Code that runs on ``, handling and web facing interaction with Stripe's API for payments. ## Development If you're running this to test out the payment flows end-to-end, please do a `yarn build`, that will place the output within the `out` folder. Then use any tool to serve this over HTTP. For example, `python3 -m http.server 3001` will serve this directory over port `3001`. Aside that, these are the necessary configuration changes. ### Local configuration Create an `.env` in this directory to point to the local museum instance, and to define the necessary Stripe keys that can be fetched from [Stripe's developer dashboard]( Assuming that your local museum instance is running on ``, your `.env` should look as follows. ``` NEXT_PUBLIC_ENTE_ENDPOINT = NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_US_PUBLISHABLE_KEY = stripe_publishable_key ``` ### Museum 1. Install the [stripe-cli]( and capture the webhook signing secret. 2. Define this secret within your `musuem.yaml` 3. Update the `whitelisted-redirect-urls` so that it supports redirecting to this locally running project Assuming that your local payments app is running on ``, your `museum.yaml` should look as follows. ```yaml stripe: us: key: stripe_dev_key webhook-secret: stripe_dev_webhook_secret whitelisted-redirect-urls: [""] path: success: ?status=success&session_id={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID} cancel: ?status=fail&reason=canceled ```