import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:math'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/event_bus.dart'; import 'package:photos/db/files_db.dart'; import 'package:photos/events/photo_upload_event.dart'; import 'package:photos/events/user_authenticated_event.dart'; import 'package:photos/file_repository.dart'; import 'package:photo_manager/photo_manager.dart'; import 'package:photos/file_upload_manager.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/file_type.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/crypto_util.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/file_name_util.dart'; import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; import 'package:dio/dio.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/file.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/configuration.dart'; import 'package:photos/events/remote_sync_event.dart'; class PhotoSyncManager { final _logger = Logger("PhotoSyncManager"); final _dio = Dio(); final _db = FilesDB.instance; final _uploadManager = FileUploadManager(); bool _isSyncInProgress = false; Future _existingSync; SharedPreferences _prefs; static final _syncTimeKey = "sync_time"; static final _encryptedFilesSyncTimeKey = "encrypted_files_sync_time"; static final _dbUpdationTimeKey = "db_updation_time"; static final _diffLimit = 100; PhotoSyncManager._privateConstructor() { Bus.instance.on().listen((event) { sync(); }); } static final PhotoSyncManager instance = PhotoSyncManager._privateConstructor(); Future init() async { _prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); } Future sync() async { if (_isSyncInProgress) { _logger.warning("Sync already in progress, skipping."); return _existingSync; } _isSyncInProgress = true; _existingSync = Future(() async {"Syncing..."); try { await _doSync(); } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { _isSyncInProgress = false; } }); return _existingSync; } bool hasScannedDisk() { return _prefs.containsKey(_dbUpdationTimeKey); } Future _doSync() async { final result = await PhotoManager.requestPermission(); if (!result) { _logger.severe("Did not get permission"); } final syncStartTime =; var lastDBUpdationTime = _prefs.getInt(_dbUpdationTimeKey); if (lastDBUpdationTime == null) { lastDBUpdationTime = 0; } final pathEntities = await _getGalleryList(lastDBUpdationTime, syncStartTime); final files = List(); AssetPathEntity recents; for (AssetPathEntity pathEntity in pathEntities) { if ( == "Recent" || == "Recents") { recents = pathEntity; } else { await _addToPhotos(pathEntity, lastDBUpdationTime, files); } } if (recents != null) { await _addToPhotos(recents, lastDBUpdationTime, files); } files.sort( (first, second) => first.creationTime.compareTo(second.creationTime)); await _insertFilesToDB(files, syncStartTime); await FileRepository.instance.reloadFiles(); await _syncWithRemote(); } Future> _getGalleryList( final int fromTimestamp, final int toTimestamp) async { final filterOptionGroup = FilterOptionGroup(); filterOptionGroup.setOption(AssetType.image, FilterOption(needTitle: true)); filterOptionGroup.setOption(, FilterOption(needTitle: true)); filterOptionGroup.dateTimeCond = DateTimeCond( min: DateTime.fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(fromTimestamp), max: DateTime.fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(toTimestamp), ); final galleryList = await PhotoManager.getAssetPathList( hasAll: true, type: RequestType.common, filterOption: filterOptionGroup, ); galleryList.sort((s1, s2) { return s2.assetCount.compareTo(s1.assetCount); }); return galleryList; } Future _addToPhotos(AssetPathEntity pathEntity, int lastDBUpdationTime, List files) async { final assetList = await pathEntity.assetList; for (AssetEntity entity in assetList) { if (max(entity.createDateTime.microsecondsSinceEpoch, entity.modifiedDateTime.microsecondsSinceEpoch) > lastDBUpdationTime) { try { final file = await File.fromAsset(pathEntity, entity); if (!files.contains(file)) { files.add(file); } } catch (e) { _logger.severe(e); } } } } Future _syncWithRemote() async { // TODO: Fix race conditions triggered due to concurrent syncs. // Add device_id/last_sync_timestamp to the upload request? if (!Configuration.instance.hasConfiguredAccount()) { return Future.error("Account not configured yet"); } await _downloadDiff(); await _downloadEncryptedFilesDiff(); await _uploadDiff(); await _deletePhotosOnServer(); } Future _downloadDiff() async { final diff = await _getDiff(_getSyncTime(), _diffLimit); if (diff != null && diff.isNotEmpty) { await _storeDiff(diff, _syncTimeKey); FileRepository.instance.reloadFiles(); if (diff.length == _diffLimit) { return await _downloadDiff(); } } } int _getSyncTime() { var syncTime = _prefs.getInt(_syncTimeKey); if (syncTime == null) { syncTime = 0; } return syncTime; } Future _downloadEncryptedFilesDiff() async { final diff = await _getEncryptedFilesDiff(_getEncryptedFilesSyncTime(), _diffLimit); if (diff.isNotEmpty) { await _storeDiff(diff, _encryptedFilesSyncTimeKey); FileRepository.instance.reloadFiles(); if (diff.length == _diffLimit) { return await _downloadEncryptedFilesDiff(); } } } int _getEncryptedFilesSyncTime() { var syncTime = _prefs.getInt(_encryptedFilesSyncTimeKey); if (syncTime == null) { syncTime = 0; } return syncTime; } Future _uploadDiff() async { List photosToBeUploaded = await _db.getFilesToBeUploaded(); for (int i = 0; i < photosToBeUploaded.length; i++) { File file = photosToBeUploaded[i];"Uploading " + file.toString()); try { if (file.fileType == { continue; } var uploadedFile; if (Configuration.instance.hasOptedForE2E()) { uploadedFile = await _uploadManager.encryptAndUploadFile(file); } else { uploadedFile = await _uploadManager.uploadFile(file); } await _db.update(file.generatedID, uploadedFile.uploadedFileID, uploadedFile.updationTime, file.encryptedKey, file.encryptedKeyIV); _prefs.setInt(_syncTimeKey, uploadedFile.updationTime); completed: i + 1, total: photosToBeUploaded.length)); } catch (e) { true)); throw e; } } } Future _storeDiff(List diff, String prefKey) async { for (File file in diff) { try { final existingPhoto = await _db.getMatchingFile( file.localID, file.title, file.deviceFolder, file.creationTime, file.modificationTime, file.encryptedKey, file.encryptedKeyIV, alternateTitle: getHEICFileNameForJPG(file)); await _db.update(existingPhoto.generatedID, file.uploadedFileID, file.updationTime, file.encryptedKey, file.encryptedKeyIV); } catch (e) { file.localID = null; // File uploaded from a different device await _db.insert(file); } await _prefs.setInt(prefKey, file.updationTime); } } Future> _getDiff(int lastSyncTime, int limit) async { Response response = await _dio.get( Configuration.instance.getHttpEndpoint() + "/files/diff", options: Options(headers: {"X-Auth-Token": Configuration.instance.getToken()}), queryParameters: { "sinceTimestamp": lastSyncTime, "limit": limit, }, ).catchError((e) => _logger.severe(e)); if (response != null) {; return (["diff"] as List) .map((file) => new File.fromJson(file)) .toList(); } else {; return null; } } Future> _getEncryptedFilesDiff(int lastSyncTime, int limit) async { return _dio .get( Configuration.instance.getHttpEndpoint() + "/encrypted-files/diff", queryParameters: { "token": Configuration.instance.getToken(), "sinceTimestamp": lastSyncTime, "limit": limit, }, ) .catchError((e) => _logger.severe(e)) .then((response) async { final files = List(); if (response != null) {; final diff =["diff"] as List; for (final json in diff) { final file = File(); file.uploadedFileID = json["id"]; file.ownerID = json["ownerID"]; file.updationTime = json["updationTime"]; file.isEncrypted = true; file.encryptedKey = json["encryptedKey"]; file.encryptedKeyIV = json["encryptedKeyIV"]; final key = CryptoUtil.decryptFromBase64(file.encryptedKey, Configuration.instance.getBase64EncodedKey(), file.encryptedKeyIV); Map metadata = jsonDecode(utf8.decode( await CryptoUtil.decryptDataToData(json["metadata"], key))); file.applyMetadata(metadata); files.add(file); } } else {; } return files; }); } Future _deletePhotosOnServer() async { return _db.getAllDeleted().then((deletedPhotos) async { for (File deletedPhoto in deletedPhotos) { await _deleteFileOnServer(deletedPhoto); await _db.delete(deletedPhoto); } }); } Future _deleteFileOnServer(File file) async { return _dio .delete( Configuration.instance.getHttpEndpoint() + "/files/" + file.uploadedFileID.toString(), options: Options( headers: {"X-Auth-Token": Configuration.instance.getToken()}), ) .catchError((e) => _logger.severe(e)); } Future _insertFilesToDB(List files, int timestamp) async { await _db.insertMultiple(files);"Inserted " + files.length.toString() + " files."); return await _prefs.setInt(_dbUpdationTimeKey, timestamp); } }