import "dart:io"; import "package:logging/logging.dart"; import "package:path_provider/path_provider.dart"; import "package:photos/core/network/network.dart"; class RemoteAssetsService { static final _logger = Logger("RemoteAssetsService"); RemoteAssetsService._privateConstructor(); static final RemoteAssetsService instance = RemoteAssetsService._privateConstructor(); Future getAsset(String remotePath) async { final path = await _getLocalPath(remotePath); final file = File(path); if (await file.exists()) {"Returning cached file for $remotePath"); return file; } else { final tempFile = File(path + ".temp"); await _downloadFile(remotePath, tempFile.path); await tempFile.rename(path); return File(path); } } Future hasAsset(String remotePath) async { final path = await _getLocalPath(remotePath); return File(path).exists(); } Future _getLocalPath(String remotePath) async { return (await getApplicationSupportDirectory()).path + "/assets/" + _urlToFileName(remotePath); } String _urlToFileName(String url) { // Remove the protocol part (http:// or https://) String fileName = url .replaceAll(RegExp(r'https?://'), '') // Replace all non-alphanumeric characters except for underscores and periods with an underscore .replaceAll(RegExp(r'[^\w\.]'), '_'); // Optionally, you might want to trim the resulting string to a certain length // Replace periods with underscores for better readability, if desired fileName = fileName.replaceAll('.', '_'); return fileName; } Future _downloadFile(String url, String savePath) async {"Downloading " + url); final existingFile = File(savePath); if (await existingFile.exists()) { await existingFile.delete(); } await NetworkClient.instance.getDio().download(url, savePath);"Downloaded " + url); } }