import "dart:async"; import "package:collection/collection.dart"; import "package:flutter/material.dart"; import "package:photos/core/constants.dart"; import "package:photos/core/event_bus.dart"; import "package:photos/events/location_tag_updated_event.dart"; import "package:photos/models/local_entity_data.dart"; import "package:photos/models/location/location.dart"; import "package:photos/models/location_tag/location_tag.dart"; import "package:photos/models/typedefs.dart"; import "package:photos/utils/debouncer.dart"; class LocationTagStateProvider extends StatefulWidget { final LocalEntity? locationTagEntity; final Location? centerPoint; final double? radius; final Widget child; const LocationTagStateProvider( this.child, { this.centerPoint, this.locationTagEntity, // if the locationTagEntity is null, we use the centerPoint and radius this.radius, super.key, }); @override State createState() => _LocationTagStateProviderState(); } class _LocationTagStateProviderState extends State { late double _selectedRadius; late Location? _centerPoint; late LocalEntity? _locationTagEntity; final Debouncer _selectedRadiusDebouncer = Debouncer(const Duration(milliseconds: 300)); late final StreamSubscription _locTagEntityListener; late final List _radiusValues; @override void initState() { _locationTagEntity = widget.locationTagEntity; _centerPoint = widget.centerPoint; assert(_centerPoint != null || _locationTagEntity != null); _centerPoint = _locationTagEntity?.item.centerPoint ?? _centerPoint!; ///If the location tag has a custom radius value, we add the custom radius ///value to the list of default radius values only for this location tag and ///keep it in the state of this widget. _radiusValues = _getRadiusValuesOfLocTag( _locationTagEntity?.item.radius ?? widget.radius, ); _selectedRadius = _locationTagEntity?.item.radius ?? widget.radius ?? defaultRadiusValue; _locTagEntityListener = Bus.instance.on().listen((event) { _locationTagUpdateListener(event); }); super.initState(); } @override void dispose() { _locTagEntityListener.cancel(); super.dispose(); } void _locationTagUpdateListener(LocationTagUpdatedEvent event) { if (event.type == LocTagEventType.update) { if (event.updatedLocTagEntities! == _locationTagEntity!.id) { setState(() { final updatedLocTagEntity = event.updatedLocTagEntities!.first; _selectedRadius = updatedLocTagEntity.item.radius; _centerPoint = updatedLocTagEntity.item.centerPoint; _locationTagEntity = updatedLocTagEntity; }); } } } void _updateSelectedRadius(double radius) { _selectedRadiusDebouncer.cancelDebounce(); async { if (mounted) { setState(() { _selectedRadius = radius; }); } }); } void _updateCenterPoint(Location centerPoint) { if (mounted) { setState(() { _centerPoint = centerPoint; }); } } void _updateRadiusValues(List radiusValues) { if (mounted) { setState(() { for (double radiusValue in radiusValues) { if (!_radiusValues.contains(radiusValue)) { _radiusValues.add(radiusValue); } } _radiusValues.sort(); }); } } ///Returns the list of radius values for the location tag entity. If radius of ///the location tag is not present in the default list, it returns the list ///with the custom radius value. List _getRadiusValuesOfLocTag(double? radiusOfLocTag) { final radiusValues = [...defaultRadiusValues]; if (radiusOfLocTag != null && !defaultRadiusValues.contains(radiusOfLocTag)) { radiusValues.add(radiusOfLocTag); radiusValues.sort(); } return radiusValues; } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return InheritedLocationTagData( _selectedRadius, _centerPoint!, _updateSelectedRadius, _locationTagEntity, _updateCenterPoint, _updateRadiusValues, _radiusValues, child: widget.child, ); } } ///This InheritedWidget's state is used in add & edit location sheets class InheritedLocationTagData extends InheritedWidget { final double selectedRadius; final Location centerPoint; //locationTag is null when we are creating a new location tag in add location sheet final LocalEntity? locationTagEntity; final VoidCallbackParamDouble updateSelectedRadius; final VoidCallbackParamLocation updateCenterPoint; final VoidCallbackParamListDouble updateRadiusValues; final List radiusValues; const InheritedLocationTagData( this.selectedRadius, this.centerPoint, this.updateSelectedRadius, this.locationTagEntity, this.updateCenterPoint, this.updateRadiusValues, this.radiusValues, { required super.child, super.key, }); static InheritedLocationTagData of(BuildContext context) { return context .dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType()!; } @override bool updateShouldNotify(InheritedLocationTagData oldWidget) { return oldWidget.selectedRadius != selectedRadius || !oldWidget.radiusValues.equals(radiusValues) || oldWidget.centerPoint != centerPoint || oldWidget.locationTagEntity != locationTagEntity; } }