import "dart:convert"; import "dart:math"; import "package:photos/core/constants.dart"; import "package:photos/models/location/location.dart"; import 'package:photos/models/location_tag/location_tag.dart'; import "package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart"; class LocationService { late SharedPreferences prefs; LocationService._privateConstructor(); static final LocationService instance = LocationService._privateConstructor(); void init(SharedPreferences preferences) { prefs = preferences; } List _getStoredLocationTags() { var list = prefs.getStringList('locations'); list ??= []; return list; } List getLocationTags() { final list = _getStoredLocationTags(); return => LocationTag.fromJson(json.decode(e))).toList(); } Future addLocation( String location, Location centerPoint, int radius, ) async { final list = _getStoredLocationTags(); //The area enclosed by the location tag will be a circle on a 3D spherical //globe and an ellipse on a 2D Mercator projection (2D map) //a & b are the semi-major and semi-minor axes of the ellipse //Converting the unit from kilometers to degrees for a and b as that is //the unit on the caritesian plane final a = (radius * _scaleFactor(centerPoint.latitude!)) / kilometersPerDegree; final b = radius / kilometersPerDegree; final locationTag = LocationTag( name: location, radius: radius, aSquare: a * a, bSquare: b * b, centerPoint: centerPoint, ); list.add(json.encode(locationTag.toJson())); await prefs.setStringList('locations', list); } ///The area bounded by the location tag becomes more elliptical with increase ///in the magnitude of the latitude on the caritesian plane. When latitude is ///0 degrees, the ellipse is a circle with a = b = r. When latitude incrases, ///the major axis (a) has to be scaled by the secant of the latitude. double _scaleFactor(double lat) { return 1 / cos(lat * (pi / 180)); } List enclosingLocationTags(Location fileCoordinates) { final result = List.of([]); final locationTagsData = getLocationTags(); for (LocationTag locationTag in locationTagsData) { final x = fileCoordinates.latitude! - locationTag.centerPoint.latitude!; final y = fileCoordinates.longitude! - locationTag.centerPoint.longitude!; if ((x * x) / (locationTag.aSquare) + (y * y) / (locationTag.bSquare) <= 1) { result.add( locationTag, ); } } return result; } bool isFileInsideLocationTag( Location centerPoint, Location fileCoordinates, int radius, ) { final a = (radius * _scaleFactor(centerPoint.latitude!)) / kilometersPerDegree; final b = radius / kilometersPerDegree; final x = centerPoint.latitude! - fileCoordinates.latitude!; final y = centerPoint.longitude! - fileCoordinates.longitude!; if ((x * x) / (a * a) + (y * y) / (b * b) <= 1) { return true; } return false; } } class GPSData { final String latRef; final List lat; final String longRef; final List long; GPSData(this.latRef,, this.longRef, this.long); Location toLocationFormat() { final latSign = latRef == "N" ? 1 : -1; final longSign = longRef == "E" ? 1 : -1; return Location( latitude: latSign * lat[0] + lat[1] / 60 + lat[2] / 3600, longitude: longSign * long[0] + long[1] / 60 + long[2] / 3600, ); } }