import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:photo_manager/photo_manager.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/configuration.dart'; import "package:photos/core/errors.dart"; import 'package:photos/core/event_bus.dart'; import 'package:photos/db/device_files_db.dart'; import 'package:photos/db/file_updation_db.dart'; import 'package:photos/db/files_db.dart'; import 'package:photos/events/backup_folders_updated_event.dart'; import 'package:photos/events/local_photos_updated_event.dart'; import 'package:photos/events/sync_status_update_event.dart'; import 'package:photos/extensions/stop_watch.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/file/file.dart'; import "package:photos/models/ignored_file.dart"; import 'package:photos/services/app_lifecycle_service.dart'; import "package:photos/services/ignored_files_service.dart"; import 'package:photos/services/local/local_sync_util.dart'; import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; import 'package:sqflite/sqflite.dart'; import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart'; class LocalSyncService { final _logger = Logger("LocalSyncService"); final _db = FilesDB.instance; late SharedPreferences _prefs; Completer? _existingSync; static const kDbUpdationTimeKey = "db_updation_time"; static const kHasCompletedFirstImportKey = "has_completed_firstImport"; static const kHasGrantedPermissionsKey = "has_granted_permissions"; static const kPermissionStateKey = "permission_state"; // Adding `_2` as a suffic to pull files that were earlier ignored due to permission errors // See static const kInvalidFileIDsKey = "invalid_file_ids_2"; LocalSyncService._privateConstructor(); static final LocalSyncService instance = LocalSyncService._privateConstructor(); Future init(SharedPreferences preferences) async { _prefs = preferences; if (!AppLifecycleService.instance.isForeground) { await PhotoManager.setIgnorePermissionCheck(true); } if (hasGrantedPermissions()) { _registerChangeCallback(); } } Future sync() async { if (!_prefs.containsKey(kHasGrantedPermissionsKey)) {"Skipping local sync since permission has not been granted"); return; } if (Platform.isAndroid && AppLifecycleService.instance.isForeground) { final permissionState = await PhotoManager.requestPermissionExtend(); if (permissionState != PermissionState.authorized) { _logger.severe( "sync requested with invalid permission", permissionState.toString(), ); return; } } if (_existingSync != null) { _logger.warning("Sync already in progress, skipping."); return _existingSync!.future; } _existingSync = Completer(); final int ownerID = Configuration.instance.getUserID()!; final existingLocalFileIDs = await _db.getExistingLocalFileIDs(ownerID);"${existingLocalFileIDs.length} localIDs were discovered"); final syncStartTime =; final lastDBUpdationTime = _prefs.getInt(kDbUpdationTimeKey) ?? 0; final startTime =; if (lastDBUpdationTime != 0) { await _loadAndStoreDiff( existingLocalFileIDs, fromTime: lastDBUpdationTime, toTime: syncStartTime, ); } else { // Load from 0 - 01.01.2010; var startTime = 0; var toYear = 2010; var toTime = DateTime(toYear).microsecondsSinceEpoch; while (toTime < syncStartTime) { await _loadAndStoreDiff( existingLocalFileIDs, fromTime: startTime, toTime: toTime, ); startTime = toTime; toYear++; toTime = DateTime(toYear).microsecondsSinceEpoch; } await _loadAndStoreDiff( existingLocalFileIDs, fromTime: startTime, toTime: syncStartTime, ); } if (!hasCompletedFirstImport()) { await _prefs.setBool(kHasCompletedFirstImportKey, true); await _refreshDeviceFolderCountAndCover(isFirstSync: true); _logger.fine("first gallery import finished"); Bus.instance .fire(SyncStatusUpdate(SyncStatus.completedFirstGalleryImport)); } final endTime =; final duration = Duration(microseconds: endTime - startTime);"Load took " + duration.inMilliseconds.toString() + "ms"); _existingSync?.complete(); _existingSync = null; } Future _refreshDeviceFolderCountAndCover({ bool isFirstSync = false, }) async { final List> result = await getDeviceFolderWithCountAndCoverID(); final bool hasUpdated = await _db.updateDeviceCoverWithCount( result, shouldBackup: Configuration.instance.hasSelectedAllFoldersForBackup(), ); // do not fire UI update event during first sync. Otherwise the next screen // to shop the backup folder is skipped if (hasUpdated && !isFirstSync) {; } return hasUpdated; } Future syncAll() async { if (!Configuration.instance.isLoggedIn()) { _logger.warning("syncCall called when user is not logged in"); return false; } final stopwatch = EnteWatch("localSyncAll")..start(); final localAssets = await getAllLocalAssets(); "Loading allLocalAssets ${localAssets.length} took ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds}ms ", ); await _refreshDeviceFolderCountAndCover(); "refreshDeviceFolderCountAndCover + allLocalAssets took ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds}ms ", ); final int ownerID = Configuration.instance.getUserID()!; final existingLocalFileIDs = await _db.getExistingLocalFileIDs(ownerID); final Map> pathToLocalIDs = await _db.getDevicePathIDToLocalIDMap(); final invalidIDs = _getInvalidFileIDs().toSet(); final localDiffResult = await getDiffWithLocal( localAssets, existingLocalFileIDs, pathToLocalIDs, invalidIDs, ); bool hasAnyMappingChanged = false; if (localDiffResult.newPathToLocalIDs?.isNotEmpty ?? false) { await _db .insertPathIDToLocalIDMapping(localDiffResult.newPathToLocalIDs!); hasAnyMappingChanged = true; } if (localDiffResult.deletePathToLocalIDs?.isNotEmpty ?? false) { await _db .deletePathIDToLocalIDMapping(localDiffResult.deletePathToLocalIDs!); hasAnyMappingChanged = true; } final bool hasUnsyncedFiles = localDiffResult.uniqueLocalFiles?.isNotEmpty ?? false; if (hasUnsyncedFiles) { await _db.insertMultiple( localDiffResult.uniqueLocalFiles!, conflictAlgorithm: ConflictAlgorithm.ignore, ); "Inserted ${localDiffResult.uniqueLocalFiles?.length} " "un-synced files", ); } debugPrint( "syncAll: mappingChange : $hasAnyMappingChanged, " "unSyncedFiles: $hasUnsyncedFiles", ); if (hasAnyMappingChanged || hasUnsyncedFiles) { LocalPhotosUpdatedEvent( localDiffResult.uniqueLocalFiles, source: "syncAllChange", ), ); }"syncAll took ${stopwatch.elapsed.inMilliseconds}ms "); return hasUnsyncedFiles; } Future ignoreUpload(EnteFile file, InvalidFileError error) async { if (file.localID == null || file.deviceFolder == null || file.title == null) { _logger.warning('Invalid file received for ignoring: $file'); return; } final ignored = IgnoredFile( file.localID, file.title, file.deviceFolder,, ); await IgnoredFilesService.instance.cacheAndInsert([ignored]); } @Deprecated( "remove usage after few releases as we will switch to ignored files. Keeping it now to clear the invalid file ids from shared prefs", ) List _getInvalidFileIDs() { if (_prefs.containsKey(kInvalidFileIDsKey)) { _prefs.remove(kInvalidFileIDsKey); return []; } else { return []; } } bool hasGrantedPermissions() { return _prefs.getBool(kHasGrantedPermissionsKey) ?? false; } bool hasGrantedLimitedPermissions() { return _prefs.getString(kPermissionStateKey) ==; } bool hasGrantedFullPermission() { return (_prefs.getString(kPermissionStateKey) ?? '') == PermissionState.authorized.toString(); } Future onUpdatePermission(PermissionState state) async { await _prefs.setBool(kHasGrantedPermissionsKey, true); await _prefs.setString(kPermissionStateKey, state.toString()); } Future onPermissionGranted(PermissionState state) async { await _prefs.setBool(kHasGrantedPermissionsKey, true); await _prefs.setString(kPermissionStateKey, state.toString()); if (state == { // when limited permission is granted, by default mark all folders for // backup await Configuration.instance.setSelectAllFoldersForBackup(true); } _registerChangeCallback(); } bool hasCompletedFirstImport() { return _prefs.getBool(kHasCompletedFirstImportKey) ?? false; } // Warning: resetLocalSync should only be used for testing imported related // changes Future resetLocalSync() async { assert(kDebugMode, "only available in debug mode"); await FilesDB.instance.deleteDB(); for (var element in [ kHasCompletedFirstImportKey, kDbUpdationTimeKey, "has_synced_edit_time", "has_selected_all_folders_for_backup", ]) { await _prefs.remove(element); } } Future _loadAndStoreDiff( Set existingLocalDs, { required int fromTime, required int toTime, }) async { final Tuple2, List> result = await getLocalPathAssetsAndFiles(fromTime, toTime); final List files = result.item2; if (files.isNotEmpty) { // Update the mapping for device path_id to local file id. Also, keep track // of newly discovered device paths await FilesDB.instance.insertLocalAssets( result.item1, shouldAutoBackup: Configuration.instance.hasSelectedAllFoldersForBackup(), ); "Loaded ${files.length} photos from " + DateTime.fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(fromTime).toString() + " to " + DateTime.fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(toTime).toString(), ); await _trackUpdatedFiles(files, existingLocalDs); // keep reference of all Files for firing LocalPhotosUpdatedEvent final List allFiles = []; allFiles.addAll(files); // remove existing files and insert newly imported files in the table files.removeWhere((file) => existingLocalDs.contains(file.localID)); await _db.insertMultiple( files, conflictAlgorithm: ConflictAlgorithm.ignore, );'Inserted ${files.length} files'); LocalPhotosUpdatedEvent(allFiles, source: "loadedPhoto"), ); } await _prefs.setInt(kDbUpdationTimeKey, toTime); } Future _trackUpdatedFiles( List files, Set existingLocalFileIDs, ) async { final List updatedLocalIDs = files .where( (file) => file.localID != null && existingLocalFileIDs.contains(file.localID), ) .map((e) => e.localID!) .toList(); if (updatedLocalIDs.isNotEmpty) { await FileUpdationDB.instance.insertMultiple( updatedLocalIDs, FileUpdationDB.modificationTimeUpdated, ); } } void _registerChangeCallback() { // In case of iOS limit permission, this call back is fired immediately // after file selection dialog is dismissed. PhotoManager.addChangeCallback((value) async {"Something changed on disk"); checkAndSync(); }); PhotoManager.startChangeNotify(); } Future checkAndSync() async { if (_existingSync != null) { await _existingSync!.future; } if (hasGrantedLimitedPermissions()) { syncAll(); } else { sync().then((value) => _refreshDeviceFolderCountAndCover()); } } }