import * as Sentry from '@sentry/nextjs'; import { getSentryTunnelURL } from 'utils/common/apiUtil'; import { getSentryUserID } from 'utils/user'; import { runningInBrowser } from 'utils/common'; import { getHasOptedOutOfCrashReports } from 'utils/storage/index'; import { getSentryDSN, getSentryENV, getSentryRelease, getIsSentryEnabled, } from 'constants/sentry'; const HAS_OPTED_OUT_OF_CRASH_REPORTING = runningInBrowser() && getHasOptedOutOfCrashReports(); if (!HAS_OPTED_OUT_OF_CRASH_REPORTING) { const SENTRY_DSN = getSentryDSN(); const SENTRY_ENV = getSentryENV(); const SENTRY_RELEASE = getSentryRelease(); const IS_ENABLED = getIsSentryEnabled(); Sentry.init({ dsn: SENTRY_DSN, enabled: IS_ENABLED, environment: SENTRY_ENV, release: SENTRY_RELEASE, attachStacktrace: true, autoSessionTracking: false, tunnel: getSentryTunnelURL(), beforeSend(event) { event.request = event.request || {}; const currentURL = new URL(document.location.href); currentURL.hash = ''; event.request.url = currentURL; return event; }, integrations: function (i) { return i.filter(function (i) { return !== 'Breadcrumbs'; }); }, // ... // Note: if you want to override the automatic release value, do not set a // `release` value here - use the environment variable `SENTRY_RELEASE`, so // that it will also get attached to your source maps }); const main = async () => { Sentry.setUser({ id: await getSentryUserID() }); }; main(); }