import 'dart:async'; import "dart:math"; import "package:collection/collection.dart"; import "package:flutter/foundation.dart"; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' show join; import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart'; import 'package:photos/face/db_fields.dart'; import "package:photos/face/db_model_mappers.dart"; import "package:photos/face/model/face.dart"; import "package:photos/face/model/person.dart"; import "package:photos/models/file/file.dart"; import 'package:photos/services/machine_learning/face_ml/face_filtering/face_filtering_constants.dart'; import 'package:sqflite/sqflite.dart'; /// Stores all data for the ML-related features. The database can be accessed by `MlDataDB.instance.database`. /// /// This includes: /// [facesTable] - Stores all the detected faces and its embeddings in the images. /// [peopleTable] - Stores all the clusters of faces which are considered to be the same person. class FaceMLDataDB { static final Logger _logger = Logger("FaceMLDataDB"); static const _databaseName = "ente.face_ml_db.db"; static const _databaseVersion = 1; FaceMLDataDB._privateConstructor(); static final FaceMLDataDB instance = FaceMLDataDB._privateConstructor(); static Future? _dbFuture; Future get database async { _dbFuture ??= _initDatabase(); return _dbFuture!; } Future _initDatabase() async { final documentsDirectory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory(); final String databaseDirectory = join(documentsDirectory.path, _databaseName); return await openDatabase( databaseDirectory, version: _databaseVersion, onCreate: _onCreate, ); } Future _onCreate(Database db, int version) async { await db.execute(createFacesTable); await db.execute(createPeopleTable); await db.execute(createClusterTable); await db.execute(createClusterSummaryTable); await db.execute(createNotPersonFeedbackTable); } // bulkInsertFaces inserts the faces in the database in batches of 1000. // This is done to avoid the error "too many SQL variables" when inserting // a large number of faces. Future bulkInsertFaces(List faces) async { final db = await instance.database; const batchSize = 500; final numBatches = (faces.length / batchSize).ceil(); for (int i = 0; i < numBatches; i++) { final start = i * batchSize; final end = min((i + 1) * batchSize, faces.length); final batch = faces.sublist(start, end); final batchInsert = db.batch(); for (final face in batch) { batchInsert.insert( facesTable, mapRemoteToFaceDB(face), conflictAlgorithm: ConflictAlgorithm.ignore, ); } await batchInsert.commit(noResult: true); } } Future> getIndexedFileIds() async { final db = await instance.database; final List> maps = await db.rawQuery( 'SELECT $fileIDColumn, $mlVersionColumn FROM $facesTable', ); final Map result = {}; for (final map in maps) { result[map[fileIDColumn] as int] = map[mlVersionColumn] as int; } return result; } Future> clusterIdToFaceCount() async { final db = await instance.database; final List> maps = await db.rawQuery( 'SELECT $cluserIDColumn, COUNT(*) as count FROM $facesTable where $cluserIDColumn IS NOT NULL GROUP BY $cluserIDColumn ', ); final Map result = {}; for (final map in maps) { result[map[cluserIDColumn] as int] = map['count'] as int; } return result; } Future> getPersonIgnoredClusters(String personID) async { final db = await instance.database; // find out clusterIds that are assigned to other persons using the clusters table final List> maps = await db.rawQuery( 'SELECT $cluserIDColumn FROM $clustersTable WHERE $personIdColumn != ? AND $personIdColumn IS NOT NULL', [personID], ); final Set ignoredClusterIDs = => e[cluserIDColumn] as int).toSet(); final List> rejectMaps = await db.rawQuery( 'SELECT $cluserIDColumn FROM $notPersonFeedback WHERE $personIdColumn = ?', [personID], ); final Set rejectClusterIDs = => e[cluserIDColumn] as int).toSet(); return ignoredClusterIDs.union(rejectClusterIDs); } Future> getPersonClusterIDs(String personID) async { final db = await instance.database; final List> maps = await db.rawQuery( 'SELECT $cluserIDColumn FROM $clustersTable WHERE $personIdColumn = ?', [personID], ); return => e[cluserIDColumn] as int).toSet(); } Future clearTable() async { final db = await instance.database; await db.delete(facesTable); await db.delete(clustersTable); await db.delete(clusterSummaryTable); await db.delete(peopleTable); await db.delete(notPersonFeedback); } Future> getFaceEmbeddingsForCluster( int clusterID, { int? limit, }) async { final db = await instance.database; final List> maps = await db.rawQuery( 'SELECT $faceEmbeddingBlob FROM $facesTable WHERE $cluserIDColumn = ? ${limit != null ? 'LIMIT $limit' : ''}', [clusterID], ); return => e[faceEmbeddingBlob] as Uint8List); } Future> getFileIdToCount() async { final Map result = {}; final db = await instance.database; final List> maps = await db.rawQuery( 'SELECT $fileIDColumn, COUNT(*) as count FROM $facesTable where $faceScore > $kMinFaceDetectionScore GROUP BY $fileIDColumn', ); for (final map in maps) { result[map[fileIDColumn] as int] = map['count'] as int; } return result; } Future getCoverFaceForPerson({ required int recentFileID, String? personID, int? clusterID, }) async { // read person from db final db = await instance.database; if (personID != null) { final List> maps = await db.rawQuery( 'SELECT * FROM $peopleTable where $idColumn = ?', [personID], ); if (maps.isEmpty) { throw Exception("Person with id $personID not found"); } final person = mapRowToPerson(maps.first); final List fileId = [recentFileID]; int? avatarFileId; if (person.attr.avatarFaceId != null) { avatarFileId = int.tryParse(person.attr.avatarFaceId!.split('-')[0]); if (avatarFileId != null) { fileId.add(avatarFileId); } } final cluterRows = await db.query( clustersTable, columns: [cluserIDColumn], where: '$personIdColumn = ?', whereArgs: [personID], ); final clusterIDs = => e[cluserIDColumn] as int).toList(); final List> faceMaps = await db.rawQuery( 'SELECT * FROM $facesTable where $faceClusterId IN (${clusterIDs.join(",")}) AND $fileIDColumn in (${fileId.join(",")}) AND $faceScore > $kMinHighQualityFaceScore ORDER BY $faceScore DESC', ); if (faceMaps.isNotEmpty) { if (avatarFileId != null) { final row = faceMaps.firstWhereOrNull( (element) => (element[fileIDColumn] as int) == avatarFileId, ); if (row != null) { return mapRowToFace(row); } } return mapRowToFace(faceMaps.first); } } if (clusterID != null) { final clusterIDs = [clusterID]; final List> faceMaps = await db.rawQuery( 'SELECT * FROM $facesTable where $faceClusterId IN (${clusterIDs.join(",")}) AND $fileIDColumn = $recentFileID ', ); if (faceMaps.isNotEmpty) { return mapRowToFace(faceMaps.first); } } if (personID == null && clusterID == null) { throw Exception("personID and clusterID cannot be null"); } return null; } Future?> getFacesForGivenFileID(int fileUploadID) async { final db = await instance.database; final List> maps = await db.query( facesTable, columns: [ fileIDColumn, faceIDColumn, faceDetectionColumn, faceEmbeddingBlob, faceScore, faceBlur, faceClusterId, faceClosestDistColumn, faceClosestFaceID, faceConfirmedColumn, mlVersionColumn, ], where: '$fileIDColumn = ?', whereArgs: [fileUploadID], ); if (maps.isEmpty) { return null; } return => mapRowToFace(e)).toList(); } Future getFaceForFaceID(String faceID) async { final db = await instance.database; final result = await db.rawQuery( 'SELECT * FROM $facesTable where $faceIDColumn = ?', [faceID], ); if (result.isEmpty) { return null; } return mapRowToFace(result.first); } Future> getFaceIdsToClusterIds( Iterable faceIds, ) async { final db = await instance.database; final List> maps = await db.rawQuery( 'SELECT $faceIDColumn, $faceClusterId FROM $facesTable where $faceIDColumn IN (${ => "'$id'").join(",")})', ); final Map result = {}; for (final map in maps) { result[map[faceIDColumn] as String] = map[faceClusterId] as int?; } return result; } Future>> getFileIdToClusterIds() async { final Map> result = {}; final db = await instance.database; final List> maps = await db.rawQuery( 'SELECT $faceClusterId, $fileIDColumn FROM $facesTable where $faceClusterId IS NOT NULL', ); for (final map in maps) { final personID = map[faceClusterId] as int; final fileID = map[fileIDColumn] as int; result[fileID] = (result[fileID] ?? {})..add(personID); } return result; } Future updatePersonIDForFaceIDIFNotSet( Map faceIDToPersonID, ) async { final db = await instance.database; // Start a batch final batch = db.batch(); for (final map in faceIDToPersonID.entries) { final faceID = map.key; final personID = map.value; batch.update( facesTable, {faceClusterId: personID}, where: '$faceIDColumn = ? AND $faceClusterId IS NULL', whereArgs: [faceID], ); } // Commit the batch await batch.commit(noResult: true); } Future forceUpdateClusterIds( Map faceIDToPersonID, ) async { final db = await instance.database; // Start a batch final batch = db.batch(); for (final map in faceIDToPersonID.entries) { final faceID = map.key; final personID = map.value; batch.update( facesTable, {faceClusterId: personID}, where: '$faceIDColumn = ?', whereArgs: [faceID], ); } // Commit the batch await batch.commit(noResult: true); } /// Returns a map of faceID to record of faceClusterID and faceEmbeddingBlob /// /// Only selects faces with score greater than [minScore] and blur score greater than [minClarity] Future> getFaceEmbeddingMap({ double minScore = kMinHighQualityFaceScore, int minClarity = kLaplacianThreshold, int maxRows = 20000, }) async {'reading as float'); final db = await instance.database; // Define the batch size const batchSize = 10000; int offset = 0; final Map result = {}; while (true) { // Query a batch of rows final List> maps = await db.query( facesTable, columns: [faceIDColumn, faceClusterId, faceEmbeddingBlob], where: '$faceScore > $minScore and $faceBlur > $minClarity', limit: batchSize, offset: offset, // orderBy: '$faceClusterId DESC', orderBy: '$faceIDColumn DESC', ); // Break the loop if no more rows if (maps.isEmpty) { break; } for (final map in maps) { final faceID = map[faceIDColumn] as String; result[faceID] = (map[faceClusterId] as int?, map[faceEmbeddingBlob] as Uint8List); } if (result.length >= 20000) { break; } offset += batchSize; } return result; } Future> getFaceEmbeddingMapForFile( List fileIDs, ) async {'reading as float'); final db = await instance.database; // Define the batch size const batchSize = 10000; int offset = 0; final Map result = {}; while (true) { // Query a batch of rows final List> maps = await db.query( facesTable, columns: [faceIDColumn, faceEmbeddingBlob], where: '$faceScore > $kMinHighQualityFaceScore AND $faceBlur > $kLaplacianThreshold AND $fileIDColumn IN (${fileIDs.join(",")})', limit: batchSize, offset: offset, orderBy: '$faceIDColumn DESC', ); // Break the loop if no more rows if (maps.isEmpty) { break; } for (final map in maps) { final faceID = map[faceIDColumn] as String; result[faceID] = map[faceEmbeddingBlob] as Uint8List; } if (result.length > 10000) { break; } offset += batchSize; } return result; } Future getTotalFaceCount() async { final db = await instance.database; final List> maps = await db.rawQuery( 'SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM $facesTable WHERE $faceScore > $kMinHighQualityFaceScore AND $faceBlur > $kLaplacianThreshold', ); return maps.first['count'] as int; } Future resetClusterIDs() async { final db = await instance.database; await db.update( facesTable, {faceClusterId: null}, ); } Future insert(Person p, int cluserID) async { debugPrint("inserting person"); final db = await instance.database; await db.insert( peopleTable, mapPersonToRow(p), conflictAlgorithm: ConflictAlgorithm.replace, ); await db.insert( clustersTable, { personIdColumn: p.remoteID, cluserIDColumn: cluserID, }, conflictAlgorithm: ConflictAlgorithm.replace, ); } Future updatePerson(Person p) async { final db = await instance.database; await db.update( peopleTable, mapPersonToRow(p), where: '$idColumn = ?', whereArgs: [p.remoteID], ); } Future assignClusterToPerson({ required String personID, required int clusterID, }) async { final db = await instance.database; await db.insert( clustersTable, { personIdColumn: personID, cluserIDColumn: clusterID, }, ); } Future captureNotPersonFeedback({ required String personID, required int clusterID, }) async { final db = await instance.database; await db.insert( notPersonFeedback, { personIdColumn: personID, cluserIDColumn: clusterID, }, ); } Future removeClusterToPerson({ required String personID, required int clusterID, }) async { final db = await instance.database; return db.delete( clustersTable, where: '$personIdColumn = ? AND $cluserIDColumn = ?', whereArgs: [personID, clusterID], ); } // for a given personID, return a map of clusterID to fileIDs using join query Future>> getFileIdToClusterIDSet(String personID) { final db = instance.database; return db.then((db) async { final List> maps = await db.rawQuery( 'SELECT $clustersTable.$cluserIDColumn, $fileIDColumn FROM $facesTable ' 'INNER JOIN $clustersTable ' 'ON $facesTable.$faceClusterId = $clustersTable.$cluserIDColumn ' 'WHERE $clustersTable.$personIdColumn = ?', [personID], ); final Map> result = {}; for (final map in maps) { final clusterID = map[cluserIDColumn] as int; final fileID = map[fileIDColumn] as int; result[fileID] = (result[fileID] ?? {})..add(clusterID); } return result; }); } Future>> getFileIdToClusterIDSetForCluster( Set clusterIDs, ) { final db = instance.database; return db.then((db) async { final List> maps = await db.rawQuery( 'SELECT $cluserIDColumn, $fileIDColumn FROM $facesTable ' 'WHERE $cluserIDColumn IN (${clusterIDs.join(",")})', ); final Map> result = {}; for (final map in maps) { final clusterID = map[cluserIDColumn] as int; final fileID = map[fileIDColumn] as int; result[fileID] = (result[fileID] ?? {})..add(clusterID); } return result; }); } Future clusterSummaryUpdate(Map summary) async { final db = await instance.database; var batch = db.batch(); int batchCounter = 0; for (final entry in summary.entries) { if (batchCounter == 400) { await batch.commit(noResult: true); batch = db.batch(); batchCounter = 0; } final int cluserID = entry.key; final int count = entry.value.$2; final Uint8List avg = entry.value.$1; batch.insert( clusterSummaryTable, { cluserIDColumn: cluserID, avgColumn: avg, countColumn: count, }, conflictAlgorithm: ConflictAlgorithm.replace, ); batchCounter++; } await batch.commit(noResult: true); } /// Returns a map of clusterID to (avg embedding, count) Future> clusterSummaryAll() async { final db = await instance.database; final Map result = {}; final rows = await db.rawQuery('SELECT * from $clusterSummaryTable'); for (final r in rows) { final id = r[cluserIDColumn] as int; final avg = r[avgColumn] as Uint8List; final count = r[countColumn] as int; result[id] = (avg, count); } return result; } Future> getCluserIDToPersonMap() async { final db = await instance.database; final List> maps = await db.rawQuery( 'SELECT $personIdColumn, $cluserIDColumn FROM $clustersTable', ); final Map result = {}; for (final map in maps) { result[map[cluserIDColumn] as int] = map[personIdColumn] as String; } return result; } Future<(Map, Map)> getClusterIdToPerson() async { final db = await instance.database; final Map peopleMap = await getPeopleMap(); final List> maps = await db.rawQuery( 'SELECT $personIdColumn, $cluserIDColumn FROM $clustersTable', ); final Map result = {}; for (final map in maps) { final Person? p = peopleMap[map[personIdColumn] as String]; if (p != null) { result[map[cluserIDColumn] as int] = p; } else { _logger.warning( 'Person with id ${map[personIdColumn]} not found', ); } } return (result, peopleMap); } Future> getPeopleMap() async { final db = await instance.database; final List> maps = await db.query( peopleTable, columns: [ idColumn, nameColumn, personHiddenColumn, clusterToFaceIdJson, coverFaceIDColumn, ], ); final Map result = {}; for (final map in maps) { result[map[idColumn] as String] = mapRowToPerson(map); } return result; } Future> getPeople() async { final db = await instance.database; final List> maps = await db.query( peopleTable, columns: [ idColumn, nameColumn, personHiddenColumn, clusterToFaceIdJson, coverFaceIDColumn, ], ); return => mapRowToPerson(map)).toList(); } /// WARNING: This will delete ALL data in the database! Only use this for debug/testing purposes! Future dropClustersAndPeople({bool faces = false}) async { final db = await instance.database; if (faces) { await db.execute(deleteFacesTable); await db.execute(createFacesTable); } await db.execute(deletePeopleTable); await db.execute(dropClustersTable); await db.execute(dropClusterSummaryTable); await db.execute(dropNotPersonFeedbackTable); // await db.execute(createFacesTable); await db.execute(createPeopleTable); await db.execute(createClusterTable); await db.execute(createNotPersonFeedbackTable); await db.execute(createClusterSummaryTable); } Future removePersonFromFiles(List files, Person p) async { final db = await instance.database; final result = await db.rawQuery( 'SELECT $faceIDColumn FROM $facesTable LEFT JOIN $clustersTable ' 'ON $facesTable.$faceClusterId = $clustersTable.$cluserIDColumn ' 'WHERE $clustersTable.$personIdColumn = ? AND $facesTable.$fileIDColumn IN (${ => e.uploadedFileID).join(",")})', [p.remoteID], ); // get max clusterID final maxRows = await db.rawQuery('SELECT max($faceClusterId) from $facesTable'); int maxClusterID = maxRows.first.values.first as int; final Map faceIDToClusterID = {}; for (final faceRow in result) { final faceID = faceRow[faceIDColumn] as String; faceIDToClusterID[faceID] = maxClusterID + 1; maxClusterID = maxClusterID + 1; } await forceUpdateClusterIds(faceIDToClusterID); } }