import "dart:convert"; import "dart:io"; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:computer/computer.dart'; import 'package:flutter_sodium/flutter_sodium.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import "package:photos/core/errors.dart"; import 'package:photos/models/derived_key_result.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/encryption_result.dart'; import "package:photos/utils/device_info.dart"; const int encryptionChunkSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024; final int decryptionChunkSize = encryptionChunkSize + Sodium.cryptoSecretstreamXchacha20poly1305Abytes; const int hashChunkSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024; const int loginSubKeyLen = 32; const int loginSubKeyId = 1; const String loginSubKeyContext = "loginctx"; Uint8List cryptoSecretboxEasy(Map args) { return Sodium.cryptoSecretboxEasy(args["source"], args["nonce"], args["key"]); } Uint8List cryptoSecretboxOpenEasy(Map args) { return Sodium.cryptoSecretboxOpenEasy( args["cipher"], args["nonce"], args["key"], ); } Uint8List cryptoPwHash(Map args) { return Sodium.cryptoPwhash( Sodium.cryptoSecretboxKeybytes, args["password"], args["salt"], args["opsLimit"], args["memLimit"], Sodium.cryptoPwhashAlgArgon2id13, ); } Uint8List cryptoKdfDeriveFromKey( Map args, ) { return Sodium.cryptoKdfDeriveFromKey( args["subkeyLen"], args["subkeyId"], args["context"], args["key"], ); } // Returns the hash for a given file, chunking it in batches of hashChunkSize Future cryptoGenericHash(Map args) async { final sourceFile = File(args["sourceFilePath"]); final sourceFileLength = await sourceFile.length(); final inputFile = sourceFile.openSync(mode:; final state = Sodium.cryptoGenerichashInit(null, Sodium.cryptoGenerichashBytesMax); var bytesRead = 0; bool isDone = false; while (!isDone) { var chunkSize = hashChunkSize; if (bytesRead + chunkSize >= sourceFileLength) { chunkSize = sourceFileLength - bytesRead; isDone = true; } final buffer = await; bytesRead += chunkSize; Sodium.cryptoGenerichashUpdate(state, buffer); } await inputFile.close(); return Sodium.cryptoGenerichashFinal(state, Sodium.cryptoGenerichashBytesMax); } EncryptionResult chachaEncryptData(Map args) { final initPushResult = Sodium.cryptoSecretstreamXchacha20poly1305InitPush(args["key"]); final encryptedData = Sodium.cryptoSecretstreamXchacha20poly1305Push( initPushResult.state, args["source"], null, Sodium.cryptoSecretstreamXchacha20poly1305TagFinal, ); return EncryptionResult( encryptedData: encryptedData, header: initPushResult.header, ); } // Encrypts a given file, in chunks of encryptionChunkSize Future chachaEncryptFile(Map args) async { final encryptionStartTime =; final logger = Logger("ChaChaEncrypt"); final sourceFile = File(args["sourceFilePath"]); final destinationFile = File(args["destinationFilePath"]); final sourceFileLength = await sourceFile.length();"Encrypting file of size " + sourceFileLength.toString()); final inputFile = sourceFile.openSync(mode:; final key = args["key"] ?? Sodium.cryptoSecretstreamXchacha20poly1305Keygen(); final initPushResult = Sodium.cryptoSecretstreamXchacha20poly1305InitPush(key); var bytesRead = 0; var tag = Sodium.cryptoSecretstreamXchacha20poly1305TagMessage; while (tag != Sodium.cryptoSecretstreamXchacha20poly1305TagFinal) { var chunkSize = encryptionChunkSize; if (bytesRead + chunkSize >= sourceFileLength) { chunkSize = sourceFileLength - bytesRead; tag = Sodium.cryptoSecretstreamXchacha20poly1305TagFinal; } final buffer = await; bytesRead += chunkSize; final encryptedData = Sodium.cryptoSecretstreamXchacha20poly1305Push( initPushResult.state, buffer, null, tag, ); await destinationFile.writeAsBytes(encryptedData, mode: FileMode.append); } await inputFile.close(); "Encryption time: " + ( - encryptionStartTime) .toString(), ); return EncryptionResult(key: key, header: initPushResult.header); } Future chachaDecryptFile(Map args) async { final logger = Logger("ChaChaDecrypt"); final decryptionStartTime =; final sourceFile = File(args["sourceFilePath"]); final destinationFile = File(args["destinationFilePath"]); final sourceFileLength = await sourceFile.length();"Decrypting file of size " + sourceFileLength.toString()); final inputFile = sourceFile.openSync(mode:; final pullState = Sodium.cryptoSecretstreamXchacha20poly1305InitPull( args["header"], args["key"], ); var bytesRead = 0; var tag = Sodium.cryptoSecretstreamXchacha20poly1305TagMessage; while (tag != Sodium.cryptoSecretstreamXchacha20poly1305TagFinal) { var chunkSize = decryptionChunkSize; if (bytesRead + chunkSize >= sourceFileLength) { chunkSize = sourceFileLength - bytesRead; } final buffer = await; bytesRead += chunkSize; final pullResult = Sodium.cryptoSecretstreamXchacha20poly1305Pull(pullState, buffer, null); await destinationFile.writeAsBytes(pullResult.m, mode: FileMode.append); tag = pullResult.tag; } inputFile.closeSync(); "ChaCha20 Decryption time: " + ( - decryptionStartTime) .toString(), ); } Uint8List chachaDecryptData(Map args) { final pullState = Sodium.cryptoSecretstreamXchacha20poly1305InitPull( args["header"], args["key"], ); final pullResult = Sodium.cryptoSecretstreamXchacha20poly1305Pull( pullState, args["source"], null, ); return pullResult.m; } class CryptoUtil { // Note: workers are turned on during app startup. static final Computer _computer = Computer.shared(); static init() { Sodium.init(); } static Uint8List base642bin( String b64, { String? ignore, int variant = Sodium.base64VariantOriginal, }) { return Sodium.base642bin(b64, ignore: ignore, variant: variant); } static String bin2base64( Uint8List bin, { bool urlSafe = false, }) { return Sodium.bin2base64( bin, variant: urlSafe ? Sodium.base64VariantUrlsafe : Sodium.base64VariantOriginal, ); } static String bin2hex(Uint8List bin) { return Sodium.bin2hex(bin); } static Uint8List hex2bin(String hex) { return Sodium.hex2bin(hex); } // Encrypts the given source, with the given key and a randomly generated // nonce, using XSalsa20 (w Poly1305 MAC). // This function runs on the same thread as the caller, so should be used only // for small amounts of data where thread switching can result in a degraded // user experience static EncryptionResult encryptSync(Uint8List source, Uint8List key) { final nonce = Sodium.randombytesBuf(Sodium.cryptoSecretboxNoncebytes); final args = {}; args["source"] = source; args["nonce"] = nonce; args["key"] = key; final encryptedData = cryptoSecretboxEasy(args); return EncryptionResult( key: key, nonce: nonce, encryptedData: encryptedData, ); } // Decrypts the given cipher, with the given key and nonce using XSalsa20 // (w Poly1305 MAC). static Future decrypt( Uint8List cipher, Uint8List key, Uint8List nonce, ) async { final args = {}; args["cipher"] = cipher; args["nonce"] = nonce; args["key"] = key; return _computer.compute( cryptoSecretboxOpenEasy, param: args, taskName: "decrypt", ); } // Decrypts the given cipher, with the given key and nonce using XSalsa20 // (w Poly1305 MAC). // This function runs on the same thread as the caller, so should be used only // for small amounts of data where thread switching can result in a degraded // user experience static Uint8List decryptSync( Uint8List cipher, Uint8List key, Uint8List nonce, ) { final args = {}; args["cipher"] = cipher; args["nonce"] = nonce; args["key"] = key; return cryptoSecretboxOpenEasy(args); } // Encrypts the given source, with the given key and a randomly generated // nonce, using XChaCha20 (w Poly1305 MAC). // This function runs on the isolate pool held by `_computer`. // TODO: Remove "ChaCha", an implementation detail from the function name static Future encryptChaCha( Uint8List source, Uint8List key, ) async { final args = {}; args["source"] = source; args["key"] = key; return _computer.compute( chachaEncryptData, param: args, taskName: "encryptChaCha", ); } // Decrypts the given source, with the given key and header using XChaCha20 // (w Poly1305 MAC). // TODO: Remove "ChaCha", an implementation detail from the function name static Future decryptChaCha( Uint8List source, Uint8List key, Uint8List header, ) async { final args = {}; args["source"] = source; args["key"] = key; args["header"] = header; return _computer.compute( chachaDecryptData, param: args, taskName: "decryptChaCha", ); } // Encrypts the file at sourceFilePath, with the key (if provided) and a // randomly generated nonce using XChaCha20 (w Poly1305 MAC), and writes it // to the destinationFilePath. // If a key is not provided, one is generated and returned. static Future encryptFile( String sourceFilePath, String destinationFilePath, { Uint8List? key, }) { final args = {}; args["sourceFilePath"] = sourceFilePath; args["destinationFilePath"] = destinationFilePath; args["key"] = key; return _computer.compute( chachaEncryptFile, param: args, taskName: "encryptFile", ); } // Decrypts the file at sourceFilePath, with the given key and header using // XChaCha20 (w Poly1305 MAC), and writes it to the destinationFilePath. static Future decryptFile( String sourceFilePath, String destinationFilePath, Uint8List header, Uint8List key, ) { final args = {}; args["sourceFilePath"] = sourceFilePath; args["destinationFilePath"] = destinationFilePath; args["header"] = header; args["key"] = key; return _computer.compute( chachaDecryptFile, param: args, taskName: "decryptFile", ); } // Generates and returns a 256-bit key. static Uint8List generateKey() { return Sodium.cryptoSecretboxKeygen(); } // Generates and returns a random byte buffer of length // crypto_pwhash_SALTBYTES (16) static Uint8List getSaltToDeriveKey() { return Sodium.randombytesBuf(Sodium.cryptoPwhashSaltbytes); } // Generates and returns a secret key and the corresponding public key. static Future generateKeyPair() async { return Sodium.cryptoBoxKeypair(); } // Decrypts the input using the given publicKey-secretKey pair static Uint8List openSealSync( Uint8List input, Uint8List publicKey, Uint8List secretKey, ) { return Sodium.cryptoBoxSealOpen(input, publicKey, secretKey); } // Encrypts the input using the given publicKey static Uint8List sealSync(Uint8List input, Uint8List publicKey) { return Sodium.cryptoBoxSeal(input, publicKey); } // Derives a key for a given password and salt using Argon2id, v1.3. // The function first attempts to derive a key with both memLimit and opsLimit // set to their Sensitive variants. // If this fails, say on a device with insufficient RAM, we retry by halving // the memLimit and doubling the opsLimit, while ensuring that we stay within // the min and max limits for both parameters. // At all points, we ensure that the product of these two variables (the area // under the graph that determines the amount of work required) is a constant. static Future deriveSensitiveKey( Uint8List password, Uint8List salt, ) async { final logger = Logger("pwhash"); int memLimit = Sodium.cryptoPwhashMemlimitSensitive; int opsLimit = Sodium.cryptoPwhashOpslimitSensitive; if (await isLowSpecDevice()) {"low spec device detected"); // When sensitive memLimit (1 GB) is used, on low spec device the OS might // kill the app with OOM. To avoid that, start with 256 MB and // corresponding ops limit (16). // This ensures that the product of these two variables // (the area under the graph that determines the amount of work required) // stays the same // SODIUM_CRYPTO_PWHASH_MEMLIMIT_SENSITIVE: 1073741824 // SODIUM_CRYPTO_PWHASH_MEMLIMIT_MODERATE: 268435456 // SODIUM_CRYPTO_PWHASH_OPSLIMIT_SENSITIVE: 4 memLimit = Sodium.cryptoPwhashMemlimitModerate; final factor = Sodium.cryptoPwhashMemlimitSensitive ~/ Sodium.cryptoPwhashMemlimitModerate; // = 4 opsLimit = opsLimit * factor; // = 16 } Uint8List key; while (memLimit >= Sodium.cryptoPwhashMemlimitMin && opsLimit <= Sodium.cryptoPwhashOpslimitMax) { try { key = await deriveKey(password, salt, memLimit, opsLimit); return DerivedKeyResult(key, memLimit, opsLimit); } catch (e, s) { logger.warning( "failed to deriveKey mem: $memLimit, ops: $opsLimit", e, s, ); } memLimit = (memLimit / 2).round(); opsLimit = opsLimit * 2; } throw UnsupportedError("Cannot perform this operation on this device"); } // Derives a key for the given password and salt, using Argon2id, v1.3 // with memory and ops limit hardcoded to their Interactive variants // NOTE: This is only used while setting passwords for shared links, as an // extra layer of authentication (atop the access token and collection key). // More details @ static Future deriveInteractiveKey( Uint8List password, Uint8List salt, ) async { final int memLimit = Sodium.cryptoPwhashMemlimitInteractive; final int opsLimit = Sodium.cryptoPwhashOpslimitInteractive; final key = await deriveKey(password, salt, memLimit, opsLimit); return DerivedKeyResult(key, memLimit, opsLimit); } // Derives a key for a given password, salt, memLimit and opsLimit using // Argon2id, v1.3. static Future deriveKey( Uint8List password, Uint8List salt, int memLimit, int opsLimit, ) async { try { return await _computer.compute( cryptoPwHash, param: { "password": password, "salt": salt, "memLimit": memLimit, "opsLimit": opsLimit, }, taskName: "deriveKey", ); } catch (e, s) { final String errMessage = 'failed to deriveKey memLimit: $memLimit and ' 'opsLimit: $opsLimit'; Logger("CryptoUtilDeriveKey").warning(errMessage, e, s); throw KeyDerivationError(); } } // derives a Login key as subKey from the given key by applying KDF // (Key Derivation Function) with the `loginSubKeyId` and // `loginSubKeyLen` and `loginSubKeyContext` as context static Future deriveLoginKey( Uint8List key, ) async { try { final Uint8List derivedKey = await _computer.compute( cryptoKdfDeriveFromKey, param: { "key": key, "subkeyId": loginSubKeyId, "subkeyLen": loginSubKeyLen, "context": utf8.encode(loginSubKeyContext), }, taskName: "deriveLoginKey", ); // return the first 16 bytes of the derived key return derivedKey.sublist(0, 16); } catch (e, s) { Logger("deriveLoginKey").severe("loginKeyDerivation failed", e, s); throw LoginKeyDerivationError(); } } // Computes and returns the hash of the source file static Future getHash(File source) { return _computer.compute( cryptoGenericHash, param: { "sourceFilePath": source.path, }, taskName: "fileHash", ); } }