import HTTPService from 'services/HTTPService'; import { retryAsyncFunction } from 'utils/common'; import { getEndpoint } from 'utils/common/apiUtil'; import { getToken } from 'utils/common/key'; import { logError } from 'utils/sentry'; import { CHUNKS_COMBINED_FOR_UPLOAD, MultipartUploadURLs, RANDOM_PERCENTAGE_PROGRESS_FOR_PUT, UploadFile } from './uploadService'; import * as convert from 'xml-js'; import { File } from '../fileService'; import { CustomError } from 'utils/common/errorUtil'; const ENDPOINT = getEndpoint(); const MAX_URL_REQUESTS = 50; export interface UploadURL { url: string; objectKey: string; } class NetworkClient { private uploadURLFetchInProgress=null; async uploadFile(uploadFile: UploadFile):Promise { try { const token = getToken(); if (!token) { return; } const response = await retryAsyncFunction(()=> `${ENDPOINT}/files`, uploadFile, null, { 'X-Auth-Token': token, }, )); return; } catch (e) { logError(e, 'upload Files Failed'); throw e; } } async fetchUploadURLs(count:number, urlStore:UploadURL[]): Promise { try { if (!this.uploadURLFetchInProgress) { try { const token = getToken(); if (!token) { return; } this.uploadURLFetchInProgress = HTTPService.get( `${ENDPOINT}/files/upload-urls`, { count: Math.min( MAX_URL_REQUESTS, count * 2, ), }, { 'X-Auth-Token': token }, ); const response = await this.uploadURLFetchInProgress; urlStore.push(['urls']); } finally { this.uploadURLFetchInProgress = null; } } return this.uploadURLFetchInProgress; } catch (e) { logError(e, 'fetch upload-url failed '); throw e; } } async fetchMultipartUploadURLs( count: number, ): Promise { try { const token = getToken(); if (!token) { return; } const response = await HTTPService.get( `${ENDPOINT}/files/multipart-upload-urls`, { count, }, { 'X-Auth-Token': token }, ); return['urls']; } catch (e) { logError(e, 'fetch multipart-upload-url failed'); throw e; } } async putFile( fileUploadURL: UploadURL, file: Uint8Array, progressTracker:()=>any, ): Promise { try { await retryAsyncFunction(()=> HTTPService.put( fileUploadURL.url, file, null, null, progressTracker(), ), ); return fileUploadURL.objectKey; } catch (e) { logError(e, 'putFile to dataStore failed '); throw e; } } async putFileInParts( multipartUploadURLs: MultipartUploadURLs, file: ReadableStream, filename: string, uploadPartCount: number, trackUploadProgress, ) { try { const streamEncryptedFileReader = file.getReader(); const percentPerPart = Math.round( RANDOM_PERCENTAGE_PROGRESS_FOR_PUT() / uploadPartCount, ); const resParts = []; for (const [ index, fileUploadURL, ] of multipartUploadURLs.partURLs.entries()) { const combinedChunks = []; for (let i = 0; i < CHUNKS_COMBINED_FOR_UPLOAD; i++) { const { done, value: chunk } = await; if (done) { break; } for (let index = 0; index < chunk.length; index++) { combinedChunks.push(chunk[index]); } } const uploadChunk = Uint8Array.from(combinedChunks); const response=await retryAsyncFunction(async ()=>{ const resp =await HTTPService.put( fileUploadURL, uploadChunk, null, null, trackUploadProgress(filename, percentPerPart, index), ); if (!resp?.headers?.etag) { const err=Error(CustomError.ETAG_MISSING); logError(err); throw err; } return resp; }); resParts.push({ PartNumber: index + 1, ETag: response.headers.etag, }); } const options = { compact: true, ignoreComment: true, spaces: 4 }; const body = convert.js2xml( { CompleteMultipartUpload: { Part: resParts } }, options, ); await retryAsyncFunction(()=>, body, null, { 'content-type': 'text/xml', }), ); return multipartUploadURLs.objectKey; } catch (e) { logError(e, 'put file in parts failed'); throw e; } } } export default new NetworkClient();