import { Readable } from 'stream'; import * as fs from 'promise-fs'; import { webFrame, ipcRenderer } from 'electron'; import { getElectronFile, getPendingUploads, setToUploadFiles, getElectronFilesFromGoogleZip, setToUploadCollection, } from './utils/upload'; import { logError } from './utils/logging'; import { ElectronFile } from './types'; import { getEncryptionKey, setEncryptionKey } from './utils/safeStorage'; import { clearElectronStore } from './utils/electronStore'; import { openDiskCache, deleteDiskCache } from './utils/cache'; // Patch the global WebSocket constructor to use the correct DevServer url const fixHotReloadNext12 = () => { webFrame.executeJavaScript(`Object.defineProperty(globalThis, 'WebSocket', { value: new Proxy(WebSocket, { construct: (Target, [url, protocols]) => { if (url.endsWith('/_next/webpack-hmr')) { // Fix the Next.js hmr client url return new Target("ws://localhost:3000/_next/webpack-hmr", protocols) } else { return new Target(url, protocols) } } }) });`); }; fixHotReloadNext12(); const responseToReadable = (fileStream: any) => { const reader = fileStream.getReader(); const rs = new Readable(); rs._read = async () => { const result = await; if (!result.done) { rs.push(Buffer.from(result.value)); } else { rs.push(null); return; } }; return rs; }; const exists = (path: string) => { return fs.existsSync(path); }; const checkExistsAndCreateCollectionDir = async (dirPath: string) => { if (!fs.existsSync(dirPath)) { await fs.mkdir(dirPath); } }; const checkExistsAndRename = async (oldDirPath: string, newDirPath: string) => { if (fs.existsSync(oldDirPath)) { await fs.rename(oldDirPath, newDirPath); } }; const saveStreamToDisk = (path: string, fileStream: ReadableStream) => { const writeable = fs.createWriteStream(path); const readable = responseToReadable(fileStream); readable.pipe(writeable); }; const saveFileToDisk = async (path: string, file: any) => { await fs.writeFile(path, file); }; const selectRootDirectory = async () => { try { return await ipcRenderer.invoke('select-dir'); } catch (e) { logError(e, 'error while selecting root directory'); } }; const sendNotification = (content: string) => { ipcRenderer.send('send-notification', content); }; const showOnTray = (content: string) => { ipcRenderer.send('update-tray', content); }; const registerResumeExportListener = (resumeExport: () => void) => { ipcRenderer.removeAllListeners('resume-export'); ipcRenderer.on('resume-export', () => resumeExport()); }; const registerStopExportListener = (abortExport: () => void) => { ipcRenderer.removeAllListeners('stop-export'); ipcRenderer.on('stop-export', () => abortExport()); }; const registerPauseExportListener = (pauseExport: () => void) => { ipcRenderer.removeAllListeners('pause-export'); ipcRenderer.on('pause-export', () => pauseExport()); }; const registerRetryFailedExportListener = (retryFailedExport: () => void) => { ipcRenderer.removeAllListeners('retry-export'); ipcRenderer.on('retry-export', () => retryFailedExport()); }; const reloadWindow = () => { ipcRenderer.send('reload-window'); }; const getExportRecord = async (filePath: string) => { try { const filepath = `${filePath}`; const recordFile = await fs.readFile(filepath, 'utf-8'); return recordFile; } catch (e) { // ignore exportFile missing logError(e, 'error while selecting files'); } }; const setExportRecord = async (filePath: string, data: string) => { const filepath = `${filePath}`; await fs.writeFile(filepath, data); }; const showUploadFilesDialog = async () => { try { const filePaths: string[] = await ipcRenderer.invoke( 'show-upload-files-dialog' ); const files = await Promise.all(; return files; } catch (e) { logError(e, 'error while selecting files'); } }; const showUploadDirsDialog = async () => { try { const filePaths: string[] = await ipcRenderer.invoke( 'show-upload-dirs-dialog' ); const files = await Promise.all(; return files; } catch (e) { logError(e, 'error while selecting folders'); } }; const showUploadZipDialog = async () => { try { const filePaths: string[] = await ipcRenderer.invoke( 'show-upload-zip-dialog' ); const files: ElectronFile[] = []; for (const filePath of filePaths) { files.push(...(await getElectronFilesFromGoogleZip(filePath))); } return { zipPaths: filePaths, files }; } catch (e) { logError(e, 'error while selecting zips'); } }; const windowObject: any = window; windowObject['ElectronAPIs'] = { exists, checkExistsAndCreateCollectionDir, checkExistsAndRename, saveStreamToDisk, saveFileToDisk, selectRootDirectory, sendNotification, showOnTray, reloadWindow, registerResumeExportListener, registerStopExportListener, registerPauseExportListener, registerRetryFailedExportListener, getExportRecord, setExportRecord, getElectronFile, showUploadFilesDialog, showUploadDirsDialog, getPendingUploads, setToUploadFiles, showUploadZipDialog, getElectronFilesFromGoogleZip, setToUploadCollection, getEncryptionKey, setEncryptionKey, clearElectronStore, openDiskCache, deleteDiskCache, };