import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/event_bus.dart'; import "package:photos/events/collection_meta_event.dart"; import "package:photos/events/collection_updated_event.dart"; import "package:photos/events/files_updated_event.dart"; import 'package:photos/events/force_reload_home_gallery_event.dart'; import "package:photos/generated/l10n.dart"; import 'package:photos/models/collection.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/file.dart'; import "package:photos/models/metadata/collection_magic.dart"; import "package:photos/models/metadata/common_keys.dart"; import "package:photos/models/metadata/file_magic.dart"; import 'package:photos/services/collections_service.dart'; import 'package:photos/services/file_magic_service.dart'; import 'package:photos/ui/common/progress_dialog.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/dialog_util.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/toast_util.dart'; final _logger = Logger('MagicUtil'); Future changeVisibility( BuildContext context, List files, int newVisibility, ) async { final dialog = createProgressDialog( context, newVisibility == archiveVisibility ? S.of(context).archiving : S.of(context).unarchiving, ); await; try { await FileMagicService.instance.changeVisibility(files, newVisibility); showShortToast( context, newVisibility == archiveVisibility ? S.of(context).successfullyArchived : S.of(context).successfullyUnarchived, ); await dialog.hide(); } catch (e, s) { _logger.severe("failed to update file visibility", e, s); await dialog.hide(); rethrow; } } Future changeCollectionVisibility( BuildContext context, Collection collection, int newVisibility, { bool isOwner = true, }) async { final dialog = createProgressDialog( context, newVisibility == archiveVisibility ? S.of(context).archiving : S.of(context).unarchiving, ); await; try { final Map update = {magicKeyVisibility: newVisibility}; if (isOwner) { await CollectionsService.instance.updateMagicMetadata(collection, update); } else { await CollectionsService.instance .updateShareeMagicMetadata(collection, update); } // Force reload home gallery to pull in the now unarchived files"CollectionArchiveChange")); showShortToast( context, newVisibility == archiveVisibility ? S.of(context).successfullyArchived : S.of(context).successfullyUnarchived, ); await dialog.hide(); } catch (e, s) { _logger.severe("failed to update collection visibility", e, s); await dialog.hide(); rethrow; } } Future changeSortOrder( BuildContext context, Collection collection, bool sortedInAscOrder, ) async { try { final Map update = {"asc": sortedInAscOrder}; await CollectionsService.instance .updatePublicMagicMetadata(collection, update); CollectionMetaEvent(, CollectionMetaEventType.sortChanged), ); } catch (e, s) { _logger.severe("failed to update collection visibility", e, s); showShortToast(context, S.of(context).somethingWentWrong); rethrow; } } Future updateOrder( BuildContext context, Collection collection, int order, ) async { try { final Map update = { orderKey: order, }; await CollectionsService.instance.updateMagicMetadata(collection, update); CollectionMetaEvent(, CollectionMetaEventType.orderChanged), ); } catch (e, s) { _logger.severe("failed to update order", e, s); showShortToast(context, S.of(context).somethingWentWrong); rethrow; } } Future changeCoverPhoto( BuildContext context, Collection collection, File file, ) async { try { final Map update = {"coverID": file.uploadedFileID}; await CollectionsService.instance .updatePublicMagicMetadata(collection, update); CollectionUpdatedEvent(, [], "cover_change", type: EventType.coverChanged, ), ); } catch (e, s) { _logger.severe("failed to update cover", e, s); showShortToast(context, S.of(context).somethingWentWrong); rethrow; } } Future editTime( BuildContext context, List files, int editedTime, ) async { try { await _updatePublicMetadata( context, files, editTimeKey, editedTime, ); return true; } catch (e) { showShortToast(context, S.of(context).somethingWentWrong); return false; } } Future editFilename( BuildContext context, File file, ) async { final fileName = file.displayName; final nameWithoutExt = basenameWithoutExtension(fileName); final extName = extension(fileName); final result = await showTextInputDialog( context, title: S.of(context).renameFile, submitButtonLabel: S.of(context).rename, initialValue: nameWithoutExt, message: extName.toUpperCase(), alignMessage: Alignment.centerRight, hintText: S.of(context).enterFileName, maxLength: 50, alwaysShowSuccessState: true, onSubmit: (String text) async { if (text.isEmpty || text.trim() == nameWithoutExt.trim()) { return; } final newName = text + extName; await _updatePublicMetadata( context, List.of([file]), editNameKey, newName, showProgressDialogs: false, showDoneToast: false, ); }, ); if (result is Exception) { _logger.severe("Failed to rename file"); showGenericErrorDialog(context: context); } } Future editFileCaption( BuildContext? context, File file, String caption, ) async { try { await _updatePublicMetadata( context, [file], captionKey, caption, showDoneToast: false, ); return true; } catch (e) { if (context != null) { showShortToast(context, S.of(context).somethingWentWrong); } return false; } } Future _updatePublicMetadata( BuildContext? context, List files, String key, dynamic value, { bool showDoneToast = true, bool showProgressDialogs = true, }) async { if (files.isEmpty) { return; } ProgressDialog? dialog; if (context != null && showProgressDialogs) { dialog = createProgressDialog(context, S.of(context).pleaseWait); await; } try { final Map update = {key: value}; await FileMagicService.instance.updatePublicMagicMetadata(files, update); if (context != null) { if (showDoneToast) { showShortToast(context, S.of(context).done); } await dialog?.hide(); } if (_shouldReloadGallery(key)) {"FileMetadataChange-$key")); } } catch (e, s) { _logger.severe("failed to update $key = $value", e, s); if (context != null) { await dialog?.hide(); } rethrow; } } bool _shouldReloadGallery(String key) { return key == editTimeKey; }