import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs-core'; import { Dimensions } from '../classes/Dimensions'; import { env } from '../env'; import { padToSquare } from '../ops/padToSquare'; import { computeReshapedDimensions, isTensor3D, isTensor4D, range } from '../utils'; import { createCanvasFromMedia } from './createCanvas'; import { imageToSquare } from './imageToSquare'; import { TResolvedNetInput } from './types'; export class NetInput { private _imageTensors: Array = [] private _canvases: HTMLCanvasElement[] = [] private _batchSize: number private _treatAsBatchInput: boolean = false private _inputDimensions: number[][] = [] private _inputSize: number constructor( inputs: Array, treatAsBatchInput: boolean = false ) { if (!Array.isArray(inputs)) { throw new Error(`NetInput.constructor - expected inputs to be an Array of TResolvedNetInput or to be instanceof tf.Tensor4D, instead have ${inputs}`) } this._treatAsBatchInput = treatAsBatchInput this._batchSize = inputs.length inputs.forEach((input, idx) => { if (isTensor3D(input)) { this._imageTensors[idx] = input this._inputDimensions[idx] = input.shape return } if (isTensor4D(input)) { const batchSize = input.shape[0] if (batchSize !== 1) { throw new Error(`NetInput - tf.Tensor4D with batchSize ${batchSize} passed, but not supported in input array`) } this._imageTensors[idx] = input this._inputDimensions[idx] = input.shape.slice(1) return } const canvas = input instanceof env.getEnv().Canvas ? input : createCanvasFromMedia(input) this._canvases[idx] = canvas this._inputDimensions[idx] = [canvas.height, canvas.width, 3] }) } public get imageTensors(): Array { return this._imageTensors } public get canvases(): HTMLCanvasElement[] { return this._canvases } public get isBatchInput(): boolean { return this.batchSize > 1 || this._treatAsBatchInput } public get batchSize(): number { return this._batchSize } public get inputDimensions(): number[][] { return this._inputDimensions } public get inputSize(): number | undefined { return this._inputSize } public get reshapedInputDimensions(): Dimensions[] { return range(this.batchSize, 0, 1).map( (_, batchIdx) => this.getReshapedInputDimensions(batchIdx) ) } public getInput(batchIdx: number): tf.Tensor3D | tf.Tensor4D | HTMLCanvasElement { return this.canvases[batchIdx] || this.imageTensors[batchIdx] } public getInputDimensions(batchIdx: number): number[] { return this._inputDimensions[batchIdx] } public getInputHeight(batchIdx: number): number { return this._inputDimensions[batchIdx][0] } public getInputWidth(batchIdx: number): number { return this._inputDimensions[batchIdx][1] } public getReshapedInputDimensions(batchIdx: number): Dimensions { if (typeof this.inputSize !== 'number') { throw new Error('getReshapedInputDimensions - inputSize not set, toBatchTensor has not been called yet') } const width = this.getInputWidth(batchIdx) const height = this.getInputHeight(batchIdx) return computeReshapedDimensions({ width, height }, this.inputSize) } /** * Create a batch tensor from all input canvases and tensors * with size [batchSize, inputSize, inputSize, 3]. * * @param inputSize Height and width of the tensor. * @param isCenterImage (optional, default: false) If true, add an equal amount of padding on * both sides of the minor dimension oof the image. * @returns The batch tensor. */ public toBatchTensor(inputSize: number, isCenterInputs: boolean = true): tf.Tensor4D { this._inputSize = inputSize return tf.tidy(() => { const inputTensors = range(this.batchSize, 0, 1).map(batchIdx => { const input = this.getInput(batchIdx) if (input instanceof tf.Tensor) { let imgTensor = isTensor4D(input) ? input : input.expandDims() imgTensor = padToSquare(imgTensor, isCenterInputs) if (imgTensor.shape[1] !== inputSize || imgTensor.shape[2] !== inputSize) { imgTensor = tf.image.resizeBilinear(imgTensor, [inputSize, inputSize]) } return imgTensor.as3D(inputSize, inputSize, 3) } if (input instanceof env.getEnv().Canvas) { return tf.browser.fromPixels(imageToSquare(input, inputSize, isCenterInputs)) } throw new Error(`toBatchTensor - at batchIdx ${batchIdx}, expected input to be instanceof tf.Tensor or instanceof HTMLCanvasElement, instead have ${input}`) }) const batchTensor = tf.stack( => t.toFloat())).as4D(this.batchSize, inputSize, inputSize, 3) return batchTensor }) } }