import 'package:ente_auth/utils/totp_util.dart'; class Code { static const defaultDigits = 6; static const defaultPeriod = 30; int? generatedID; final String account; final String issuer; final int digits; final int period; final String secret; final Algorithm algorithm; final Type type; final String rawData; final int counter; bool? hasSynced; Code( this.account, this.issuer, this.digits, this.period, this.secret, this.algorithm, this.type, this.counter, this.rawData, { this.generatedID, }); Code copyWith({ String? account, String? issuer, int? digits, int? period, String? secret, Algorithm? algorithm, Type? type, int? counter, }) { final String updateAccount = account ?? this.account; final String updateIssuer = issuer ?? this.issuer; final int updatedDigits = digits ?? this.digits; final int updatePeriod = period ?? this.period; final String updatedSecret = secret ?? this.secret; final Algorithm updatedAlgo = algorithm ?? this.algorithm; final Type updatedType = type ?? this.type; final int updatedCounter = counter ?? this.counter; return Code( updateAccount, updateIssuer, updatedDigits, updatePeriod, updatedSecret, updatedAlgo, updatedType, updatedCounter, "otpauth://${}/" + updateIssuer + ":" + updateAccount + "?algorithm=${}&digits=$updatedDigits&issuer=" + updateIssuer + "&period=$updatePeriod&secret=" + updatedSecret + (updatedType == Type.hotp ? "&counter=$updatedCounter" : ""), generatedID: generatedID, ); } static Code fromAccountAndSecret( String account, String issuer, String secret, ) { return Code( account, issuer, defaultDigits, defaultPeriod, secret, Algorithm.sha1, Type.totp, 0, "otpauth://totp/" + issuer + ":" + account + "?algorithm=SHA1&digits=6&issuer=" + issuer + "&period=30&secret=" + secret, ); } static Code fromRawData(String rawData) { Uri uri = Uri.parse(rawData); try { return Code( _getAccount(uri), _getIssuer(uri), _getDigits(uri), _getPeriod(uri), getSanitizedSecret(uri.queryParameters['secret']!), _getAlgorithm(uri), _getType(uri), _getCounter(uri), rawData, ); } catch(e) { // if account name contains # without encoding, // rest of the url are treated as url fragment if(rawData.contains("#")) { return Code.fromRawData(rawData.replaceAll("#", '%23')); } else { rethrow; } } } static String _getAccount(Uri uri) { try { String path = Uri.decodeComponent(uri.path); if (path.startsWith("/")) { path = path.substring(1, path.length); } // Parse account name from documented auth URI // otpauth://totp/ACCOUNT?secret=SUPERSECRET&issuer=SERVICE if (uri.queryParameters.containsKey("issuer") && !path.contains(":")) { return path; } return path.split(':')[1]; } catch (e) { return ""; } } static String _getIssuer(Uri uri) { try { if (uri.queryParameters.containsKey("issuer")) { String issuerName = uri.queryParameters['issuer']!; // Handle issuer name with period // See if (issuerName.contains("period=")) { return issuerName.substring(0, issuerName.indexOf("period=")); } return issuerName; } final String path = Uri.decodeComponent(uri.path); return path.split(':')[0].substring(1); } catch (e) { return ""; } } static int _getDigits(Uri uri) { try { return int.parse(uri.queryParameters['digits']!); } catch (e) { return defaultDigits; } } static int _getPeriod(Uri uri) { try { return int.parse(uri.queryParameters['period']!); } catch (e) { return defaultPeriod; } } static int _getCounter(Uri uri) { try { final bool hasCounterKey = uri.queryParameters.containsKey('counter'); if (!hasCounterKey) { return 0; } return int.parse(uri.queryParameters['counter']!); } catch (e) { return defaultPeriod; } } static Algorithm _getAlgorithm(Uri uri) { try { final algorithm = uri.queryParameters['algorithm'].toString().toLowerCase(); if (algorithm == "sha256") { return Algorithm.sha256; } else if (algorithm == "sha512") { return Algorithm.sha512; } } catch (e) { // nothing } return Algorithm.sha1; } static Type _getType(Uri uri) { if ( == "totp") { return Type.totp; } else if ( == "hotp") { return Type.hotp; } throw UnsupportedError("Unsupported format with host ${}"); } @override bool operator ==(Object other) { if (identical(this, other)) return true; return other is Code && other.account == account && other.issuer == issuer && other.digits == digits && other.period == period && other.secret == secret && other.counter == counter && other.type == type && other.rawData == rawData; } @override int get hashCode { return account.hashCode ^ issuer.hashCode ^ digits.hashCode ^ period.hashCode ^ secret.hashCode ^ type.hashCode ^ counter.hashCode ^ rawData.hashCode; } } enum Type { totp, hotp, } enum Algorithm { sha1, sha256, sha512, }