import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/event_bus.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/network/network.dart'; import 'package:photos/events/notification_event.dart'; import 'package:photos/services/user_service.dart'; import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; class UserRemoteFlagService { final _enteDio = NetworkClient.instance.enteDio; final _logger = Logger((UserRemoteFlagService).toString()); late SharedPreferences _prefs; UserRemoteFlagService._privateConstructor(); static final UserRemoteFlagService instance = UserRemoteFlagService._privateConstructor(); static const String recoveryVerificationFlag = "recoveryKeyVerified"; static const String mapEnabled = "mapEnabled"; static const String needRecoveryKeyVerification = "needRecoveryKeyVerification"; Future init() async { _prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); } bool shouldShowRecoveryVerification() { if (!_prefs.containsKey(needRecoveryKeyVerification)) { // fetch the status from remote _refreshRecoveryVerificationFlag().ignore(); return false; } else { final bool shouldShow = _prefs.getBool(needRecoveryKeyVerification)!; if (shouldShow) { // refresh the status to check if user marked it as done on another device _refreshRecoveryVerificationFlag().ignore(); } return shouldShow; } } bool getCachedBoolValue(String key) { return _prefs.getBool(key) ?? false; } Future getBoolValue(String key) async { if (_prefs.containsKey(key)) { return _prefs.getBool(key)!; } return _getValue(key, "false") .then((value) => value.toLowerCase() == "true"); } Future setBoolValue(String key, bool value) async { await _updateKeyValue(key, value.toString()); return _prefs.setBool(key, value); } // markRecoveryVerificationAsDone is used to track if user has verified their // recovery key in the past or not. This helps in avoid showing the same // prompt to the user on re-install or signing into a different device Future markRecoveryVerificationAsDone() async { await _updateKeyValue(recoveryVerificationFlag, true.toString()); await _prefs.setBool(needRecoveryKeyVerification, false); } Future _refreshRecoveryVerificationFlag() async { _logger.finest('refresh recovery key verification flag'); final remoteStatusValue = await _getValue(recoveryVerificationFlag, "false"); final bool isNeedVerificationFlagSet = _prefs.containsKey(needRecoveryKeyVerification); if (remoteStatusValue.toLowerCase() == "true") { await _prefs.setBool(needRecoveryKeyVerification, false); // If the user verified on different device, then we should refresh // the UI to dismiss the Notification. if (isNeedVerificationFlagSet) {; } } else if (!isNeedVerificationFlagSet) { // Verification is not done yet as remoteStatus is false and local flag to // show notification isn't set. Set the flag to true if any active // session is older than 1 day. final activeSessions = await UserService.instance.getActiveSessions(); final int microSecondsInADay = const Duration(days: 1).inMicroseconds; final bool anyActiveSessionOlderThanADay = activeSessions.sessions.firstWhereOrNull( (e) => (e.creationTime + microSecondsInADay) <, ) != null; if (anyActiveSessionOlderThanADay) { await _prefs.setBool(needRecoveryKeyVerification, true);; } else { // continue defaulting to no verification prompt _logger.finest('No active session older than 1 day'); } } } Future _getValue(String key, String? defaultValue) async { try { final Map queryParams = {"key": key}; if (defaultValue != null) { queryParams["defaultValue"] = defaultValue; } final response = await _enteDio.get("/remote-store", queryParameters: queryParams); if (response.statusCode != HttpStatus.ok) { throw Exception("Unexpected status code ${response.statusCode}"); } return["value"]; } catch (e) {"Error while fetching bool status for $key", e); rethrow; } } // _setBooleanFlag sets the corresponding flag on remote // to mark recovery as completed Future _updateKeyValue(String key, String value) async { try { final response = await "/remote-store/update", data: { "key": key, "value": value, }, ); if (response.statusCode != HttpStatus.ok) { throw Exception("Unexpected state"); } } catch (e) { _logger.warning("Failed to set flag for $key", e); rethrow; } } }