import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/configuration.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/event_bus.dart'; import 'package:photos/ente_theme_data.dart'; import 'package:photos/events/subscription_purchased_event.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/backup_status.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/collection.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/device_collection.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/gallery_type.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/magic_metadata.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/selected_files.dart'; import 'package:photos/services/collections_service.dart'; import 'package:photos/services/sync_service.dart'; import 'package:photos/services/update_service.dart'; import 'package:photos/ui/common/dialogs.dart'; import 'package:photos/ui/common/rename_dialog.dart'; import 'package:photos/ui/components/dialog_widget.dart'; import 'package:photos/ui/components/models/button_type.dart'; import 'package:photos/ui/sharing/album_participants_page.dart'; import 'package:photos/ui/sharing/share_collection_page.dart'; import 'package:photos/ui/tools/free_space_page.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/data_util.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/dialog_util.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/magic_util.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/navigation_util.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/toast_util.dart'; import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher_string.dart'; class GalleryAppBarWidget extends StatefulWidget { final GalleryType type; final String? title; final SelectedFiles selectedFiles; final DeviceCollection? deviceCollection; final Collection? collection; const GalleryAppBarWidget( this.type, this.title, this.selectedFiles, { Key? key, this.deviceCollection, this.collection, }) : super(key: key); @override State createState() => _GalleryAppBarWidgetState(); } class _GalleryAppBarWidgetState extends State { final _logger = Logger("GalleryAppBar"); late StreamSubscription _userAuthEventSubscription; late Function() _selectedFilesListener; String? _appBarTitle; final GlobalKey shareButtonKey = GlobalKey(); @override void initState() { _selectedFilesListener = () { setState(() {}); }; widget.selectedFiles.addListener(_selectedFilesListener); _userAuthEventSubscription = Bus.instance.on().listen((event) { setState(() {}); }); _appBarTitle = widget.title; super.initState(); } @override void dispose() { _userAuthEventSubscription.cancel(); widget.selectedFiles.removeListener(_selectedFilesListener); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return widget.type == GalleryType.homepage ? const SizedBox.shrink() : AppBar( backgroundColor: widget.type == GalleryType.homepage ? const Color(0x00000000) : null, elevation: 0, centerTitle: false, title: widget.type == GalleryType.homepage ? const SizedBox.shrink() : TextButton( child: Text( _appBarTitle!, style: Theme.of(context) .textTheme .headline5! .copyWith(fontSize: 16), ), onPressed: () => _renameAlbum(context), ), actions: _getDefaultActions(context), ); } Future _renameAlbum(BuildContext context) async { if (widget.type != GalleryType.ownedCollection) { return; } final result = await showDialog( context: context, builder: (BuildContext context) { return RenameDialog(_appBarTitle, 'Album'); }, barrierColor:, ); // indicates user cancelled the rename request if (result == null || result.trim() == _appBarTitle!.trim()) { return; } final dialog = createProgressDialog(context, "Changing name..."); await; try { await CollectionsService.instance.rename(widget.collection!, result); await dialog.hide(); if (mounted) { _appBarTitle = result; setState(() {}); } } catch (e) { await dialog.hide(); showGenericErrorDialog(context: context); } } Future _leaveAlbum(BuildContext context) async { final DialogUserChoice? result = await showChoiceDialog( context, "Leave shared album?", "You will leave the album, and it will stop being visible to you.", firstAction: "Cancel", secondAction: "Yes, Leave", secondActionColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.enteTheme.colorScheme.warning700, ); if (result != DialogUserChoice.secondChoice) { return; } final dialog = createProgressDialog(context, "Leaving album..."); await; try { await CollectionsService.instance.leaveAlbum(widget.collection!); await dialog.hide(); if (mounted) { Navigator.of(context).pop(); } } catch (e) { await dialog.hide(); showGenericErrorDialog(context: context); } } // todo: In the new design, clicking on free up space will directly open // the free up space page and show loading indicator while calculating // the space which can be claimed up. This code duplication should be removed // whenever we move to the new design for free up space. Future _deleteBackedUpFiles(BuildContext context) async { final dialog = createProgressDialog(context, "Calculating..."); await; BackupStatus status; try { status = await SyncService.instance .getBackupStatus(pathID: widget.deviceCollection!.id); } catch (e) { await dialog.hide(); showGenericErrorDialog(context: context); return; } await dialog.hide(); if (status.localIDs.isEmpty) { showErrorDialog( context, "✨ All clear", "You've no files in this album that can be deleted", ); } else { final bool? result = await routeToPage( context, FreeSpacePage(status, clearSpaceForFolder: true), ); if (result == true) { _showSpaceFreedDialog(status); } } } void _showSpaceFreedDialog(BackupStatus status) { final DialogWidget dialog = choiceDialog( title: "Success", body: "You have successfully freed up " + formatBytes(status.size) + "!", firstButtonLabel: "Rate us", firstButtonOnTap: () async { // TODO: Replace with final url = UpdateService.instance.getRateDetails().item2; launchUrlString(url); }, firstButtonType: ButtonType.primary, secondButtonLabel: "OK", secondButtonOnTap: () async { if (Platform.isIOS) { showToast( context, "Also empty \"Recently Deleted\" from \"Settings\" -> \"Storage\" to claim the freed space", ); } }, ); showConfettiDialog( context: context, dialogBuilder: (BuildContext context) { return dialog; }, barrierColor: Colors.black87, confettiAlignment: Alignment.topCenter, useRootNavigator: true, ); } List _getDefaultActions(BuildContext context) { final List actions = []; if (Configuration.instance.hasConfiguredAccount() && widget.selectedFiles.files.isEmpty && (widget.type == GalleryType.ownedCollection || widget.type == GalleryType.sharedCollection) && widget.collection?.type != CollectionType.favorites) { actions.add( Tooltip( message: "Share", child: IconButton( icon: const Icon(Icons.people_outlined), onPressed: () async { await _showShareCollectionDialog(); }, ), ), ); } final List items = []; if (widget.type == GalleryType.ownedCollection) { if (widget.collection!.type != CollectionType.favorites) { items.add( PopupMenuItem( value: 1, child: Row( children: const [ Icon(Icons.edit), Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.all(8), ), Text("Rename album"), ], ), ), ); } final bool isArchived = widget.collection!.isArchived(); // Do not show archive option for favorite collection. If collection is // already archived, allow user to unarchive that collection. if (isArchived || widget.collection!.type != CollectionType.favorites) { items.add( PopupMenuItem( value: 2, child: Row( children: [ Icon(isArchived ? Icons.unarchive : Icons.archive_outlined), const Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.all(8), ), Text(isArchived ? "Unarchive album" : "Archive album"), ], ), ), ); } if (widget.collection!.type != CollectionType.favorites) { items.add( PopupMenuItem( value: 3, child: Row( children: const [ Icon(Icons.delete_outline), Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.all(8), ), Text("Delete album"), ], ), ), ); } } // ownedCollection open ends if (widget.type == GalleryType.sharedCollection) { items.add( PopupMenuItem( value: 4, child: Row( children: const [ Icon(Icons.logout), Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.all(8), ), Text("Leave album"), ], ), ), ); } if (widget.type == GalleryType.localFolder) { items.add( PopupMenuItem( value: 5, child: Row( children: const [ Icon(Icons.delete_sweep_outlined), Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.all(8), ), Text("Free up device space"), ], ), ), ); } if (items.isNotEmpty) { actions.add( PopupMenuButton( itemBuilder: (context) { return items; }, onSelected: (dynamic value) async { if (value == 1) { await _renameAlbum(context); } else if (value == 2) { await changeCollectionVisibility( context, widget.collection!, widget.collection!.isArchived() ? visibilityVisible : visibilityArchive, ); } else if (value == 3) { await _trashCollection(); } else if (value == 4) { await _leaveAlbum(context); } else if (value == 5) { await _deleteBackedUpFiles(context); } else { showToast(context, "Something went wrong"); } }, ), ); } return actions; } Future _trashCollection() async { final collectionWithThumbnail = await CollectionsService.instance.getCollectionsWithThumbnails(); final bool isEmptyCollection = collectionWithThumbnail .firstWhereOrNull( (element) => == widget.collection!.id, ) ?.thumbnail == null; if (!isEmptyCollection) { final result = await showChoiceDialog( context, "Delete album?", "Files that are unique to this album " "will be moved to trash, and this album will be deleted.", firstAction: "Cancel", secondAction: "Delete album", secondActionColor:, ); if (result != DialogUserChoice.secondChoice) { return; } } final dialog = createProgressDialog( context, "Please wait, deleting album", ); await; try { await CollectionsService.instance .trashCollection(widget.collection!, isEmptyCollection); showShortToast(context, "Successfully deleted album"); await dialog.hide(); Navigator.of(context).pop(); } catch (e, s) { _logger.severe("failed to trash collection", e, s); await dialog.hide(); showGenericErrorDialog(context: context); } } Future _showShareCollectionDialog() async { final collection = widget.collection; try { if (collection == null || (widget.type != GalleryType.ownedCollection && widget.type != GalleryType.sharedCollection)) { throw Exception( "Cannot share empty collection of typex ${widget.type}", ); } if (Configuration.instance.getUserID() == widget.collection!.owner!.id) { unawaited( routeToPage( context, ShareCollectionPage(collection), ), ); } else { unawaited( routeToPage( context, AlbumParticipantsPage(collection), ), ); } } catch (e, s) { _logger.severe(e, s); showGenericErrorDialog(context: context); } } }