# Running Museum You can run a Docker compose cluster containing museum and the essential auxiliary services it requires (database and object storage). This is the easiest and simplest way to get started, and also provides an isolated environment that doesn't clutter your machine. You can also run museum directly on your machine if you wish - it is a single static go binary. This document describes these approaches, and also outlines configuration. - [Run using Docker using a pre-built Docker image](docs/docker.md) - [Run using Docker but build an image from source](#build-and-run-using-docker) - [Running without Docker](#run-without-docker) - [Configuration](#configuration) ## Build and run using Docker Start the cluster docker compose up --build Once the cluster has started, you should be able to do call museum curl http://localhost:8080/ping Or connect from the [web app](../web) NEXT_PUBLIC_ENTE_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:8080 yarn dev Or connect from the [mobile app](../mobile) flutter run --dart-define=endpoint=http://localhost:8080 Or interact with the other services in the cluster, e.g. connect to the DB docker compose exec postgres env PGPASSWORD=pgpass psql -U pguser -d ente_db Or interact with the MinIO S3 API AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=test AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=testtest \ aws s3 --endpoint-url http://localhost:3200 ls s3://test Or open the MinIO dashboard at (user: test/password: testtest). > [!NOTE] > > While we've provided a MinIO based Docker compose file to make it easy for > people to get started, if you're running it in production we recommend using > an external S3. > [!NOTE] > > If something seems amiss, ensure that Docker has read access to the parent > folder so that it can access credentials.yaml and other local files. On macOS, > you can do this by going to System Settings > Security & Privacy > Files and > Folders > Docker. ### Cleanup Persistent data is stored in Docker volumes and will persist across container restarts. The volume can be saved / inspected using the `docker volumes` command. To remove stopped containers, use `docker compose rm`. To also remove volumes, use `docker compose down -v`. ### Multiple clusters You can spin up independent clusters, each with its own volumes, by using the `-p` Docker Compose flag to specify different project names for each one. ### Pruning images Each time museum gets rebuilt from source, a new image gets created but the old one is retained as a dangling image. You can use `docker image prune --force`, or `docker system prune` if that's fine with you, to remove these. ## Running without Docker The museum binary can be run by using `go run cmd/museum/main.go`. But first, you'll need to prepare your machine for development. Here we give the steps, with examples that work for macOS (please adapt to your OS). ### Install [Go](https://golang.org/dl/) ```sh brew tap homebrew/core brew upgrade brew install go ``` ### Install other packages ```sh brew install postgresql@12 brew install libsodium brew install pkg-config ``` > [!NOTE] > > Here we install same major version of Postgres as our production database to > avoid surprises, but if you're using a newer Postgres that should work fine > too. On M1 macs, we additionally need to link the postgres keg. ``` brew link postgresql@12 ``` ### Init Postgres database Homebrew already creates a default database cluster for us, but if needed, it can also be done with the following commands: ```sh sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/var/postgres sudo chmod 775 /usr/local/var/postgres sudo chown $(whoami) /usr/local/var/postgres initdb /usr/local/var/postgres ``` On M1 macs, the path to the database cluster is `/opt/homebrew/var/postgresql@12` (instead of `/usr/local/var/postgres`). ### Start Postgres ```sh pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l logfile start ``` ### Create user ```sh createuser -s postgres ``` ### Start museum ```sh export ENTE_DB_USER=postgres go run cmd/museum/main.go ``` For live reloads, install [air](https://github.com/cosmtrek/air#installation). Then you can just call `air` after declaring the required environment variables. For example, ```sh ENTE_DB_USER=ente_user air ``` ### Testing Set up a local database for testing. This is not required for running the server. Create a test database with the following name and credentials: ```sql $ psql -U postgres CREATE DATABASE ente_test_db; CREATE USER test_user WITH PASSWORD 'test_pass'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE ente_test_db TO test_user; ``` For running the tests, you can use the following command: ```sh ENV="test" go test -v ./pkg/... go clean -testcache && ENV="test" go test -v ./pkg/... ``` ## Configuration Now that you have museum running (either inside Docker or standalone), we can talk about configuring it. By default, museum runs in the "local" configuration using values specified in `local.yaml`. To override these values, you can create a file named `museum.yaml` in the current directory. This path is git-ignored for convenience. Note that if you run the Docker compose cluster without creating this file, Docker will create an empty directory named `museum.yaml` which you can `rmdir` if you need to provide a config file later on. The keys and values supported by this configuration file are documented in [configurations/local.yaml](configurations/local.yaml).