import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:photos/theme/colors.dart'; import 'package:photos/theme/ente_theme.dart'; import 'package:photos/theme/text_style.dart'; enum ButtonType { primary, secondary, neutral, trailingIcon, critical, tertiaryCritical, trailingIconPrimary, trailingIconSecondary, } class LargeButtonWidget extends StatelessWidget { final IconData icon; final String labelText; final ButtonType buttonType; const LargeButtonWidget({ required this.icon, required this.labelText, required this.buttonType, super.key, }); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final colorScheme = getEnteColorScheme(context); final inverseColorScheme = getEnteColorScheme(context, inverse: true); final textTheme = getEnteTextTheme(context); final inverseTextTheme = getEnteTextTheme(context, inverse: true); final defaultButtonColor = _defaultButtonColor(colorScheme); final pressedButtonColor = _pressedButtonColor(colorScheme); final disabledButtonColor = _disabledButtonColor(colorScheme); final defaultBorderColor = _defaultBorderColor(colorScheme); final pressedBorderColor = _pressedBorderColor(colorScheme); final disabledBorderColor = _disabledBorderColor(colorScheme); final defaultIconColor = _defaultIconColor( colorScheme: colorScheme, inverseColorScheme: inverseColorScheme); final pressedIconColor = _pressedIconColor(colorScheme); final disabledIconColor = _disabledIconColor(colorScheme); final defaultLabelStyle = _defaultLabelStyle( textTheme: textTheme, inverseTextTheme: inverseTextTheme, ); final pressedLabelStyle = _pressedLabelStyle(textTheme, colorScheme); final disabledLabelStyle = _disabledLabelStyle(textTheme, colorScheme); return GestureDetector( onTap: () {}, child: Container( width: double.infinity, decoration: BoxDecoration( borderRadius: const BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(4)), color: defaultButtonColor, border: Border.all(color: defaultBorderColor), ), child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 14, horizontal: 16), //show loading or row depending on state of button child: _hasTrailingIcon() ? Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, children: [ Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 16), child: Text( labelText, style: defaultLabelStyle, ), ), Icon( icon, size: 20, color: defaultIconColor, ), ], ) : Row( mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ Icon( icon, size: 20, color: defaultIconColor, ), const SizedBox(width: 8), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8), child: Text( labelText, style: defaultLabelStyle, ), ) ], ), ), ), ); } Color _defaultButtonColor(EnteColorScheme colorScheme) { if (_isPrimary()) { return colorScheme.primary500; } if (_isSecondary()) { return colorScheme.fillFaint; } if (buttonType == ButtonType.neutral || buttonType == ButtonType.trailingIcon) { return colorScheme.fillBase; } if (buttonType == ButtonType.critical) { return colorScheme.warning700; } if (buttonType == ButtonType.tertiaryCritical) { return Colors.transparent; } return Colors.transparent; } //Returning null to fallback to default color Color? _pressedButtonColor(EnteColorScheme colorScheme) { if (_isPrimary()) { return colorScheme.primary700; } return null; } //Returning null to fallback to default color Color? _disabledButtonColor(EnteColorScheme colorScheme) { if (buttonType == ButtonType.primary || buttonType == ButtonType.critical) { return colorScheme.fillFaint; } return null; } Color _defaultBorderColor(EnteColorScheme colorScheme) { if (buttonType == ButtonType.tertiaryCritical) { return colorScheme.warning700; } return Colors.transparent; } //Returning null to fallback to default color Color? _pressedBorderColor(EnteColorScheme colorScheme) { if (buttonType == ButtonType.primary) { return colorScheme.strokeMuted; } if (buttonType == ButtonType.secondary || buttonType == ButtonType.critical || buttonType == ButtonType.tertiaryCritical) { return colorScheme.strokeBase; } return null; } //Returning null to fallback to default color Color? _disabledBorderColor(EnteColorScheme colorScheme) { if (buttonType == ButtonType.primary || buttonType == ButtonType.secondary || buttonType == ButtonType.critical) { return Colors.transparent; } if (buttonType == ButtonType.tertiaryCritical) { return colorScheme.strokeMuted; } return null; } Color _defaultIconColor({ required EnteColorScheme colorScheme, required EnteColorScheme inverseColorScheme, }) { if (_isPrimary() || buttonType == ButtonType.critical) { return strokeBaseDark; } if (_isSecondary()) { return colorScheme.strokeBase; } if (buttonType == ButtonType.neutral || buttonType == ButtonType.trailingIcon) { return inverseColorScheme.strokeBase; } if (buttonType == ButtonType.tertiaryCritical) { return colorScheme.warning500; } //fallback return colorScheme.strokeBase; } //Returning null to fallback to default color Color? _pressedIconColor(EnteColorScheme colorScheme) { if (buttonType == ButtonType.tertiaryCritical) { return colorScheme.strokeBase; } return null; } Color? _disabledIconColor(EnteColorScheme colorScheme) { if (buttonType == ButtonType.primary || buttonType == ButtonType.secondary) { return colorScheme.strokeMuted; } if (buttonType == ButtonType.critical || buttonType == ButtonType.tertiaryCritical) { return colorScheme.strokeFaint; } return null; } TextStyle _defaultLabelStyle({ required EnteTextTheme textTheme, required EnteTextTheme inverseTextTheme, }) { if (_isPrimary() || buttonType == ButtonType.critical) { return textTheme.bodyBold.copyWith(color: textBaseDark); } if (_isSecondary()) { return textTheme.bodyBold; } if (buttonType == ButtonType.neutral || buttonType == ButtonType.trailingIcon) { return inverseTextTheme.bodyBold; } if (buttonType == ButtonType.tertiaryCritical) { return textTheme.bodyBold.copyWith(color: warning500); } //fallback return textTheme.bodyBold; } //Returning null to fallback to default color TextStyle? _pressedLabelStyle( EnteTextTheme textTheme, EnteColorScheme colorScheme) { if (buttonType == ButtonType.tertiaryCritical) { return textTheme.bodyBold.copyWith(color: colorScheme.strokeBase); } return null; } TextStyle? _disabledLabelStyle( EnteTextTheme textTheme, EnteColorScheme colorScheme, ) { if (buttonType == ButtonType.primary || buttonType == ButtonType.secondary || buttonType == ButtonType.critical || buttonType == ButtonType.tertiaryCritical) { return textTheme.bodyBold.copyWith(color: colorScheme.textFaint); } return null; } bool _hasTrailingIcon() { return (buttonType == ButtonType.trailingIcon || buttonType == ButtonType.trailingIconPrimary || buttonType == ButtonType.trailingIconSecondary); } bool _isPrimary() { return (buttonType == ButtonType.primary || buttonType == ButtonType.trailingIconPrimary); } bool _isSecondary() { return (buttonType == ButtonType.secondary || buttonType == ButtonType.trailingIconSecondary); } bool _isCritical() { return (buttonType == ButtonType.critical || buttonType == ButtonType.tertiaryCritical); } }