; if (searchResults.isEmpty) { return const EmptyState(); } final shouldShowCreateAlbum = widget.showOptionToCreateNewAlbum && _searchQuery.isEmpty; return ListView.separated( itemBuilder: (context, index) { if (index == 0 && shouldShowCreateAlbum) { return GestureDetector( onTap: () async { await _createNewAlbumOnTap( filesCount, ); }, behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque, child: const NewAlbumListItemWidget(), ); } final item = searchResults[ index - (shouldShowCreateAlbum ? 1 : 0)]; return GestureDetector( behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque, onTap: () => _albumListItemOnTap(item), child: AlbumListItemWidget( item, ), ); }, separatorBuilder: (context, index) => const SizedBox( height: 8, ), itemCount: searchResults.length + (shouldShowCreateAlbum ? 1 : 0), shrinkWrap: true, physics: const BouncingScrollPhysics(), ); } else { return const EnteLoadingWidget(); } }, ), ), ), ), ); } Future _createNewAlbumOnTap(int filesCount) async { if (filesCount > 0) { final result = await showTextInputDialog( context, title: "Album title", submitButtonLabel: "OK", hintText: "Enter album name", onSubmit: _nameAlbum, showOnlyLoadingState: true, textCapitalization: TextCapitalization.words, ); if (result is Exception) { showGenericErrorDialog( context: context, ); _logger.severe( "Failed to name album", result, ); } } else { Navigator.pop(context); await showToast( context, "Long press to select photos and click + to create an album", toastLength: Toast.LENGTH_LONG, ); TabChangedEvent( 0, TabChangedEventSource.collectionsPage, ), ); } } Future _nameAlbum(String albumName) async { if (albumName.isNotEmpty) { final collection = await _createAlbum(albumName); if (collection != null) { if (await _runCollectionAction( collection: collection, showProgressDialog: false, )) { if (widget.actionType == CollectionActionType.restoreFiles) { showShortToast( context, 'Restored files to album ' + albumName, ); } else { showShortToast( context, "Album '" + albumName + "' created.", ); } _navigateToCollection(collection); } } } } Future _createAlbum(String albumName) async { Collection? collection; try { collection = await CollectionsService.instance.createAlbum(albumName); } catch (e, s) { _logger.severe("Failed to create album", e, s); rethrow; } return collection; } Future _albumListItemOnTap(CollectionWithThumbnail item) async { if (await _runCollectionAction(collection: item.collection)) { late final String toastMessage; bool shouldNavigateToCollection = false; if (widget.actionType == CollectionActionType.addFiles) { toastMessage = "Added successfully to " +!; shouldNavigateToCollection = true; } else if (widget.actionType == CollectionActionType.moveFiles || widget.actionType == CollectionActionType.restoreFiles || widget.actionType == CollectionActionType.unHide) { toastMessage = "Moved successfully to " +!; shouldNavigateToCollection = true; } else { toastMessage = ""; } if (toastMessage.isNotEmpty) { showShortToast( context, toastMessage, ); } if (shouldNavigateToCollection) { _navigateToCollection( item.collection, ); } } } Future> _getCollectionsWithThumbnail() async { final List collectionsWithThumbnail = await CollectionsService.instance.getCollectionsWithThumbnails( // in collections where user is a collaborator, only addTo and remove // action can to be performed includeCollabCollections: widget.actionType == CollectionActionType.addFiles, ); collectionsWithThumbnail.removeWhere( (element) => (element.collection.type == CollectionType.favorites || element.collection.type == CollectionType.uncategorized || element.collection.isSharedFilesCollection()), ); collectionsWithThumbnail.sort((first, second) { return compareAsciiLowerCaseNatural( ?? "", ?? "", ); }); return collectionsWithThumbnail; } void _navigateToCollection(Collection collection) { Navigator.pop(context); routeToPage( context, CollectionPage( CollectionWithThumbnail(collection, null), ), ); } _removeIncomingCollections(List items) { if (widget.actionType == CollectionActionType.shareCollection || widget.actionType == CollectionActionType.collectPhotos) { final ownerID = Configuration.instance.getUserID(); items.removeWhere( (e) => !e.collection.isOwner(ownerID!), ); } } Future _runCollectionAction({ required Collection collection, bool showProgressDialog = true, }) async { switch (widget.actionType) { case CollectionActionType.addFiles: return _addToCollection( collectionID:, showProgressDialog: showProgressDialog, ); case CollectionActionType.moveFiles: return _moveFilesToCollection(; case CollectionActionType.unHide: return _moveFilesToCollection(; case CollectionActionType.restoreFiles: return _restoreFilesToCollection(; case CollectionActionType.shareCollection: return _showShareCollectionPage(collection); case CollectionActionType.collectPhotos: return _createCollaborativeLink(collection); } } Future _createCollaborativeLink(Collection collection) async { final CollectionActions collectionActions = CollectionActions(CollectionsService.instance); if (collection.hasLink) { if (collection.publicURLs!.first!.enableCollect) { if (Configuration.instance.getUserID() == collection.owner!.id) { unawaited( routeToPage( context, ShareCollectionPage(collection), ), ); } showToast(context, "This album already has a collaborative link"); return Future.value(false); } else { try { unawaited( routeToPage( context, ShareCollectionPage(collection), ), ); CollectionsService.instance .updateShareUrl(collection, {'enableCollect': true}).then( (value) => showToast( context, "Collaborative link created for " +!, ), ); return true; } catch (e) { showGenericErrorDialog(context: context); return false; } } } final bool result = await collectionActions.enableUrl( context, collection, enableCollect: true, ); if (result) { showToast( context, "Collaborative link created for " +!, ); if (Configuration.instance.getUserID() == collection.owner!.id) { unawaited( routeToPage( context, ShareCollectionPage(collection), ), ); } else { showGenericErrorDialog(context: context); _logger.severe("Cannot share collections owned by others"); } } return result; } Future _showShareCollectionPage(Collection collection) { if (Configuration.instance.getUserID() == collection.owner!.id) { unawaited( routeToPage( context, ShareCollectionPage(collection), ), ); } else { showGenericErrorDialog(context: context); _logger.severe("Cannot share collections owned by others"); } return Future.value(true); } Future _addToCollection({ required int collectionID, required bool showProgressDialog, }) async { final dialog = showProgressDialog ? createProgressDialog( context, "Uploading files to album" "...", isDismissible: true, ) : null; await dialog?.show(); try { final List files = []; final List filesPendingUpload = []; final int currentUserID = Configuration.instance.getUserID()!; if (widget.sharedFiles != null) { filesPendingUpload.addAll( await convertIncomingSharedMediaToFile( widget.sharedFiles!, collectionID, ), ); } else { for (final file in widget.selectedFiles!.files) { File? currentFile; if (file.uploadedFileID != null) { currentFile = file; } else if (file.generatedID != null) { // when file is not uploaded, refresh the state from the db to // ensure we have latest upload status for given file before // queueing it up as pending upload currentFile = await (FilesDB.instance.getFile(file.generatedID!)); } else if (file.generatedID == null) { _logger.severe("generated id should not be null"); } if (currentFile == null) { _logger.severe("Failed to find fileBy genID"); continue; } if (currentFile.uploadedFileID == null) { currentFile.collectionID = collectionID; filesPendingUpload.add(currentFile); } else { files.add(currentFile); } } } if (filesPendingUpload.isNotEmpty) { // Newly created collection might not be cached final Collection? c = CollectionsService.instance.getCollectionByID(collectionID); if (c != null && c.owner!.id != currentUserID) { showToast(context, "Can not upload to albums owned by others"); await dialog?.hide(); return false; } else { // filesPendingUpload might be getting ignored during auto-upload // because the user deleted these files from ente in the past. await IgnoredFilesService.instance .removeIgnoredMappings(filesPendingUpload); await FilesDB.instance.insertMultiple(filesPendingUpload); } } if (files.isNotEmpty) { await CollectionsService.instance.addToCollection(collectionID, files); } RemoteSyncService.instance.sync(silently: true); await dialog?.hide(); widget.selectedFiles?.clearAll(); return true; } catch (e, s) { _logger.severe("Failed to add to album", e, s); await dialog?.hide(); showGenericErrorDialog(context: context); rethrow; } } Future _moveFilesToCollection(int toCollectionID) async { final String message = widget.actionType == CollectionActionType.moveFiles ? "Moving files to album..." : "Unhiding files to album"; final dialog = createProgressDialog(context, message, isDismissible: true); await; try { final int fromCollectionID = widget.selectedFiles!.files.first.collectionID!; await CollectionsService.instance.move( toCollectionID, fromCollectionID, widget.selectedFiles!.files.toList(), ); await dialog.hide(); RemoteSyncService.instance.sync(silently: true); widget.selectedFiles?.clearAll(); return true; } on AssertionError catch (e) { await dialog.hide(); showErrorDialog(context, "Oops", e.message as String?); return false; } catch (e, s) { _logger.severe("Could not move to album", e, s); await dialog.hide(); showGenericErrorDialog(context: context); return false; } } Future _restoreFilesToCollection(int toCollectionID) async { final dialog = createProgressDialog( context, "Restoring files...", isDismissible: true, ); await; try { await CollectionsService.instance .restore(toCollectionID, widget.selectedFiles!.files.toList()); RemoteSyncService.instance.sync(silently: true); widget.selectedFiles?.clearAll(); await dialog.hide(); return true; } on AssertionError catch (e) { await dialog.hide(); showErrorDialog(context, "Oops", e.message as String?); return false; } catch (e, s) { _logger.severe("Could not move to album", e, s); await dialog.hide(); showGenericErrorDialog(context: context); return false; } } }