import { File, getLocalFiles } from '../fileService'; import { Collection, getLocalCollections } from '../collectionService'; import { SetFiles } from 'pages/gallery'; import { ComlinkWorker, getDedicatedCryptoWorker } from 'utils/crypto'; import { sortFilesIntoCollections, sortFiles, removeUnnecessaryFileProps, } from 'utils/file'; import { logError } from 'utils/sentry'; import localForage from 'utils/storage/localForage'; import { getMetadataMapKey, ParsedMetaDataJSON, parseMetadataJSON, } from './metadataService'; import { segregateFiles } from 'utils/upload'; import { ProgressUpdater } from 'components/pages/gallery/Upload'; import uploader from './uploader'; import UIService from './uiService'; import UploadService from './uploadService'; import { CustomError } from 'utils/common/errorUtil'; const MAX_CONCURRENT_UPLOADS = 4; const FILE_UPLOAD_COMPLETED = 100; export enum FileUploadResults { FAILED = -1, SKIPPED = -2, UNSUPPORTED = -3, BLOCKED = -4, TOO_LARGE = -5, UPLOADED = 100, } export interface FileWithCollection { file: globalThis.File; collectionID?: number; collection?: Collection; } export enum UPLOAD_STAGES { START, READING_GOOGLE_METADATA_FILES, UPLOADING, FINISH, } export type MetadataMap = Map; class UploadManager { private cryptoWorkers = new Array(MAX_CONCURRENT_UPLOADS); private metadataMap: MetadataMap; private filesToBeUploaded: FileWithCollection[]; private failedFiles: FileWithCollection[]; private existingFilesCollectionWise: Map; private existingFiles: File[]; private setFiles: SetFiles; private collections: Map; public initUploader(progressUpdater: ProgressUpdater, setFiles: SetFiles) { UIService.init(progressUpdater); this.setFiles = setFiles; } private async init(newCollections?: Collection[]) { this.filesToBeUploaded = []; this.failedFiles = []; this.metadataMap = new Map(); this.existingFiles = await getLocalFiles(); this.existingFilesCollectionWise = sortFilesIntoCollections( this.existingFiles ); const collections = await getLocalCollections(); if (newCollections) { collections.push(...newCollections); } this.collections = new Map( => [, collection]) ); } public async queueFilesForUpload( fileWithCollectionToBeUploaded: FileWithCollection[], newCreatedCollections?: Collection[] ) { try { await this.init(newCreatedCollections); const { metadataFiles, mediaFiles } = segregateFiles( fileWithCollectionToBeUploaded ); if (metadataFiles.length) { UIService.setUploadStage( UPLOAD_STAGES.READING_GOOGLE_METADATA_FILES ); await this.seedMetadataMap(metadataFiles); } if (mediaFiles.length) { UIService.setUploadStage(UPLOAD_STAGES.START); await this.uploadMediaFiles(mediaFiles); } UIService.setUploadStage(UPLOAD_STAGES.FINISH); UIService.setPercentComplete(FILE_UPLOAD_COMPLETED); } catch (e) { logError(e, 'uploading failed with error'); throw e; } finally { for (let i = 0; i < MAX_CONCURRENT_UPLOADS; i++) { this.cryptoWorkers[i]?.worker.terminate(); } } } private async seedMetadataMap(metadataFiles: FileWithCollection[]) { try { UIService.reset(metadataFiles.length); for (const fileWithCollection of metadataFiles) { const parsedMetaDataJSONWithTitle = await parseMetadataJSON( fileWithCollection.file ); if (parsedMetaDataJSONWithTitle) { const { title, parsedMetaDataJSON } = parsedMetaDataJSONWithTitle; this.metadataMap.set( getMetadataMapKey( fileWithCollection.collectionID, title ), parsedMetaDataJSON ); UIService.increaseFileUploaded(); } } } catch (e) { logError(e, 'error seeding MetadataMap'); // silently ignore the error } } private async uploadMediaFiles(mediaFiles: FileWithCollection[]) { this.filesToBeUploaded.push(...mediaFiles); UIService.reset(mediaFiles.length); await UploadService.init(mediaFiles.length, this.metadataMap); UIService.setUploadStage(UPLOAD_STAGES.UPLOADING); const uploadProcesses = []; for ( let i = 0; i < MAX_CONCURRENT_UPLOADS && this.filesToBeUploaded.length > 0; i++ ) { const cryptoWorker = getDedicatedCryptoWorker(); if (!cryptoWorker) { throw Error(CustomError.FAILED_TO_LOAD_WEB_WORKER); } this.cryptoWorkers[i] = cryptoWorker; uploadProcesses.push( this.uploadNextFileInQueue( await new this.cryptoWorkers[i].comlink() ) ); } await Promise.all(uploadProcesses); } private async uploadNextFileInQueue(worker: any) { while (this.filesToBeUploaded.length > 0) { const fileWithCollection = this.filesToBeUploaded.pop(); const existingFilesInCollection = this.existingFilesCollectionWise.get( fileWithCollection.collectionID ) ?? []; const collection = this.collections.get( fileWithCollection.collectionID ); fileWithCollection.collection = collection; const { fileUploadResult, file } = await uploader( worker, existingFilesInCollection, fileWithCollection ); if (fileUploadResult === FileUploadResults.UPLOADED) { this.existingFiles.push(file); this.existingFiles = sortFiles(this.existingFiles); await localForage.setItem( 'files', removeUnnecessaryFileProps(this.existingFiles) ); this.setFiles(this.existingFiles); if (!this.existingFilesCollectionWise.has(file.collectionID)) { this.existingFilesCollectionWise.set(file.collectionID, []); } this.existingFilesCollectionWise .get(file.collectionID) .push(file); } if ( fileUploadResult === FileUploadResults.BLOCKED || fileUploadResult === FileUploadResults.FAILED ) { this.failedFiles.push(fileWithCollection); } UIService.moveFileToResultList(; } } async retryFailedFiles() { await this.queueFilesForUpload(this.failedFiles); } } export default new UploadManager();