import "dart:convert"; import "dart:developer" show log; import "dart:io"; import "package:path_provider/path_provider.dart"; Future encodeAndSaveData( dynamic nestedData, String fileName, [ String? service, ]) async { // Convert map keys to strings if nestedData is a map final dataToEncode = nestedData is Map ?, value) => MapEntry(key.toString(), value)) : nestedData; // Step 1: Serialize Your Data final String jsonData = jsonEncode(dataToEncode); // Step 2: Encode the JSON String to Base64 // final String base64String = base64Encode(utf8.encode(jsonData)); // Step 3 & 4: Write the Base64 String to a File and Execute the Function try { final File file = await _writeStringToFile(jsonData, fileName); // Success, handle the file, e.g., print the file path log('[$service]: File saved at ${file.path}'); } catch (e) { // If an error occurs, handle it. log('[$service]: Error saving file: $e'); } } Future _writeStringToFile( String dataString, String fileName, ) async { final directory = await getExternalStorageDirectory(); final file = File('${directory!.path}/$fileName.json'); return file.writeAsString(dataString); }